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  • in reply to: Is it normal to have a break from chemo ? #46087

    Hi Jemima,

    Whilst I am so glad your Mom is doing so well I can understand your frustration. I know from experience how frustrating it is when they don’t seem to have all the facts and reports in front of them and can’t give you answers to all the questions.

    Dad was told he would have to have a break after 6 months of chemo (but as you know we never got there)

    I’m one for not letting things go so I think I’d have to get in touch with the Doctor to see why the break from chemo has come sooner than expected, when your Mom was coping well with the chemo regime.

    It may be that it has done it’s job in controlling/shrinking the tumor and the rest will help your Moms body to recover ready for the next round of chemo.

    Did they mention having another scan before March? I would think they would need to do one to 1) see if the tumor had grown and 2) use as a baseline scan if further treatment is needed.

    I hope you get some answers soon.

    Wishing you and your Mom a happy and healthy 2011


    Andrea x

    in reply to: Mom turned 83 yesterday! #45916

    I’m so glad your Mom reached her goal and had a lovely birthday. Here’s to many more goals!!

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Can it be ten years …. #45815

    Dear Helen,

    Just want to say we are thinking of you and your family today. I’d also like to thank you for all the hard work you have done in the UK for cholangiocarcinoma.

    Alan will be watching down from heaven so proud of all the work you have done. Miracles can happen and with people like you we have more chance of our miracle happening.

    Much love

    Andrea x

    in reply to: ISO a poem, encouragement, anything! #45716

    I’m glad you like them Susan, they are beautiful aren’t they.

    I found them on google internet search.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: ISO a poem, encouragement, anything! #45713

    Christmas in Heaven
    by Unknown

    ‘Tis Christmas in Heaven
    What a beautiful sight!
    It’s my first one here;
    Everything is all right.

    The crib is adorned
    With the brilliance of stars,
    Wisemen have come
    From Venus and Mars.

    I’ve met all our dear ones
    Who preceded us here;
    The reunion was lovely,
    An event full of cheer.

    And tonight we’ll all gather,
    In reverence we’ll kneel,
    For the Babe in the cradle
    Up in Heaven is Real.

    I think of my family
    that I left behind
    And I pray that your Christmas
    Is as blessed as mine

    Please shed no more tears,
    For my soul is at rest,
    Just love one another;
    Live life to its best.

    Yes, It’s Christmas In Heaven,
    So I’ve heard them say,
    Yet, Christmas In Heaven
    Happens every day.

    in reply to: ISO a poem, encouragement, anything! #45712

    My First Christmas In Heaven

    I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
    With tiny lights, like Heaven’s stars, reflecting on the snow

    The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear
    For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year

    I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
    But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here

    I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring
    For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing

    I know how much you miss me
    You know I hold you dear
    And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year

    I sent you each a special gift
    From my heavenly home above
    I sent you each a memory of my undying love

    After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold
    It was always most important in the stories Jesus told

    Please love and keep each other
    As my Father said to do
    For I can’t count the blessing or love he has for each of you

    So have a Merry Christmas
    And wipe away that tear:
    Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

    in reply to: Slurred speech and other symptoms #45760

    Hi Katja,

    Hope you are all ok. The weather here in the Midlands is awful today, already one accident on the road outside our house.

    I do think Dads slurred speach was down to tiredness, thanks for saying your Dad had experienced it too, it does put my mind at rest when someone else has experienced or noticed this. His stomach was ok this morning, so I think it is digestion problems. My problem is the time limit which I think is making my mind work overtime, and also made worse by the fact I have not seen Dad for a week, the longest since he was diagnosed.

    Dad had a CT scan the other week and there had been change since his August one, more ducts were blocked but that was all that Professor Lodge said. We had been told that the stent wasn’t working due to tumor blocking the stent. I can honestly say though he isn’t has bad as I thought he would be, I think I’m just so scared he’s going to go downhill so fast. We were told though that it would be the jaundice effect and not the cancer that would do the harm to Dad. He was told he would just go more and more tired and slip into a coma. I don’t want this to happen for months, or if a miracle could happen, years, but I would much prefer it to happen like this than suffer pain.

