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  • in reply to: Brought home #56848

    Thank you Kris, you wouldn’t believe what happened. Marion we are going interfuron, Im type 2 which responds nicely to meds for 6 mos. Kris, I go to my GI. Order cat scan and 10 viles of blood work in same day, then that night I get a call that I need an MRI. My bile ducts are inflammed and not clear. And there is extra stress on my liver, oh boy! What’s the odds of bile duct issues being so rare and my brother dieing and now something is up with mine. I’ll keep you posted. Prayers please, Im afraid.

    in reply to: Brought home #56845

    Hi, Im Tom’s sister again from last post. Today I am going to my doctor because even though I have not had a drink in 14 years, I have Hep C. Seeing Tom go so fast, I am petrified. I do have fibrosis but the Docs said my enzymes were slightly elevated but not bad. Ive decided to go thru the treatment of interfuron and riboflavin (SP?). Because CC scares the hell out of me and I have to keep my liver healthy. Any other knowlege on this would be very appreciated. My BEST to all.

    in reply to: Brought home #56844

    My brother, Tom, had cirrosis and Cholangiocarcinoma. He had stopped drinking for a couple of years then picked up alcohol again. He drank in January and died July 17, diagnosed May 31 with ascites (gone in 1 1/2 mos.) Doctors said Cholangiocarcinoma wasn’t from his drinking BUT when diagnosised, there was nothing they could do because his liver was gone. He kept quiet about picking up drinking so I dont think he knew if he was having symptoms or not. He did say though that he was angry that he never had a symptom or a warning, He knew drinking all his life off and on wasn’t good for him but a year earlier they told him his liver was fine in a checkup (he had not been drinking in a couple of years). When the doctors told him this cancer was not from drinking, he was relieved. But we all knew in our hearts that if he could of put down his drinking, he would still be with us. Both lobes had cirrosis and nodules of cancer, plus CC, he didn’t have a shot in hell. I would just recommend to keep your liver as healthy as possible and don’t feed it toxins because the organ is something your gonna need to fight this. I hope I made sense, alcoholism is our family disease and the denial just makes you shake your head. Miss him sooo.

    in reply to: Brought home #56840

    Hi Nancy, sorry to hear of your Mom and husband. CC is so silent and fast. Im concerned with the silence of it all. I have Hep C and fibrosis and now am petrified on cancer taking over. Not only did I lose my brother from CC, he also had cirrosis and my uncle died the year before of cirrosis which turned to cancer. I want to be proactive being a mother with children. Getting ALTs checked and now am seriously thinking of interfuron/ribo. New drug telaprevir, been waiting for approval from FDA. Can’t wait any longer. There are drugs for Hep C and fibrosis in Europe which are not as harsh as interfuron but takes forever for approval in the states. Any info from people regarding any of these issues, greatly appreciated. I do not see much of people talking about the disease of alcoholism having anything to do with their CC. I there no relation with the two at all?

    in reply to: Brought home #56819

    Thank you, Nancy. My name is Nancy and it’s rarely heard of until this site. I have seen the name Tom alot (which was my brothers name) too. Im interested in knowing what people’s warnings were. How they found the bile duct cancer early. Do you know where this info would be found on the discussion board? Do you feel her cancer was from alcoholism? You had her a few years after diagnosis? How was that road, if you don’t mind me asking. My heart goes out to you. I hate alcoholism, my family is dripping in it. So glad you had your Mom sober. Nancy

    in reply to: 2 months since my Tom passed #56755

    Some people never get to experience true love, how blessed you both were or should I say are. Your love for each other will never be past tense. You both knowing what you have is such a gift. There is no doubt your angel is Tom, 2 months ago and today forever. I lost my brother 6 mos. ago (from this cancer) and my true love 25 years ago, I know who my angels are. It was nice hearing you talk about your love for each other. I hope you feel HIS peace when your in your pain. Nancy B.

    in reply to: It’s already been six months! #56035

    Rose, I lost my brother, Tom, six months ago. Im saying the same as you. Six months already. I don’t want the time to move, feel like he is farther away. Then I feel like he is always with us. I am new to this site. Im curious to know if peoples loved ones left as soon as my brother did. Not even 2 months and he was gone. Still in shock.

    in reply to: The end of my story #56722

    Hello Everyone, I am new to this site. My brother, Tom, died in July 17 ’11 of this cancer. Diagnosed May 31 ’11. I feel and pray for you all. Tommy was only 53. His alcoholism (lifetime of on and off drinking, constantly battling his disease, could never surrender) brought his end much faster for he had cirrosis also. His ascites in May was the first sign that something was wrong. By the grace of God, he came to live with me and my family a year and a half prior diagnosis. For some strange (Holy Spirit) reason, I asked him to come live with us so he could get back on his feet again. I had never asked him his whole life because he always picked up booze. This time was different I felt (still not knowing why), he came and lived with us sober and we had a relationship as brother and sister that we had never experienced and he became my best friend, walking my dogs together everyday for 1 1/2 years. Tom had lived in shelters and on the streets most of his life. God had brought him home to us. He passed with his family around him, we couldn’t of been prouder of who is was when he passed. An angel is my eyes, a good man who didn’t have one enemy and never said a bad word about anyone. My Mom was on one side of him and I on the other. Reading these stories, I feel him closer to me. God Bless you all. I have no doubt, Tom and I will be together again.

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