Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

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    Kris.. ..I am thrilled beyond words and yet can’t believe seven years have gone by. Now, here is a lady never taking off her boxing gloves.



    Yesterday began my 7th year fighting. On Feb 9, 2011 I had an ultrasound. On Feb. 10 I had a cat scan. Then the rollercoaster began.
    Unresectable, but have had some lengthy pretty good outcomes with different drugs.


    I have explained the name before, it has been a while, this is a 1941 chris craft deluxe runabout with it’s original engine, a hercules flathead used by chris craft for many years. Most wooden boats don’t last this long, and even fewer have their original engine. This old girl has not only original wood throughout, but also it’s original engine which is still running strong. I can only hope to be as timeless as this old engine and craft, and keep doing what I have always done, and look good doing it…Ha…just had to throw that in, for a long time yet. Hope everyone has a remarkable January 26th, Pat


    Hi Pat. Beautiful Granddaughters and Boomer and Hercules look fabulous too. Glad you explained the Hercules. All these years I thought you were a weight lifter! LOL


    January 26 marks my eleventh anniversary of my liver resection surgery, which is still ‘working’ I guess. My case has required no other treatment at all. I hope things continue as they have.Here is a picture of my grandaughters and my dog Boomer being wisked along on lake Erie by the old Hercules motor from which I took my screen name. It is still running well, don’t you think? Here’s to a happy eleventh, Pat


    Brian…..great response to treatment. I am thrilled to see the downward trend and cross my fingers for continued shrinkage.
    How is Barb feeling? Is she experiencing any side affects?
    Have you mentioned to Dr. Kim that Barb is adding her own curative action to the treatment?



    Dear Brian, this looks like a very good report to me as all counts are on a downward move. YEA! What ever works we will take and you are both definitely doing the right stuff to kick CC to the curb! I would say the Brian and Barb team are a dynamo duo and keep on with the good work. Also many thanks for the informative post that could be of great help to others.


    Here is a “What’s Working” update. My wife, Barb, was found to have cancer in late July 2016. Through the process of elimination or exclusion, the various docs concluded it was ICC.
    As I have mentioned earlier, she was offered to join a phase II clinical trial at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa Bay with Dr Richard Kim and team. We started early Sept. Barb’s tumors were ‘too numerous to count’ in the liver and lung primarily. They are measuring a couple of the larger ones to track progress – and here is that progress…

    Date 8/23/16 11/15/16 1/17/17

    Confluent central mass 7.5 x 12.6 6.2 x 9.9 5.9 x 8.4

    Right hepatic lobe mass 4.9 x 6.4 4.4 x 4.9 3.0 x 4.2

    The trial drug is Copanlisib (BAY 80-6946) and the chemo drugs are Cisplatin and Gemcitabine. The Protocol number for this trial is MCC # 18435
    More at

    Barb also has added supplements such as Kyogreen drink mix and several other things AND is doing one or two coffee enemas every day. This is not part of the trial protocol as you might imagine but we believe it is part of the good results she is getting. Would love to hear any feedback, thoughts, comments. God bless you! Brian


    CONGRATULATIONS! YEA! WONDEFUL! STUPENDOUS! Hallelujah! So exciting to read this, Melinda. You are truly our Poster Girl. So happy for you!


    December 1st marked seven years from the day of my diagnosis. On one hand, it feels like forever ago, and on the other hand it feels like yesterday. Liver resection, three VATS, right lung thoracotomy, chemo regimens, clinical trial treatments, and now Pembrolizumab. It is crazy that this is the first time I can actually see a possibility of being NED. …….so much to be thankful for! !


    Hi, Randi Girl, miss you and hope you are doing well. Nice to see your smiling face!


    Randi…always thrilled to see you on this site. Have you considered sharing your story in the “survivorship” thread?
    Hugs to you,


    Congratulations Genevieve. What a stupendous outcome. 5 Years is truly something to celebrate.


    genevieve…..exhilarating news. Congratulations. This has not been an easy road, but the outcome is nothing but spectacular. So thrilling, dear Genevieve.
    I am wondering, would you care to add your story to the “survivor” thread?

    Thanks for considering,



    Genevieve, HURRAH! YEA! FABULOUS and so glad to read this. You give hope to everyone and may hubby’s health continue to be good. Thank you for the update and best of everything.

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