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  • in reply to: Hi All #75725

    Hi Kristinj,

    Welcome to the board and for becoming a poster. It is incredibly hard watching someone you love go through this and being strong for them. I’d have been lost without this board to say and share the things that I couldn’t with my family when my sister was ill.

    You will get all the support you want and need here. There is always someone who knows the answer to a question or comes along to prop you up when you need it.

    in reply to: Scan scheduled for this Friday, September 20th #75696

    Sending you a ton of good vibes and thought for tomorrow Lisa.


    in reply to: Just found out. #75395

    Hi Dakotabeann,

    Great news that surgerynismstill an option. My sister had portal vein embolisation prior to her surgery. Enjoy your few days away together over the weekend.

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75310

    Good for you Patzel. I’m glad you mention that there is a MDT involved too. Forge ahead now with the information you have and keep pushing them. It shouldn’t be this way but if if it takes you to drive this forward and keep momentum then for now at least you might get some answers so you can decide your next plan.

    in reply to: RIP mother #75354

    Dear Ghannam80,

    I am very sorry that your mum has died from this disease. Her struggle is over now although your loss must be overwhelming.

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75308

    Hi Patzel,

    Something is missing here. Why after the scan was your boyfriend not followed up with an appointment to see his consultant and get the results of the scan? It is all well and good any patient being given a copy of their results or indeed entire medical notes but the results need to be explained and discussed. Medical reports and terminology is a whole other language and giving results to patients is not an acceptable way of communicating in my book. It’s one reason why I’m not in favour of patients being given reports and scans before a doctor can fully explain it.

    I’m sorry to fire another question at you but is your boyfriend under a consultant at Aberdeen Royal that is specialised in CC? You’ve mentioned you live on an island. My sister lived in the rural north of Scotland – her consultant still found ways to communicate with her when visiting the hospital was logistically not possible.

    in reply to: Just found out. #75383

    Hi Dakotabeann,

    welcome to the forum although imam sorry that your husband has cholangiocrcinoma and you have had to find us.

    I really do hope you get the news on Monday that surgery is an option.

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75302

    Where did he get his surgery?

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75300

    Hi Patzel,

    Welcome to the forum and for being a great advocate for your boyfriend. From what you’ve posted, it sounds like you are used to a different medical system to that of the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland.

    Whilst in theory a doctor can look at a scan and tell you immediately what is seen on it, in reality it tends to be formally reported on by a doctor specialising in imaging before the patient is told the result. It must seem very frustrating when you are used to a system that seems much more efficient. The NHS does not tend to give out copies of reports when they are done but that does not mean your boyfriend is not entitled to it. If he wants copies of everything that has been done up to now then he will need to formally write and ask for these.

    What he absolutely should be getting without having to fight or wait is communication from his doctor and explanations given about his diagnosis, treatments, what the scans are showing, what the lung nodules are and what the plan to do about them. Good communication from his doctor would answer all these questions for you and him and he is perfectly entitled to this and needs to know. Unfortunately the NHS does not always provide the kind of care that patients need, for many, many reasons. I am not saying it is right and you should not have to fight but sometimes, relatives and patients need to quite forceful (I like the squeaky wheel analogy above). On the other hand, the NHS provides excellent care and I have to say, my sisters care from day one could not be faulted. She didn’t have to fight for anything, her doctors communicated with her or me and despite never seeing a report or scan, she/we always knew exactly what was going on with her care.

    Would you mind saying where your boyfriend is being treated? Do you know if he is under a team specialised in dealing with his type of cancer? I can’t emphasise how important that is. Gavin – one of the moderators live in Dundee and I know he will have stacks of advice to give you.

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75297

    Hi Patzel,
    As soon as I’ve put my daughter to bed, I’ll be back on and reply properly. Where in Scotland are you? I’m in Glasgow but mys sister was treated in Inverness.

    in reply to: My dad – CC survivor of 5+ years and counting #70794

    I love the NHS – it does great things but, I agree there are times when it is not so slick and as a carer or patient you have to keep your foot down and drive forward (I say that as a nurse that worked in the NHS). I don’t like the unpredictability of this disease and have first hand experience of the turn it can take. My sisters rapid decline shocked her surgeon and GP and caught them off guard. Go with your gut Dan – I wouldn’t be happy being no further forward after 2 months.

    in reply to: Introduction… did my first ever post, post? #75193

    Welcome aboard Melanie.

    Your post above says Posts – 1 so your first ‘first’ post didn’t make it.

    You’ll be addicted to the board before long.

    in reply to: Sweet Al #75187

    Hi Gigi,

    42 Years together – that is really something. I cant even begin to imagine how much you must miss him.


    in reply to: My husband has passed away #74985

    Dear Katheryn,

    I am so sorry that your husband has died – there is nothing right or fair with this disease.

    Hold your memories close.


    in reply to: Jaundice and Complications #68383

    Dear Mel,

    I am sorry to read that your mum passed. Despite your loss, your kindness in considering those battling this disease and wanting to give them hope and a reason to fight is very touching.

    Your mum must be looking down feeling incredibly proud.


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