Hello, my name is Sandie, I am English but live in France. Last November I experienced a dull pain in my right side. The following day I visited by Doctor who organised a blood test for the next day. My Gamma GT was extremely high and following an ultrasound I was admitted to hospital for further tests. During a CT they found I had a large tumor on the right of my liver. I saw a liver specialist and was told that unless the tumor was removed I would not live longer than 2 months. I had a portal vein embolisation that cut the blood supply to the right side of my liver and forced the left side to grow. In January I had a resection and the tumor removed. I was released from hospital after 10 days but 10 days later was readmitted as an emergency following chronic pain. I had an emergency operation where 4 litres of bile were removed from my inside and my organs flushed clean. Four days later I had a stent inserted and then started a course of radio and chemo therapy which I am still on. The stent was removed and I will have an MRI in a few weeks. This entire process has been complicated by the fact that my French is limited and the French have limited English. However, I have been strong throughout and have had many laughs with the wonderful French staff at the various hospitals. I really have one question – having got this far, what are the chances of the cancer recurring?