Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone

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    Brilliant news Daisy, well chuffed for you and your mum!!! Love hearing news like this!!!




    My mom has a scan today at Sloan and happy to report CLEAN!!!! Resection was done 8/5/2013 and chemo completed 3/2014. Dr.Chapman at Barnes did the resection!!


    Thanks again Lainy and Marion.

    Julie, I agree it takes a different perspective to see three surgeries as a positive, but we do too!

    I hope you never have a recurrence, but just some more information – my husband’s first recurrence was back in 7 months, not far from the surgical margin, but fortunately there was no suggestion he couldn’t have surgery again so soon. The doctors said that it probably there, but microscopic, at the time of the first surgery, just invisible on intra-operative ultrasound or any pre-op or post-op scans. It had grown quickly – not seen on CT 6 months earlier, over 4cm when resected. The second recurrence didn’t grow nearly as fast.

    Prayers and good wishes to you too,



    Malcom and Genevieve, Love that good news. Thanks so much for posting your good news and stories. Keep coming back….it’s very good to for the rest of us to see success stories. Genevieve, I realize that some might not consider 3 resections a success story…but “I DO” . My CC was also Intrahepatic and with clean margins…but one satellite tumor and one 5 cm tumor beside it. My surgeon said that if it comes back in 6 months (or so) she would not reoperate…that it would indicate an especially aggressive tumor…but two years…yes. Of course, my hope is that it doesn’t return, but if it does, I hope that she agrees to operate if it is operable…..or I am lucky enough to find someone else who is as aggressive as your husband’s surgeon. Here’s a prayer and all good wishes that your husband and Malcom continue to fight this monster, cc, and win the battle.


    Genevieve… this topic. Thanks for making it grow.


    Genevieve, great news from across the waters. Your husband is a real warrior and now deserves only good news. I think he also deserves a big YIPPEE! You both obviously have great attitudes and just keep on keeping on! Tell him how happy we are for you both and please keep us updated on his progress. Let’s give him one more YIPPEE!



    Just thought I’d write that it is now three years since my husband’s first resection for intrahepatic CC.. The tumour had satellites when first seen on a CT scan for something unrelated. He has had three resections, most recently in July this year. Margins were clear each time. He’s currently on adjuvant Xeloda.




    Malcom…. wonderful news all the way around. Congratulations on enjoying life and thank you for enhancing this inspiring section of hope and survival with your very own statements. Counting on your yearly update, forever.


    Thanks Lainy and Gavin – great to read your continuing words of support and encouragement on this forum for new and old visitors.


    Gavin, my son from another mother, just have to say…what about the PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!! Now, that’s what I’m talking about!!! They made little kittens out of the Panthers.


    Hi Malcolm,

    Great to see you on here again and what great news, 5 years, yay!!! Love it!!

    Sounds like you had a great trip to the USA and I am sure that Helen will be delighted to see you with your AMMF wristband on outside the White House! And everything seems full on with your life at the moment and that is so good to hear! Busy busy time for you!

    Hope to see you over here again and here’s to the next 5 years!

    My best wishes to you and your family,



    Hi, Malcom, so good to see your smiling face on here and more than that so great to hear your good report! Five years is nothing to sneeze at! Thank you for checking in with us and glad you had such an amazing trip. Keep up the good work and we look forward to hearing from you again. YIPPEE on your November Anniversary!


    November sees me 5 years down the line from (a UK) diagnosis and Whipple op – recently picked up a copy of ‘The Memories of Allen Oldfather Whipple’ – quite a guy.

    Just back from a three week US trip to Ocracoke, Williamsburg (lost the Colonies again!), Washington, Lancaster County (Amish) and Shenandoah – memorable. Had a pic with my UK AMMF wristband outside the White House.

    Seen a son in law and a daughter in law arrive plus three grandchildren. Still working, still swimming, still hiking. still hoping for progress for the CC family.

    I used to visit the ‘Good News’ Page regularly during my chemo and post op days hoping I would feature down the line. Here’s hoping others are doing the same.



    Dear Pat, YIPPEE! Doesn’t get any better than that! You are definitely a Poster “Boy” for CC. No Cancer, a fabulous attitude of now we know the problem, let’s get it fixed! Have a great Father and Son Day! Oh and one more thing….YIPPEE!

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