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  • in reply to: Not a good update #27892

    It’s now 11:00. Mom’s breathing is becoming more shallow and her extremities are becoming cool. She thankfully is in absolutely no pain that I can detect. No restlessness, no grimacing – just quietness except for her breath sounds.

    I’ve stroked her hands and told her how much I love her and that it’s ok to go. I hope and pray it will be soon.

    I’m so comforted knowing you all are still with me on this journey. Seeing her in this state is bittersweet – knowing that I’m really losing her, but thanking God she is passing peacefully into his loving arms.

    Please keep us in your prayers.


    in reply to: Blah. #27744

    My dear sassy Kris,

    Vent away!!!! If we all need to come and give your liver a pep talk (or kick) then we’ll be there!!!

    You sound as if you have a wonderful doctor and to hear he won’t leave any stones unturned is great news!

    Listen carefully and you’ll hear all of us cheering you on!

    Hugs to you and a swat at your liver to get with the program!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!


    in reply to: New Little Addition is Drying Some Tears #27712


    I believe a baby is God’s assertion that the world should go on. I am thrilled at your good news!

    Hugs and more hugs!


    in reply to: Cancer screening #27773

    Hi Amy,

    Maybe this will help a little bit to answer your questions. In the medical field there are innumerable “screening” tests. You’ve probably already had several in your life.

    Pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, chest x-rays, PSA (prostate screening), the list goes on and on. Screening tests are the ones that are usually pretty non-invasive or painful (although I’ll never believe that about pap smears or mammograms *grin*) and can be given to the general population at a fairly low cost. Most of the tests we get at our annual physicals are “screening” to see if something can be picked up or detected.

    Being in the medical field you can bet that I look at my own bloodwork and tests and wonder and worry if CC can be hereditary. I think the jury is still out on that one.

    Hang in there.


    in reply to: New & Canadian! #27637

    Dear Daniela,

    I sense that you will be a wonderful friend and advocate for Maria and your best friend!

    One word of advice….Ask lots of questions and take notes! Write down questions as they occur to you and make sure you get answers that you understand. The medical field can be intimidating (I know since I work in it) but don’t ever hesitate to push to get the information you need.

    This journey is not one that any of us wants to take but at least we are all traveling together.

    Welcome to the site and let us know how we can help. We are all only a keystroke away.

    Hugs to you and yours!

    in reply to: just a update on my mum #23560


    I’m sure if your mom was asked, she would say you are her beloved son in whom she is well pleased.

    You and your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. Remember to take time to take care of the caregiver.(….that would be YOU!!)

    Stay strong,

    in reply to: A little good news for today… #27619


    Have you thought about having a port inserted? My Mom got a power port (done under conscious sedation) and it’s been a godsend. All of her bloodwork and chemo is done through it and if you get the power port you can send contrast medium through it as well. I think this minor procedure saved her endless sticks and pain.

    If you decide to pursue it, make sure you insist on the POWER PORT.

    Something to think about. I’m thrilled for your good news!!!!!


    in reply to: michelle.t #27549

    Dear Chuck and family,

    I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. May God hold your family tightly in his hands as you deal with such a loss.

    In sorrow,

    in reply to: The saddest birthday…… #27479

    Thank you all for being so supportive and kind. I didn’t sleep well last night and when I got up and logged on yall made me cry again. BUT…these were good tears.

    I think I’m back on track, the pity party is over (at least for the next 10 minutes) and I’ll face the day knowing ONCE AGAIN…that yall are the most wonderful, caring and understanding people on the planet.

    Please take care to wear your “halos” straight and with pride today for you are my angels…


    PS…. Now I’ll go and change the age on my profile!……29? anyone??? *grin*

    in reply to: new member #27441

    Welcome Moon,

    Don’t worry about your english. I can even help yall learn to speak “southern” The pace is nice and slow and we can sit on the veranda and chat. *grin*

    Seriously we are only a keystroke away to help you on this journey.

    Much love and hugs,

    in reply to: NEWLY DIAGNOSED #27499

    Dear Lisa,

    I will keep you and Charles very close in my thoughts and prayers. We all know the pain and hurt and bewilderment you are facing. We have all been there and are here to reach out with whatever help we can offer.

    We are all at different stages of this horrible journey and between all of us can offer help, suggestions, comfort and information to you.

    The people here on the site can recommend Doctors across the country and throughout the world that are knowledgable about this monster of a disease.

    Right now take a little time to process and know that we are all only a keystroke away.

    Hugs to you both,

    in reply to: Back to the tears #27477

    Dear ljg,

    When we called in Hospice for my Mom I was reading an article about grief. The best line in the pamphet was this….


    I also read that grief is something that is as natural as scratching an itch or rubbing your eyes. It’s our body’s way of dealing with the stress and pain of losing someone we love. It’s personalized and individualized for everyone. We have to follow the process. If we don’t cross these bridges when they come, I believe we will have to cross them later.

    So claim your grief and remember it wouldn’t be so bad if you hadn’t loved so much. I think the trade off of loving someone so much is worth it.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.


    in reply to: The shell in my pocket. #27247

    I can’t tell you how much all of you comfort me when I’m down. You humble me in the time you all take to send a friendly word or share a thought.

    If I have to be on this journey, I’m glad I’m not alone. You guys are the best!

    Hugs to you all!


    in reply to: Good reports from Mayo #27399

    This is wonderful news! I hope he has a great trip.

    And of course everyone here understands the love/hate relationship!

    Hugs to you and yours!

    in reply to: Death and Grief #27354

    What a beautiful poem!


    I ask that God continue to hold you tightly in his hands and give you peace.

    I believe this part that you are working your way through now is also part of the CC journey and I know you will soon find your way and be sucessful.

    Your Dad was so lucky to have you with him and I believe he is still with you in spirit as you begin to navigate this new bend in the road.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.


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