    Thinking of you too, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas x

    in reply to: Ben’s Chemo started October 30th, 2010 Gemzar and Cisplatin #43801

    Hi Tom,

    I’m so glad Ben is doing so well with his Chemo.

    Enjoy birthday celebrations and Christmas too, the hazelnut chocolate mousse cake sounds scrummy.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Slurred speech and other symptoms #45757

    Hi Gavin,

    Hope you and your Mom are ok, i see the snow has returned! We are having it here at the moment too. Still can’t get rid of my cough but Jamie is really poorly with sickness/flu. We were supposed to be going to Warwick Castle the weekend but that will have to be done another weekend now.

    Spoke to Dad about 30 mins ago and his speech sounded normal. He did say his stomach had gone down abit but at the end of the day it does usually swell a little and he feels full but the following morning he is ok, so I’m thinking that this is to do with digestion and not ascites. Perhaps the rice pudding was too heavy for him. He is not swollen anywhere else or in any pain. Just a little tired. I don’t think this time of year helps having to stay in and also I haven’t seen him for nearly a week so apart from popping to see his work friends Tuesday he hasn’t seen anyone apart from my Mom. Everyone else is keeping away as they seem to have cold and flu.

    The Macmillan Nurse did phone Dad to see if she could visit but he said no! She asked about pain and his appetite and Dad said they were both ok so she agreed to send him her details in the post and that explained she was only a phone call away. I am having to take a step back as he gets defensive if you mention them, he has also stopped taking his ensure drinks, saying they won’t increase his appetite, i tried to explain they weren’t just for that but he said “I don’t need them i’m eating”. again I’ve taken a step back as he is eating 3 small meals and snacks and i don’t want to keep nagging him but if his appetite decreases then I will order them.

    Dad didn’t have the flu jab, don’t think he was offered it. I didn’t have mine either, working for the NHS i’m entitled to it but I wasn’t at work on the day it was given. Wished I’d have popped in now.

    Take care of yourself


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42149

    Hi Margaret,

    Great news about Tom!! so glad he’s feeling much better.

    Love and hugs


    in reply to: Slurred speech and other symptoms #45755

    Thanks for your advice Margaret,

    Mom hasn’t noticed his speech just me when i spoke to him on phone.

    I think she would have noticed if his face had changed and I think Dad would have mentioned it too.

    Mom did mention I’d woke him up when I phoned so perhaps thats why, another reason could be he hadn’t put in his saliva spray.

    Mom did say his stomach had swollen, which worried me as I was wondering if it was the beginning of ascites. It wasn’t like it this morning, only after he had rice pudding. Mom just told me it is less bloated now. Would ascites go up and down like this or could it just be digestion problems?

    Thanks again for your help.



    in reply to: Teddy’s Celebration of Life Friday #45587

    Dearest Lainy,

    Don’t know how I missed this post.

    Thinking of you and your family today. Teddy will be watching down over you, so proud, like we all are, of you.

    Love always


    in reply to: Off to Germany for treatment #45632

    Dear Kris,

    Wishing you and Hans a safe and successful journey.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


    Andrea x

    in reply to: It’s been just over a year now. #45592

    Hi Gavin,

    I have been thinking of you as I knew from previous posts that your Dad passed away around my Dads birthdate.

    I can only imagine what you are going through on days like these, and I think being near to Christmas somehow makes it worse. I’m angry for you and your Mom that your family didn’t make a call. I know some people perhaps don’t know what to say or how to handle things but that really is putting their feeling first and not the persons who really needs the support.

    With your Mom I think that is her way of dealing with your Dads passing, my Nan has never really spoken of my Grandads death and until my Dad was told he was terminal I’d never seen her cry.

    What I do know is that your Dad would be so proud of you and especially proud of all the support you have shown to all of us, your CC family.

    Thinking of you



    in reply to: When it rains… #45455

    Congratulations and what a beautiful name.

    God bless you and your little angel.

    Best wishes


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