Yet another CT scan on Friday Nov 2

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    Oh Kris, So sorry to hear of what you are dealing with. This is no walk in the park on a good day, but who needs all the added stress and hassles. Hope everything works out for you. Thinking of you and fingers crossed for easy going from here on. Hope all goes well.

    Love & Hugs,


    Not sure if this will help… From the general discussion article I posted on the problems Sandy has caused for cancer patients.

    Here’s the url for the American Cancer Society: it’s or call the toll free number 1-800-227-2345 and get info about what to do or where to go in times of disaster from the cancer information specialists.


    My heart goes out to you, Kris. You sure don’t need this added stress. Prayers that everything works out for you.

    Love, -Pam


    Kris know you are in my every prayer as is all the CC family. These are extremely stressful times just for the everyday “Joe” let alone people with serious issues. I read this just this morning, so maybe a little of light ahead for you: Trains are running on NJ Transit’s Northeast Corridor between Trenton and New York City. Sending you peace and love.


    I don’t have an onc at Fox Chase and I wouldn’t want to go to U of Penn… after this, I might try to get in to see the onc at Fox Chase and see if they will get trained in the pump. That way I don’t have to go all the way to NYC or Princeton every time.
    I should have checked into it when I was going thru radiation there.


    UGH! So sorry you have to go through this! I am familiar with the ride to NYC and it won’t be pleasant. Can you go to Fox Chase or UPenn?


    As of right now it’s strange that I can go more than 8 weeks between pump refills… so if she can’t change it to Tues. I have a CT Scan in NYC on Wed. and my pump refilled. Then I get to wait until the 19th to find out the results!! I think that’s cruel and unusual punishment!!!!! I hate when they make me wait and I said that I would like to get in earlier if possible.
    I’m just hoping NJ Transit is back up and running on Wed. so I can take the train instead of having to drive the whole way into NYC. Not my favorite ride. Plus there is not much in the way of gas to be found there…
    And I’m friggin’ tired of obstacles. I just wish something would go smoothly for a while…. I shouldn’t complain because for the most part I’m healthy. But this is the 2nd or 3rd time everything has been rescheduled and such. It’s frustrating. (Not counting cancelled surgeries)


    Wow, Kris….I am stressed for you. But you have continuously worked your way through obstacles and I expect for this to also turn out alright.


    Kris, best of luck on it all. As if you don’t have enough to worry about!


    I’m hoping my Princeton onc can fit me in tomorrow or Monday and they can do it… then I’ll worry about the scan. It would just stink to have gone thru all this and have the pump no longer work because it ran dry.


    Oh, yes, I have been watching, a real tragic catastrophe, along with missing people and etc. I was thinking that for a one time Scan and a one time cleaning you could do that closer to home considering the situation in NY.


    I figure you haven’t watched the news???? The lower half of Manhattan is still out of power: Train service is non-existent, and part of NJ, NY, etc are not expecting power for days or longer.
    Dr. K. is very possessive of her pump. I do have a backup Onc in Princeton, NJ but unfortunately, they don’t have power either. They DO have power in another office, but I need to know if I can get in there Mon. and if they are trained in the pump.
    Meanwhile, I am waiting to hear back from Dr. K’s office. If they can get me a CT scan in one of the NYC offices, then it’s worth the trip. But I can’t need gas up there: 2 hour waits and they keep running out at the gas stations. There is no power, gas, ice, etc….. it’s a mess.


    OMGOSH, Kris. Isn’t there anywhere in your area you can get the CT Scan and the Pump serviced? It is so hard to believe that power would be out that long.


    Not quite sure what to do. I thought I knew the problems Sandy left behind, but nope. The Basking Ridge office just called: they have no power and aren’t expecting it for weeks…
    I’m hoping they can find me a CT scan for Monday in NYC. Since I have to drive all the way there and there are no trains… this is a nightmare. I NEED to have the pump serviced: we’ve never gone this long before so I’m very nervous about it.
    I called my Princeton onc and they have no power either……



    Lots of prayers for a good scan!
    I make my oncologist release my scan results via MyChart prior to my appointment. I can’t stand to wait and plus I would rather have some private time to deal with my emotions and organize my questions.

    Take care and let us know how it goes!


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