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  • in reply to: Learning about Grief #88580

    Well said ladies. For me I eventually just smiled and said I am doing the best I can under the circumstances or sometimes just “I’m OK”. Most people just have no clue. Unless they have been where we are, they just don’t get it. Unfortunately, I’m thinking that before it happened to me, I was probably one of them too. If nothing else, I think I have become a more understanding and compassionate person when it comes to others who have lost what we have.

    As Marion said, we all have to find our own path and way of dealing with all of this. Everyone does that in their own way and time. Life does move on and we have to find a way to fit in.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Can I say CURED?? Yes I can!!! #88512


    So happy for you. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. We need more of this kind of news here.


    in reply to: New Diagnosis: Faith Hope and Love for Mom #88524


    I totally agree with the others and am glad you already have things moving in the right direction. I too am sorry you have had the need to reach out to us, but know that you have come to the right place. You will get all the help and support you want or need for you and your mom from all of the caring people on this site. We’ve all been there and know what it’s like. No matter what the issue some one here has dealt with it too and will be happy to help you out in any way that we can.

    Hoping for the best for your mom. Take care and let us know how things are going. We truly do care.


    in reply to: Diagnosed on 26-3-15: What to do? #88479


    I don’t have any answers for you but am hoping for others to chime in soon. I just want to welcome you and let you know you have found the best place to be when dealing with this disease. Everyone here is so helpful and knowledgeable and I know you will get answers to your questions soon. We highly recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions, but it sounds like you have already done a good job at that. Yes, with a wife and 3 young sons you have so much to live for that it is worth the fight. Hoping for good results with what ever you decide.

    Please let us know how you are doing. We are a very caring, supportive community and will help you in any way that we can.


    in reply to: Goodbye, Sis #88471

    Dear Krassi,

    I am so sorry to hear that Boyana has passed away. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. She sounds like a beautiful woman and you and your family were a great comfort to her. Your last words to her will be with her forever and I know you will keep that promise. She was so young and it is hard to get your mind around what has happened when it goes so quickly. Take comfort in the fact that she did not have to suffer too long and that she is no longer suffering and in pain. Keep her with you forever in your heart and memories.


    in reply to: Corinne’s passing #88437

    Dear Jeff,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy and understanding. Know that we are all here to help and support you in any way that we can.


    in reply to: My sister #88291

    Dear Krassi,,

    Can’t add much more than what has already been said, but want you to know that I am thinking of you and your family and that we are all here for you.


    in reply to: David Michael Kovalcik #87956


    Thanks for sharing that beautiful picture with us. Those smiling faces show so much love. Some one said that grief is the price of love and that is so true. Take care.


    in reply to: Marijonas Bondzinskas #88194


    Thank you for sharing this picture with all of us. He looks like a very kind, strong gentleman who is loved very much and will be greatly missed by many.


    in reply to: Hello everyone #87814

    Dear Aiste,

    You and your family have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear father. Take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering or in pain. Keep him with you forever in your heart and fond memories of the past.


    in reply to: Hello everyone #87809


    Thank you for sharing that lovely picture of your mum & dad with us. They do look like a very happy, caring couple.


    in reply to: Percy #88175

    I agree, he was a great asset to this board and I’m sure is missed by many, myself included.


    Dear Maggie,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You, your mom and all of your family have my deepest sympathy. I truly know how you feel and what you are going through. My husband’s situation was much like your dad’s. He died 7 weeks after the first indications of anything being wrong and 10 days after his diagnosis of CC. He too was originally given 6 months and was to come home with hospice, but died before that could be arranged. I know this is no consolation, but want you to know you are not alone.

    I too had so many questions but agree with Lainy in that all we really know is that we don’t have the answers . Hopefully in the future that will change. Seems like it is one step forward and two steps back with this disease.

    I take some comfort in the fact that my husband did not suffer too long from this terrible cancer and that at least he is free of this and no longer in pain. I’m hoping you will be able to do the same.

    Keep your dad with you in your heart and all the memories of the years you had with him.

    Thinking of you and your family and hoping you will all find your way through this sad and trying time.


    in reply to: What to do when the end seems so near? #87680


    I was sorry to hear that your mother-in-law has passed away. Yes, for her to no longer be suffering is a blessing, but I know how hard it is for your father-in-law. I have been there and it just takes time. I too am thinking of you and your family at this sad and trying time.


    in reply to: Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma; no treatment. #85607

    Dear Christian,

    I am so sorry to learn that your mother has passed away. Also for what your mom and you went through these past few weeks. I am glad that in the end she passed peacefully with you by her side until the end. I’m sure as hard as this was for you she knew and appreciated the love and support you gave her and your respect for her wishes.

    You and your family have my deepest sympathy. Yes, you are not alone. We are all here for you and also appreciate your offer of help and support to others.

    Try to remember the good times and keep her with you forever in your heart and those memories. Take some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering and is at peace.


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