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  • in reply to: LET’S CELEBRATE #35319

    FANTASTIC news!!!You two are inspirations :) Congrats!

    in reply to: New to this #34949

    Hi maebas2….we are both in San Diego! I’m so sorry to find you here. My Dad is going through the same thing, and we are finding plenty of help and hope at UCSD. Dr. Hemming will be doing my Dad’s resection this Wednesday. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

    Hang in there, we WILL get through this


    in reply to: Good News!! #34689

    Thank you to everyone for all of the good wishes! We had a bit of a scare… Dad was hospitalized for a week with a pretty nasty infection and his stints stopped working. I’ve never seem anyone with the “chills” like my Dad had. At one point his room was full of medical people just trying to get control of him. It seemed more like a seizure than chills, with his blood pressure and temp skyrocketing and oxygen levels dropping off. Frightening stuff. He now has an external bile bag, which seems to be working well. Surgery is back on track for this Wednesday.
    Thank you again for the invaluable help and support!

    Nadine, please feel free to contact me!

    in reply to: The journey ends #34053

    Kay, I’m so very sorry. May the memories of your Mom bring you comfort and peace. You and your family are in my thoughts


    in reply to: Confused?? #33952

    Yes, this is a klatskin tumor. Biopsy was done during an ERCP, and malignancy confirmed. It appears that it is NOT in the liver, just at the juncture of both bile ducts and the small intestines. No other organs involved at this point. The tumor itself is about an inch in size. The Dr. was very suprised when we said we wanted to pursue either surgery or some sort of treatment. He had called us in to discuss the possibility of metal stents.
    My Dad’s bloodwork came back with his liver function off (he’s still jaundiced) and the marker of 122. All other bloodwork came back perfect.
    Still waiting for an appointment to oncology….

    Thank you all again for all of the information. Seems this is the only place I’m getting answers!

    in reply to: Confused?? #33948

    Thanks so much for all of the great replies. We are in San Diego.

    Good news…..all of our pushing netted us an Oncology appointment for tomorrow. We were also told his cancer number is 122???? Where can I find what that means!

    Thanks again :)

    in reply to: My Dad #33667

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! I appreciate all of the suggestions and information. We are in San Diego….does anyone know of a great Dr out here?
    My Dad was so completely disheartened when he read up a little on this horrible cancer. His first comment was “Someone’s trying really hard to punch my ticket. Looks like I have about 2 weeks.” I told him we’re going to be punching back harder, and we’re in this for the long haul. Last night he told me that we need to find a Dr (fast!) that’s going to be as aggressive as we are…his fighting spirit has kicked in!

    Let’s get this show on the road. Keep those suggestions and ideas coming, and I will keep posting our progress.

    Thank you!!

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