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  • in reply to: Liver enzymes, blood work and chemo #82159


    Glad to hear things are getting back to normal and that you are feeling less anxious. Look forward to hearing more good news from you in the future.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed and confused about next steps #82343

    Hi Mike, Welcome! Glad you found us, but truly sorry you had a need to. Can’t add much at this point, but do agree you may want to get a 2nd and maybe 3rd opinion from oncologist’s who are familiar with CC before making any decisions. I’m sure others will be here soon with more advice and support. Good luck to you on this journey that no one wants to face, but know we are here to help and support you in any way that we can. Darla

    in reply to: Introduction to the Group #82297

    Hi David,

    Nice to meet you. Welcome to the group. Glad you have decided to join us. I am sorry that your reason for joining is due to losing your father to this disease, but am glad you are here and have found the forums . I am sure that your story and experiences will be of great help to all who are also dealing with the same issues and feelings that you have. Hoping that we will be of some help and support to you too. Thanks for joining and hope to hear more from you soon. I think you will be a great addition to our “family”. :)


    in reply to: Problems in River City….what next #82140

    Oh my Julie, hope you are able to get some answers and get all of this under control soon. Having cancer is bad enough without all these additional hassles.
    Wishing you lots of luck getting it all sorted out.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Update on NIH trial #78694

    All this coverage. It’s totally AWESOME!!!!!! :)

    in reply to: NIH update/articles #82234


    I have read the articles. It is an amazing story and you are an incredible woman. Your story brings attention to this rare form of cancer and to the foundation. Thank you for that. Hoping for even more improvement in finding and eventually eliminating CC in the future.

    Good to hear you are doing well and yes, every day is a gift. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New member seeking advice #81808

    Glad to hear things are going well for you. Hoping it keeps on and gets even better. :) Darla

    in reply to: An Interesting Case #82231

    Welcome to the group Kevin. Glad you have found us, but sorry for the reason. You have found the best place and the best people for information and support while dealing with this disease. Hoping things go well for Lori. Please keep us posted as to how things are going. Darla

    in reply to: New to the Group #82278

    Hi Diana, Another warm welcome although I too wish you didn’t have a reason to have found us. You will find a lot of caring, loving people her to give you as much help and support as we can. Darla

    in reply to: Help – Any suggestions? #82089

    Kris, Glad to hear Mark is showing some improvement. Keep the good news coming. :)


    in reply to: Not quite a year…grief still gut- wrenching #76233


    Everyone grieves differently and at their own pace. I do think you are doing all the right things and are doing OK everything considered. For me it will be 6 years come September and I still miss him and think about him. He is always in the back of my mind, but I can tell you that by pushing through your grief and continuing to live your life, it will gradually get better. We were together pretty much 24/7 for almost 45 years so being alone for the first time in my life has been a real adjustment for me, but I am proof that it can be done. :) I am still living my life as we did before, only now I am living it alone. Sometimes having to deal with everything on my own is overwhelming, but I just keep doing what I’m doing and eventually everything works itself out. It’s not always easy and the sadness still comes at times, but I am OK and you will be too. Just take it one day at a time and know that your feelings are normal and you have the right to own them. You will have good days and bad days but as time goes on there are more good ones and less bad.

    I think your work with the at risk kids is great. I know how much it means to them and I’m sure it is also good “therapy” for you. :)

    Take care Laurie and know that there are others here that know and understand. You are not alone. Feel free to come here and vent and talk about your feelings as much as you want or need to. We are all here to help and support each other.


    in reply to: New to the Group #76118

    Dear Stephanie,

    Thank you for letting us know that Matt passed away. I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy and understanding. Losing a loved one to this disease, so quickly, is hard to understand and deal with. Especially someone so young. Try to take some comfort in knowing that at least for him it is a blessing that it went quickly and he is now in a better place, no longer suffering or in pain. Keep him with you forever in your heart and memories.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Clean scan #82208

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful news with us. Darla

    in reply to: My Husband Frank #82213

    Dear Nancy,

    I am so sorry to hear that Frank has passed. Try to take some comfort in knowing that at least he is no longer suffering or in pain. He will always be with you in you heart and memories. You and your family have my deepest condolences.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Rleay For Life Speech on May 3, 2014 #82197

    Patty, Thanks for sharing this with all of us. You have a wonderful attitude and this was an amazing presentation. Darla

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