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  • in reply to: My wee dad #88149

    Tried to upload a pic …. Did it work ? Thanks guys for all your lovely messages xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88143

    Hi guys … The fundraiser was a HUGE success and we raised £1140 plus gift aid for Marie curie . The local newspaper reporter turned up and was very impressed with what we were doing and took a few pictures . It was very busy and as you guys says I didn’t get time to think !!! We all toasted my dad and all my friends and family had a fantastic night as everyone really enjoyed themselves !!! My mum got up the next morning and there was a white feather on the carpet in front of my dad’s chair!! Thanks for being here xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88139

    Hi guys D day is here S it’s the Marie curie fundraiser tonight … We’ve over 50 ladies attending and I am sure dad will be there also …. I’ve mixed emotions this morning a d feeling quite sad as all the organising is coming to an end and that’s been our focus last couple of months!! We are both dreading Christmas and it’s a Shane as mum and I have always LOVED Christnas!!! I’m sure thinking about it will be worse than when the day comes or so I’ve been told …. I’ll let you know how tonight goes and I’m just hoping I can keep it together and don’t get too upset … Thanks for always being here xxxxxxxxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88133

    Hi guys
    We’ve had a difficult road since dad passed on 23rd August but we are doing ok. Mum is very strong and we have been busy planning a fundraiser for Marie curie in memory of my dad next Friday 20th nov at my house. It’s grown and grown in numbers and there are over 50 ladies coming to honour my wee dad … Don’t know how they will all fit into my wee house!!! What a tribute!! People we hardly know have overwhelmed us with kindness from their donations of fantastic raffle prizes to offers of bringing food and wine for the evening!! Marie curie nurses that looked after dad in the hospice and carers that looked after dad at home are coming too … It will be an emotional night no doubt but we are trying to turn our grief into something positive by raising funds and awareness of this fantastic charity. My mum and I are still attending group sessions at the hospice that are helping us come to terms with our roller coaster few months and dealing with losing such a great man… I’ll keep you updated on how successful our evening turns out to be…. I can’t thank you all enough for your continued strength and support as I couldn’t have managed it all as well without it… Hugs to all fighting this horrendous disease
    Carol xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88129

    Hi Marion …. How to I put pics on here? I’ll take lots
    Strange thing just happened as we are waiting on ferry my dad’s mobile called my phone and a blackbird sat on wing mirror if the car my mum is in while we are waiting … Hope dad’s here with us xxxxxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88127

    Thanks Lainy xxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88125

    Thanks for all your kind words. We had booked to go to Rothesay on the Isle of Bute this weekend to give dad something to look forward to when he was diagnosed. We are still going to go with my husbands family and Ian myself kids dog and my mum. It will be hard as the holiday was for dad but I know he’d want us to go and I’m looking forward to getting away from the house for a couple of days, so we are off tomorrow… I’ll let you know how it goes and hopefully it won’t be unbearably sad…. Can’t tell you how much your continued support means to me xxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88121

    Nearly 4 weeks since dad passed and the pain is more intense now than ever… I knew I’d have emotional pain but the physical pain is a surprise. It’s like there’s a huge hole in my heart. Can’t actually believe dad’s gone !!! Four and a half months since he was diagnosed… Doesn’t seem fair … Rant over !! Hugs to all xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88119

    I wanted to share this with you.
    We were waiting outside the church last Thursday as we had a meeting with the minister to discuss dad’s funeral on Monday. Mum and I had discussed earlier that day to get red roses for us to throw on top of dad’s coffin at the cemetery , A red balloon appeared from round the corner and danced around the car park. It then came right up to my feet. I picked it up then set it free and said ” dad if that’s you come up to mums feet” it blew away in the other direction, right round the car park then up to a stop at mums feet. Mum and I thought it was strange. We were in the church for over an hour then when we came out I was looking for the balloon but couldn’t see it. Just then a white feather fell from the sky and landed in front of us. I picked it up and told mum to keep it as it was a message from dad. The next day I was out walking our dog and a white feather fell at my feet , so I’ve now got a white feather too!!
    I can sense him around me and it’s difficult to explain .
    Hugs to all xxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88116

    We laid my wee dad to rest today and it was the most beautiful day. I don’t know how I managed but I said a touching eulogy and my friends daughter played the fiddle. Our kids picked lovely quotes read out by the minister and we had a piper play dad up to his grave. My mums been so brave …. It’s been a horrific 4 and a half months since dad was diagnosed with this horrendous cancer ….. Hugs, love and prayers to all still fighting !!!

    in reply to: My wee dad #88110

    Viewed dad last night and today and it’s brought me a bit of calm as he looked very peaceful and had a little smile on his face …. Love him so so much … It’s like a hole has been ripped out of your heart !!! X

    in reply to: My wee dad #88106

    Thanks for all your kind words as it hurts so much xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88099

    It is with a heavy heart that I share with you wonderful people that my wee dad passed at 6:05pm last night. I couldn’t have endured the nightmare of his fight against this horrific cancer without the help and support of you all. God bless you xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88095

    Staying at hospice overnight with dad tonight as he’s had a really bad day. Antibiotics seemed to have cleared his lung and chest but now dad is being sick and very tired and weak. Dr thinks it may be the cancer spreading and thinks things may be starting to slow down in dad’s body as oxygen sats low so he’s now on oxygen. Still looking for a miricle to make dad feel better again !!! We will see how tonight goes as he’s just been given another anti sickness injection. This cancer is horrific and a nightmare to watch your loved one suffer through. Thanks for your continued support xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88092

    Hi Gavin … No dad has been bed bound for 5-6 wells now and is catheterised so they think that will be easier as he won’t be mobile at all. He’s just developed a chest infection over the last couple of days and they’re querying pneumonia in his left lung. They started dad on antibiotics yesterday and told him today that home is now on hold as he has an infection…. And so this roller coaster continues !!!! Just feel sorry for my wee dad going through this horrific journey xxxx

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