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  • in reply to: People who just don’t get it #49132

    Hi Missy,

    I totally understand how you feel and my Mom even more so. When my Dad was first diagnosed and chemo was an option friends and family would phone and visit but once my Dad was told chemo wasn’t going to be an option and he had a few months left, the visits and phone calls off certain family members and friends became less and less. This upset Mom and whilst Dad never said anything only “I have everybody who I want here with me” you could tell at times this hurt him. I know people probably don’t know what to say or how to handle things, and perhaps the people who didn’t visit were worried Dad would think “they are only here because I am ill”. At the end of the day they are putting their feelings before the patients, yes they may feel scared, they may feel upset but how the hell do they think the patient is feeling!!

    Now Dad has sadly passed away those people who didn’t visit have voiced how they wished they had visited or phoned more, but they didn’t want to intrude. Well it’s too late to turn back time and it’s something they will have to deal with.

    At times Dad didn’t feel up to visitors or the nurses were due in and he didn’t want people there the same time as the nurses. People had to fit around Dad, and the people thay really understood did, nothing was too much trouble.

    Perhaps when they phone you could say “It would be really nice to see you, I know Kevin would like to see a different face than mine, someone different to chat to would do him and me good”.

    And yes life is to short to be an ass!

    Keep strong xx

    in reply to: Do you always have pain with CC? #49091

    We were told Dads was slow growing, how long the tumour had been there we will never know. In the end it was where it was located instead of the size that caused Dads problem, and it was the jaundice that caused Dad to pass, perhaps that is why he was pain free. Despite fitting 3 stents they couldn’t get a clear path for the bile to flow due to tumour location, Dads was extrahepatic CC, right in the middle of the Y, hence causing the stent difficulty. But we have families on here with the same tumour location and they are doing well. Keep strong, enjoy each day and remember no one has an expiry date stamped on them, xx

    in reply to: Do you always have pain with CC? #49085

    Dear Minnie,

    My Dad suffered no pain throughout his cc journey, only a little discomfort after a stent procedure, but then not enough to need painkillers.

    It was always my main worry that he would be in pain, as reading alot of stories on here mentioned pain. Dad must have been one of the lucky ones and hopefully your husband will remain pain free too.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: New here and warmed by your stories #49046

    Hi Linda,

    Would just like to join the others and welcome you to our cc family.

    Please come back with any questions our worries you may have, a problem shared is a problem halved,

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Heaven #47079

    Lainy, it really took my breathe away when I saw it. I haven’t had anything like it since but will definatley look out for objects in our future photos.

    My Mom often used to see 1 star in the sky, which she said was my Grandad, and she said to my Dad, when you reach your next journey let me know you are there by shining in the sky. A few nights ago when Mom was looking out the window 2 stars were shining bright next to each other. She hasn’t seen it since.

    Also on 3 occasions when Mom hasn’t locked up properly she has heard a noise which has made her go downstairs, hence discovering a door is unlocked. I’m convinced this is also my Dad telling her to lock up properly. as he was always worried she wouldn’t when he was in hospital! Luckily it’s not the main door she is forgetting to lock but still a door enough to worry Dad.

    My husband keeps finding 5 pences in the strangest of places (pity it is not

    in reply to: Heaven #47077
    Lainy wrote:
    Andie, can you tell me what the orb looked like? I have seen many orbs but only in photographs.

    Perhaps orb was the wrong word to use but it was like a ball of light, hovering on the ground outside my sons bedroom door. The landing was in darkness, as I didn’t want to wake my husband and son by putting the lights on. All doors were shut so nothing could have reflected to cause this light. For a second I froze on the spot and felt my heart racing, after a few second it went. My son had been having a really hard time with Dads death and I like to think it was Dad paying him a visit.

    in reply to: Heaven #47075


    I want to add that like Lainy, I believe. Part of me questions why good people have to suffer so much, and why would a God put people and their families through so much pain BUT believing there is a Heaven is helping me.

    Before Dad passed away he too was having conversations with loved ones that had passed. 2 hours before he passed away he sat upright desperate to get to the corner of the room. After that he said “I’m coming” previously he had been saying “I’m not ready yet”. From the Wednesday before he passed on the Saturday, Mom and I had been experiencing periods of coldness, like we were being wrapped in a blanket of coldness. This got stronger from the Friday and we really do believe that it was the presence of relatives that had passed away.

    On the morning of Dads funeral I smelt his aftershave whilst washing up in the kitchen, it was so strong, almost as though he was standing next to me.

    A few days after Dads funeral, I saw an orb on the upstairs landing outside my sons bedroom, I like to think this was my Dad watching out for my son who has been having a difficult time lately.

    I like to think Dad is now with relatives and friends who have passed away, catching up on old times and looking over us until we are all together again.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42224

    Wonderful News!!!

    Love to you and Tom x

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42214

    Go Girl!!!

    I would have done exactly the same thing if I was in your position. If a letter makes you feel better, write that too.

    Love to you and Tom x


    Hi and welcome to our cc family.

    First the next few months are going to be a rollercoaster of emotions you never knew existed but you have found this site and we will all be here to help and advise you.

    Have you had a 2nd or 3rd opinion? I’m guessing your from the UK? If you are check on AMMF website the UKs only Cholangiocarinoma charity, there is lots of advice on there.

    We contacted a Professor Lodge at Leeds who was also very helpful, i can give you his details if you like.

    Has you Mother in Law had a stent fitted or been offered chemo?

    Please do not give up, Cholangiocarcinoma is very rare and from experience you really have to fight and push for the treatment you want.

    I’m sure other members will be in touch soon to offer their advice

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Newly diagnosed father #48873

    Hi Jennifer,

    Welcome to our CC family. Where about are you from?

    Have you got 2nd and even 3rd opinions? This is very rare and the more opinions you get the better, even if they all say the same then you know you have tried.

    Before they let you Dad out after his stent did they check the bile level was coming down? I know my Dad looked jaundiced throughout his CC even when his stents were working. Tell your Dad to drink lots as it helps flush the bile out of the body.

    Good luck with the appointment next week. I’d write a list of questions down that you would like to ask, take them in with you and ask the Doctor to write down and discuss the answers with you.

    I’m sure someone else will be along soon with more advise soon

    Best wishes


    in reply to: My Sister’s Blessing #46846

    Dearest Tommy,

    I am so sorry to hear that your beloved Judy has passed away.

    There are really no words I can say to make it better but I know that watching my Dad the last week of his life was heartbreaking and knowing he is now at peace helps the pain a little.

    The next few days will be a blur with orgainising the funeral etc, but you have 3 loving daughters and the love you share will give you the strength to get through the days and weeks ahead.

    Sending love to you and your family

    Take care


    in reply to: belliruben #48641

    Hi Jessee,

    Did they fit your Husband with a plastic or metal stent when his bilirubin was high? If so the stent may have become blocked or like Lainy said he may have an infection which can cause bilirubin to rise. This can be sorted out with either a course of antibiotics or the stent being either cleaned out or a new one fitted.

    What did the doctors say about the rise in bilirubin?

    Bowel movements don’t effect bilirubin levels but your husband could drink alot to help flush the bilirubin out of his system. My Dad was always told to drink, drink, drink. He also took fresh lemon juice and warm water morning and night as we were told lemon helps to thin the bile.

    Hope you get it sorted soon


    in reply to: Mom’s now resting #48655

    Dear Lanne,

    I’m so sorry to hear that your beloved Mom as passed away. I lost my Dad on Feb 19th, so I know how you are feeling.

    My thoughts and love are with you.

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Great Checkup #48596

    Great News Nancy!!! Heres to many more years of great results x

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