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  • in reply to: Dave’s Journey is over #47872

    Sending much love and prayers to you and your family. Dave was truly an inspiration to all. Andrea x

    in reply to: We lost my dad last night #47662

    Dear GracefulMeadow,

    I am so sorry to hear the loss of your Dad. No words can make it better but your Dad is now at peace and not suffering anymore. He will always be by your side.

    Sending love to you and your family


    in reply to: Dad Update #47770

    The Doctor came to see Dad today, he has started Dad on Oramorph. He has told us to stop the antibiotics now as the liver is hardly functioning and the side effects are worse than a chance of infection would be at this point. We also explained how Dad had been whilst taking Atarax tablets and he did say those could cause a trance like state. It’s Dads jaundice that is doing most of the damage now and the Doctor thinks its better to start the oramorph sooner rather than later, Dad has said he is getting slight back pain when he walks. Dads lungs were still clear so no oxygen was given to help his breathing, the doctor hopes the oramorph helps with this as he thinks Dad is also anxious. The Macmillan Nurses are coming Friday to assess Dad. Mom helped him wash which he hated. He keeps saying “what have i come to i’m such a mess” which is upsetting to hear.

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers

    in reply to: Wikipedia and cholangiocarcinoma – what do you think? #47791

    I must admit my Dad does not use the internet so I never told him what I had read, only the positive stories.

    Grandson taking first steps, how wonderful but tell Kate this is when the trouble really starts lol, and he will have you kicking a football (or Rugby) around before you know it!.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Wikipedia and cholangiocarcinoma – what do you think? #47788

    Hi Malc,

    I have just read your previous posts and realised you are Katja Dad! Welcome to the site and I am so pleased you are feeling so well.

    I met with Professor Lodge in November but unfortunately it was too late for my Dad to be treated.

    When my Dad was jaundiced I went on the net with his symptoms and came up with Cholangiocarcinoma. Then went on Wikipedia and had the fright of my life. Luckily I found this site and it’s helped me and my Dad get through the last 12 months.

    Good luck with your forthcoming scan.

    Enjoy your trip and say hello to your Katja for me

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Atarax for itching #47635

    Thanks all,

    Well today was another bad day. Dad has stopped taking the tablets but he is still not functioning well. He was very angry today, which is not my Dad at all. He said he is fed up of it all, if it’s not one thing it’s another and he really wishes he was dead. I was shocked as I’ve never heard him talk like this and with such anger. I can understand how frustrating it must be and my Dad has always been a very proud and private man. He is upset that Mom is going to have to start helping him wash.

    His main problem is being breathless, I asked to call the doctor but he shouted at me and said it would be a doctor on call and he only wanted to see his own, so to leave it until Monday.

    Mom is beside herself and I feel like a little girl lost as I really don’t know what to say or do as I know I can’t make it better.

    We did sit and watch Star Wars together and he ate a bowl of tomato soup and a round of bread.

    I know this sounds dreadful and I hate myself for thinking it but I really wish I could give him something to end all this as this isn’t my Dad anymore and I don’t want to remember him like this.

    Im still shocked at how quick it has all happened, he was laughing and joking Wednesday, and although still ill he wasn’t half as bad as this. I know we would have to get this point someday but I didn’t think we would get here so soon. I hope it is partly the tablets and perhaps when they are out of his system he may perk up a bit.

    Best wishes to all

    in reply to: Atarax for itching #47632

    Thanks for that Gavin, it certainly is putting him in a deep sleep and is acting as a tranquiliser. Seeing as Dad was doing really well before these tablets I think these are causing the change in him. As for the Macmillan Nurse coming in, I think as long as Mom is happy Dad will be.

    Jen, I did tell Dad he is not a burden and he would do the same if it was one of us, which made him cry. This broke my heart to see. Each day is getting so much harder, I just hope he manages to remain pain free. Mom and Dad will celebrate their 38th Wedding Anniversary in March and Mom also turns 60. I hope my Dad is still with us for them to celebrate these dates.

    It seems that as soon as we sort out one thing another problem appears. Hopefully we can sort this and have a few good days again.

    How is your Dad Jen? Hope the bed is helping his shoulder.

    Thank you all for your kindness,

    Love to all x

    in reply to: Atarax for itching #47629

    Thanks all,

    We will be talking to the DN and doctor on Monday. The DN only comes Mondays and Thursdays now Dads drain is ok. It does say the side effects should wear off after a few days, when the body is used to them. Dad started taking them Tuesday, he was ok Wednesday it all started last night. When I went to see him this morning he was ok but within 30mins of taking his tablet he was out of it.

