Teddy is at PEACE

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Teddy is at PEACE

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    Lovely Lainy,

    Please know how much you are loved and appreciated by so many. You will not be alone, WE WILL ALL MISS TEDDY. You have shown us how to be the best caregiver, companion, momma bear there could be. You are such an inspiration.

    After my dear mother passed away from CC, I was in such deep pain, I could not muster going online, but I had to follow your story because of your deep love for each other. I will be praying for Teddy, you, and your family.

    Mom’s Daughter


    Dearest Lainy,

    I am so very sorry, I wish there was something that I could say to you right now. I am glad though that Teddy now has peace and is not suffering anymore. Please know that my thoughts are with you, Robin and all of your family.




    I dont know what to say. It all just seems wrong when you are talking about a family and a love like yours and Teddy’s.

    Know that you are in my heart and prayers and if I could reach you I would give you the biggest hug.



    Lainy, daughter and grandsons,

    I’m thankful you had the gift of being with Teddy at the very beginning of his heavenly journey. Perfect peace, perfect health, perfect love.

    May God wrap His arms around you in comfort.

    With my love,


    Dear Lainy,

    Words can not truely express how I am feeling right now. I logged on this morning hoping for news as to how things were going for the two of you. I am both happy and sad hearing that Teddy has passed on. Relieved to know that he is now at peace and no longer suffering and sad for your loss. You have so many wonderful memories and as you know, Teddy will always be with you in your heart and those memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,


    Oh Lainy,

    I just logged on here at work and am sitting at my microscope crying. Tears of saddness for you and your family, tears of joy that Teddy’s long battle and pain is finally over.

    I’m so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and those amazing pictures to remember him.

    You have truly been there every step of the way for Teddy. Thank you so much for sharing this remarkable man with all of us.

    I’m sending hugs, prayers for strength and lots of love to you and your family.

    I’m sure my Mom and all of the other CC warriors were there to welcome Teddy home.


    ElaineW wrote:
    Just think of all the other CC victims who greeted Teddy at the gates!

    Elaine, that visual made me cry all over again. What a truly beautiful and comforting thought! Teddy and my mother ought to get along swimmingly.



    The news we’ve all expected but have been dreading to hear. I’m so very sorry, Lainy, but take comfort in knowing you were there 100% for Teddy. Gary also passed after 3 nights in hospice, and the end was something you never forget…awful but awesome. Just think of all the other CC victims who greeted Teddy at the gates! The pain and suffering is over, you will get through this by your strength and memories. My thoughts and prayer are always with you…you’re my CC “sister”. Elaine


    Oh Lainy, I just saw your post. I am so sorry Teddy has passed, but so glad he is at peace. I’m so glad your daughter was with you and it was beautiful in the end. That is what you will have to hold on to for days to come. I am so proud you can celebrate his life and know his services will be uplifting and a tribute to the love your family has for him. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Pam


    Oh Lainy,

    You have always been there for all of us, now it is our turn to be here for you. You and Teddy had such a wonderful marriage. Your love was so evident. I am praying for you and your family.

    We all love you,


    Oh Lainy, my most sincere condolences to you and to your family. You did an amazing thing by being by Teddy’s side throughout all of this. How wonderful that he was able to be at home for all but the last three days of his life.

    I am privileged to “know” Teddy and you through this site. I pray that you feel God’s arms around you in the coming days and weeks.



    I’m so sorry to hear about Teddy. The next few days will fly by and you probably want remember it all. When you look back just remember your love and that he is having a good time in heaven looking over you. I’ve had some experiences of Wayne’s help in the last few months, so I know we have our guardian angels looking over us.



    Dear Lainy:
    Teddy will always be remembered by me. There were many personality traits Teddy had that reminded me of my husband who is healthy. Your advise, comments, and knowledge regarding this disease will continue to help me with my brother Ned who is in the battle. My sincere condolances to you and your family. I am glad Teddy’s suffering is over.

    God Bless you, Victoria


    Lainy and Family: Words cannot expresss…..my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you all. T was an inspiration to all of us on this board. You are correct, he is no longer suffering and has started a new journey. One where there is no pain, no doctors, no tests, no chemo, only peace.

    RIP Teddy. Go with God. Godspeed. We all love you.

    Margaret & Tom


    Dear Lainy,

    Please accept my deepest sympathy to you and your family.


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