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  • in reply to: WOW! That’s All I Can Say! #80535


    This is such good news. Wishing you even more good luck on Thursday. Will be waiting to hear the results.


    in reply to: good and bad (mostly good) #79669


    Sounds like you have been on quite a ride for the past few weeks. Hoping things settle down and you will be home for good soon.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Feeling sad #80090

    Dear Lou,

    Every one deals with grief in their own way and time. You are probably still in shock from what you have been through and slowly this will change. I’m sure that knowing and feeling that she is still with you in her own way is of much comfort to you.

    I too did not cry at first, but the tears will come and when you least expect it. That too will give you a feeling of comfort and relief.

    Take care Lou.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Not So Good News Today #80062

    Enjoy your dinner with your young men. :)

    in reply to: Looking up for IMRT! #79552


    Take a really deep breath and then just breath. :) This too shall pass. Once everything is in place for Mark things should settle down some and go more smoothly. Glad to hear that he is feeling better today. At least the crazy wedding stuff helps take your mind temporarily off the rest. Try to have fun and enjoy it.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Another beautiful poem…. #79025


    You are so right. Things are just too complicated. My thought processes work the same way as yours and it is so confusing. Not sure where I fit any more. I too no longer stress about things as none of it seems that important. We have been through the worst possible thing that can happen to us and everything else pales in comparison.

    I can’t even imagine going through what you and Tom did for over 5 years. For us it was only 2 months. A very intense 2 months and then he was gone. I hardly had time to get used to the fact that he was sick and then that he was dying and then it was over.

    Some days I think I am doing very well and others I feel I have slipped right back to the beginning. All I know for sure is that I have gotten this far and one way or another, I will manage to keep going and doing things at my own pace. One day at a time.

    Take care Mary. Pop in from time to time and let us know how you are doing.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: I’ve made it two years… #77280

    Mary, Everything in your post is so true. For me it has been 5 1/2 years and I still feel much like you describe. It never goes away, but does get lighter. Grieving is a very personal process that is different for everyone. There are no rules or time lines. It just is what it is and we have to just keep taking those small steps, one day at a time. We have to reach out for help when & where we feel comfortable and get the support that works for us. Only those who have been there can truly understand.

    Linda, these are still early days for you, but it really does get easier with time. It never goes away, but it does get better. I hope the group you have joined can help you through some of this and that you really connect with some one who can help and support you through these hard times. Yes Linda, it will be OK.

    Thinking of all of you and knowing that we will all be OK with the help and support we give to each other.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: What does no mutations in genetic testing mean? #79996


    Can’t hurt to try and it may be of some help. Like you said, you are doing what you can NOW! Let us know what results you get.


    in reply to: Not So Good News Today #80051


    If it isn’t one thing it is another for you of late. My fingers and everything else are crossed that all will go well. I agree with Linda. It’s your turn now and you need to lean on your family and all of us here and focus on you. Take care of yourself and know we are all pulling for you. I know Teddy is right there supporting you too. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Scan done..now the wait #79919


    If there is anything good to be said about your situation it is that you two are able to discuss and make decisions together. In my case things happened so quickly we didn’t really have a chance to talk about anything and I was left to work through everything on my own. I did find out that I was a lot stronger and more capable than I ever thought I could be.

    Wishing you both the best and know that no matter what, you will get through this. Just take it as it comes. One day at a time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Another clean scan! #80041


    That is wonderful news. I am so happy for you. This type of news is always appreciated on this board.

    Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Scan done..now the wait #79914


    I too have been where you are now and feel that keeping him comfortable and pain free as much as possible along with spending as much quality time together as you can is most important at this stage. Take care and know that you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: percutaneous drain #77488

    Hi Pat,

    Sorry to hear things are not going well for you. Glad that your doctors have been totally up front and explained everything to you as I have always felt that knowledge is power. Your great attitude will also help you along the way.
    Your understanding and acceptance will help to keep you in that peaceful place. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New Member! #80018

    One more thing. Interesting coincidence. Not that this has anything to do with anything, but my parents who are 87 are also Pat & Paul. :)

    in reply to: New Member! #80017

    Dear Pat,

    I also would like to welcome you to the group. We all understand what you are going through as we have all been there in one way or another and are here to help and support you in any way that we can. Unless you have had to deal with CC personally there is no way of knowing how traumatic and exhausting it is for both the patient and the caretaker.

    I also have a good friend who suffers from fibro & RA, so I know how weather can affect it.

    Wishing you and Paul the best as you travel down this road no one wants to be on. Keep us updated as to how things are going.

    Love & Hugs,

Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 2,618 total)