    The doctor wouldn’t prescribe anything for Dads breathlessness a few weeks back as he said his lungs were clear and he still shows no signs of ascites. I think because he more or less sits in the chair all day apart from getting up to go to the toilet he has lost all muscle strength and the breathlessness is due to his weakness. I have read that an electric fan can help with this so I am going to take one up tomorrow, I’ve also printed off some breathing techniques off the cancer website.

    Mom and Dad have kept putting the Macmillan Nurses off but Mom is coming round to the idea now so hopefully she will ask them to come in soon. I feel so sorry for her, whilst she wants a break she doesn’t want to leave him either. Dad is worried she won’t cope but I have promised him I will go back and live there when the end draws near so she won’t have to cope on her own. He seemed more settled once I told him that.

    Thanks for listening

    in reply to: Dad update #47354

    Thanks Jemima,

    I will mention it to the DN when i see them and perhaps they can do a test to see if his levels are high, not sure what they can do if they are.

    Hope you and your Mom are ok.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Dad update #47352

    Hi Jen,

    I hope the bed has worked for your Dad, I can only imagine how uncomfortable a broken shoulder must be for him. I hope you manage to get to see your Dads bench, but if the weather is still bad it’s not worth the risk, there will be other days to visit it all together. I remember you mentioning your Dads birthday, can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks away, what a celebration that is going to be!! Another day of precious memories.

    Dad is still on a downer but not as bad as yesterday. My Aunt and Uncle visited him today and Mom said he really perked up while they were there but once they had gone he went quiet again. When I was with him this morning he said he thought the tablets were working for his heartburn and itching BUT he now has itchy eyes, seems to be a new thing everyday. I suggested drops but he just said “I don’t want anything else to take!” His speech is slurred everynow and again and he seems to be getting more forgetful. On the positive side still no pain and his drain is not causing him any problems.

    I took Mom out for a few hours whilst Dad had his morning nap, she had a good cry and said while she doesn’t want to lose him she thinks it would be better if he could just go quietly in his sleep now, as this isn’t living anymore. As hard as it was to hear I can see what she means. My Dad was always so active and now even though his mind is ok his body won’t let him do what he wants, he gets so frustrated and upset about this. It’s hearbreaking to see.

    Take care and best wishes to you and your family x

    in reply to: Dad update #47339
    Lainy wrote:
    WOW! Well, maybe he has a lot to say and its all coming out at night! :):)

    That’s made me laugh, you’re probably right! Mom said he’s saying No alot, so he’s not happy about something!! x

    in reply to: Dad update #47350

    Hi Lainy,

    No Dad is not on morphine, the only thing he takes is an antibiotic which he has done since June time. x

    in reply to: Dad update #47347

    Hi Jen,

    Sorry to hear your Dad has broken his shoulder and hoping that the hospital bed helps. Im glad your Dad is still doing the same symptom wise though as that is a bonus and one less worry.

    Since I wrote my update Dad is starting to get a little confused and Mom said he is talking alot in his sleep,almost like nightmares but not enough to wake him. He was really fed up today and said he’d had enough of this, we occasionally have bad days so I’m hoping he’s back to his fighting spirit tomorrow. Luckily still no pain and the bag is working well, so not all bad.

    Take care and love to you and your family x

    in reply to: Constant runny nose #47512

    Hi Gavin,

    Yes the Doctor has given him some Proton pump inhibitor tablets,lansoprazole. They are supposed to control the acid and hopefully stop it producing the excess mucous which results in post nasal drip. He has also prescribed him tablets for his itching, again can’t remember the name but they are tiny orange tablets and he has to take 3 a day.

    Sometimes he is getting confused and Mom said he is talking alot in his sleep almost like nightmares but not enough to wake him up. His eyes seem really sunken today and he admitted to me he has had enough now, he is so frustrated with everything. Saying that we do have these odd dark days and the next he bounces back, so hopefully timorrow will be better. The DN told me Friday he is a real fighter and doing very well, she works in the same building as me and told me if I need to ask anything they are always there, so that’s good to know.

    Best wishes to everyone

    in reply to: Metal stents #46861

    Hi Andy,

    So glad you are sorted out and back at home.

    My Dad had metal inside metal and when they blocked they couldn’t remove them and they also narrowed the bile duct, so plastic ones seem to be the much better option. Hopefully they will last longer than 3 months but my Dad would have taken an ERCP over a stabbing anyday!!

    What you mention regarding the new technology to clean out metal stents sounds interesting too.

    Take care, enjoy being home and please keep us updated.

    Best wishes


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