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I hate these pain meds….they make me feel horrible and non-functionable….what else can I do? I have Stage 4, w/mets to liver. But tests are coming back better each doctor visit. So, how can I get relief without using the drugs? I have tried the mind over matter thing that doesn’t work…now what??? As the months pass, I feel better but still have pain, ranging from 3-6….

in reply to: Slightly panicked! #47103

Keep the Faith!

in reply to: Newspaper Article #45911



Thank you thank you sooo much! I have been so worried about it. I try really hard to give it to the Lord, but occassionally I get worked up. I guess that is normal, as normal as it can be. I feel really good right now. Had a kidney infection and dehydration, but 3 hours of IVs and a week of antibodics, I feel so much better. I really wish I could give you all hugs and pray that we all fell better soon! My oncologist is baffeled as to why the markers are going up and the tumors are still shrinking, she suspects we’ll see a change in the near future. I have been so blessed and happy. Can’t get better then this! Thanks again :)



in reply to: Stage 4 & tumor marker rising but tumors stable since last July #45761

Why is no one answering my question??? I am really in need of an answer. Thanks :/

in reply to: Today is my six-year anniversary #35452

Congrats.. May you have MANY more years!!!

May I ask what your diagnose was and how you’ve been getting treatments? I too was told CC, incurable with 3-6 months to live, I am on month 9 now and feel pretty good. Can’t do surgery, or no transplant for me, position of tumors wrapped around the ducts. But I had 3 radiations, and am on chemo gemzar & cisplatin. Tumor went from the size of an orabge to teh size of jelly bean, VERY thankful for that. Jesus is great! Round 10 of chemo is almost complete. I guess I will be on chemo until I die or until something else pops along….please tell us what we can do to help ourselves. Many many thanks on your inspiration and giving us hope!! Cheryl :)

in reply to: My 81yr old Dad passed away. #39052

Your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We shall all meet again!

in reply to: What We Expected-Shocked to Hear It-Teddy #38962

New to this discussion. But I want to add my 2 cents and tell Teddy you are a brave brave man. YOU do what in your heart feels right. Give your life to Christ and let him be your guide. If you looked at me now you could not tell I am ill either. I am 53, and a bit “fluffy”. My mother has Prayer signs all over the city for me and when I go anywhere they ask me what is wrong because I look so good. I am Stage 4 with a original 3-6 month sentance, I am now going on my 9th-10th month with feeling great. I was told I might not see green grass…. and here it is June! I am on Cisp/genzar and love it. Barely any side effects, thinning of the hair, and a tad bit of nausea 2 days after chemo. I have have enternal radiation 3xs and the tumors are still shrinking. I praise the Lord for all he has given me. Days are gifts now and I try not to take them for granted. Teddy, you go have fun and enjoy life to the fullest, heck go sky diving if you feel like it….. I am going to Sweden this next Fall to see another Grandchild be born, and nothing but death will keep me away. So even if I have poor quality of life at that point…. I will push myself to go…I have (had) red hair (now grey), and a spunky attiutude so I know that is another reason why I am still here….Keep on believing because it’s all we have…. :)

in reply to: recurrence questions #37088

I am in month 9 and seeing the green grass I was told I would never see. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ.

in reply to: Costs of medical travel #38513

Which Mayo? There are lots of companies that will help with flights online. But you have to qualify early enough to get a seat. One is called Angel Flight. We drive 10 hours 1 way, and get rembursied thru our insurance. Go to Bing and type in free Cancer flights.

in reply to: recurrence questions #37086

Dearest Margaret,
I too have this dreaded cancer. My largest living tumor has shrunk from the size of a orange to the size of a jelly bean. The tumor itself is still large but mostly dead. The smaller ones are gone, all thanks to The Mayo in Minnesota, and Fort Wayne Onocology.
So far I have underwent Sir-Sphere (read on Google/Bing) and chemomembolization and chemo. I have Stage 4 with mets to the liver and lungs. I was told originally I had less then 6 months. That was over 8 months ago. I feel good and so far look good.
Never stop hopeing! I will pray for your husband. Tell him to fight, and pray…it is what counts. I have been through the journey your going thru, and it is hard….cry, scream, but never give up. I plan on being here as long as I can.
Clkempf :)

in reply to: Radioembolization Y-90 sirspheres procedure completed #31046

I had the Sir-Sphere in Oct, wonderful!! That is the only word I can use for this procedure. I never got ill and it shrank my tumor 25%-50% . Then in December I had a chemoembolizism, still waiting to hear if this is working, go back to the Mayo in Feb. But all my bloodwork is going up and I only have slight pain. I have 1 huge tumor and 5 walnut size smaller ones in my liver and 5 small peas size tumors in my lungs. The biggest one was about the size of an orange and now it looks like a tangerine. Hopefully it will look like a grape or be shriveled up and dying. I am so thankful for the newest procedure that the Mayo Clinic has for this cancer. I didn’t get ill with the Sir-Sphere, but I got knocked on my butt with the embolization. But I never stopped taking my normal chemo treatments and so, that was like a double whammy on my system. I was so tired not just ill. It zapped all my energy.
I am 52, and strong willed, with red hair. I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer. I truly believ without this I would have died a long time ago. I was diagnoised in Sept, and was given less then 6 months. But with the Lord and the Mayo Clinic I was just given another 6 months because of the treatments. Praise the Lord they are working! Hopefully I can continue to improve until they come up with another treatment to combat this horrible cancer.

in reply to: Radioembolization Y-90 sirspheres procedure completed #31045

I had the Sir-Sphere in Oct, wonderful!! That is the only word I can use for this procedure. I never got ill and it shrank my tumor 25%-50% . Then in December I had a chemoembolizism, still waiting to hear if this is working, go back to the Mayo in Feb. But all my bloodwork is going up and I only have slight pain. I have 1 huge tumor and 5 walnut size smaller ones in my liver and 5 small peas size tumors in my lungs. The biggest one was about the size of an orange and now it looks like a tangerine. Hopefully it will look like a grape or be shriveled up and dying. I am so thankful for the newest procedure that the Mayo Clinic has for this cancer. I didn’t get ill with the Sir-Sphere, but I got knocked on my butt with the embolization. But I never stopped taking my normal chemo treatments and so, that was like a double whammy on my system. I was so tired not just ill. It zapped all my energy.
I am 52, and strong willed, with red hair. I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer. I truly believ without this I would have died a long time ago. I was diagnoised in Sept, and was given less then 6 months. But with the Lord and the Mayo Clinic I was just given another 6 months because of the treatments. Praise the Lord they are working! Hopefully I can continue to improve until they come up with another treatment to combat this horrible cancer.

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