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  • in reply to: Time For A New Discussion Re: End of Life Choices #36311


    I absolutely agree. The medications and Hospice were a godsend. In this day and age no one should have to suffer pain. I also firmly believe everyone should have a living will and tell all family members their wishes before the need is there.

    We had discussed with Mom her wishes numerous times during her illness. My Dad has a living will and has stated his wishes to me and I have his health care power of attorney.

    Being prepared is wonderful!



    in reply to: Itchy, itchy, itchy #36389


    Sarna lotion is excellent. It worked wonders for my Mom. Also Aveeno oatmeal bath is good.

    As to the lab tests: Here is a link I use:

    Hope it helps and that the itchies go away!


    in reply to: Time to stop watching and join in… #36092

    Hi Harm!

    I think the only problem we’ll have here on the board is figuring out how to bottle your energy and clone you! You are an amazing woman!

    I KNOW you will be a wonderful asset to our family! Welcome and many hugs!


    in reply to: Time For A New Discussion Re: End of Life Choices #36308


    Your post brought back a flood of emotions that began with my Mom’s journey with this disease.

    I diagnosed my Mom’s illness and from day one when I saw her slides under my microscope, intellectually I knew what we were in for. That said, I was in no way prepared for the emotional or physical journey.

    My Mom chose to fight with all her might. She was 77 with stage IV with mets to the lungs at diagnosis so chemo was the only option offered. She elected to fight until the end.

    As I approach the first anniversary of her death on April 3, I still wonder and sometimes have second guessed some of the choices made. That said, I now KNOW I would NOT change anything if I was given the opportunity to go back in time.

    In the small, still hours of the morning when I sometimes can’t sleep I still remember those last hours of her life. She did not appear to be in pain nor could I see any signs of discomfort. Hospice was with us and had made sure everything was being done to keep her pain free. Do I think that the morphine, scolpomine patch, atropine and lorazapam hastened her death? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes. Am I at peace with the choices made? Yes.

    As for discussing the subject on the board, all I can say is that the board to me is a family. I posted here several times the night Mom died. To me there is no topic that can’t be lovingly discussed “within the family”. That said I’m sure there could always be “legal issues” raised. (Can you tell my son is graduating law school in May???)

    I have no real answers to this very hard question. I believe we all make choices and have to live with the ramifications of our actions and choices.

    Forgive me if I rambled…




    Here’s a link regarding bone mets that may be helpful to you.

    I’m sorry you had to find us but glad you did.

    Let us know how we can help!

    Hugs to you and your family!


    in reply to: Marc and the stress of work! #36266

    I would definitely suggest the phone call route. It was quick, easy and absolutely no waiting in a room full of coughing people and crying babies…lol


    in reply to: Marc’s Chemo #35991


    You go gettum! Do you realize how strong and proactive you now sound???

    As we all know, once the shock wears off a little then you enter the proactive, warrior mode!

    You are going to be just fine!

    My best to you and Marc! Now go and kick some cancer butt!



    Hi Michael,

    My Mom was prescribed a drug called Megace which is an appetite enhancer. It worked wonders for her.




    So sorry you had to find us but we glad you did!

    One of the things prescribed for my Mom was a drug called Megace. She took it once a day and it’s an appetite enhancer. It worked wonders for her and she keep her weight stable the entire length of her illness.

    Also every hospital has a nutritionalist on staff. Ask for a referrel and get their imput on suggestions to help your husband. I agree with Kris is that when losing weight there are no “bad” calories.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have some family or friends that can help you. Please remember above all, you have to take care of the caregiver. (that’s YOU!….*grin*)

    This will be a good time to try and take things “5 minutes” at a time. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you!

    Hugs to you and your family!

    in reply to: PICC Line? #36134


    My mom had a power port and it was one of the best decisions we made during her illness.

    She was able to have all of her bloodwork collected and contrast administered for scans. It saved her MUCH discomfort and pain!

    I highly recommend it!

    As to chemo…that’s a personal decision. Knowing what I know, I would choose it for me. I’m a fighter by nature and for me that would be the choice.

    Listen to your “gut” and go with your feelings. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer…just what’s best for YOU!

    Hugs to you!

    in reply to: Marc’s Chemo #35977


    Sounds like you and Marc are on the right track at last! I hope your time with your Moms is a fun one!

    Here’s to no side effects!

    Hugs to you both!


    in reply to: We are waiting for results. #36031

    Hi Swissgirl!

    You have every right to be worried and upset about your Father. There is a very special bond between Daddies and daughters!

    I lost my Mom who was diagnosed with Stage IV CC with mets to the lungs almost a year ago. Believe me when I say we understand because we’ve all stood in your shoes.

    Don’t be afraid or intimidated in asking questions or getting answers. Try to remember you’re paying for a service and you deserve to get your money’s worth! I would suggest getting a notebook to write any question that pops into your mind and take it with you to doctor’s appointment. Make sure you get answers! Also make a point to remember to get in the habit of getting copies of blood work, scans, and keep them on hand.

    Another bit of “housekeeping” would be to get your Dad’s medical power of attorney and make sure you’re listed on hospital HIPPA forms so you have access to his information.

    You are already an amazing daughter and you will be such a help to your Mom and Dad!

    Please come here often and know we are all here for you.

    Hugs and much love coming your way!


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34475


    I have to say your story touched me deeply. I lost my Mom to CC on April 3, 2009. She and my Dad would have been married 58 years on April 27th.

    I diagnosed my Mom (I am a Cytologist) and also insisted she be treated at Duke. At the time of her diagnosis she was still working full time in the Planning Dept. at Guilford County at the age of 76. She had a bout of pleurisy and a CT scan was done to r/o a possible blood clot. They saw the lung metastatis and then found the CC in the liver. She was stage IV with mets to the lungs at diagnosis. You can read my story under the posts “Cherbourg” using the search function.

    Your post brought back so many bittersweet yet beautiful moments I saw shared between my Mom and Dad. They became “sweethearts” in 8th grade and as I said were married almost 58 years. Our family has a deep and abiding faith. My parents were very active in their church and my Mom faced her diagnosis with courage, humor and much faith. I was humbled to witness how she dealt with her illness.

    I welcome you to this board! Please come back often! It’s nice to have another fellow North Carolinian here!

    Hugs to you and your family!


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34460


    I wish I could give you a hug….instead I’ll send a cyber-hug. I have nothing to offer you except I truly know how hard this is.

    Watching what this disease can do makes you question everything. You and Tom are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and know you can ALWAYS come here to vent.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for good news on Friday.

    Hugs and much love coming your way,


    in reply to: Just in Shock!!! #35689

    Susan and Jeff,

    One of the things recommended to my Mom was the line of mouth products called “Biotene”. They have a toothpaste, mouthwash etc and they worked very well for my Mom. We found them at Walgreens, Walmart and Harris Teeter (a grocery store).

    Also Mom was given excellent patient support from the actual drug companies. Nexavar and Xeloda were very good with patient support and information. Hope this is helpful.

    Hugs to you both!


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