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  • in reply to: Biliary Catheter Leakage/ bile + blood #78973

    I’m glad you got the insurance issues under control. There is enough going on without having to worry about that, too. I think Lainy had a good thought there and is something that should be looked into. I have no answers on the blood issue either, but hopefully someone else will come by with some ideas. As for the pain, that is definitely something that needs to be addressed. As Lainy said and I totally agree, no one needs to be in pain. Hoping things can be resolved quickly and mom will be feeling better soon.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi Mel,

    Wow! All I can say is that your sister, you and your whole family have sure been through a lot. I am so glad that you have joined our family that no one wants to belong to but are so happy to have found. No need to apologize for long posts. It is good to get it all out there, both for you and for anyone here that has advice to help you along. You will find that everyone here is willing to help and support in any way that we can. I know it’s not easy, but try to take things as the come, one thing at a time, one day at a time. If you try to figure it all out at once it is more than you can comprehend. Hopefully things will begin to settle down some and sort themselves out and Meredith will be given some answers and direction on how to move forward with her treatment. Know that we are all here for you and your family to help and support you on this journey that no one wants to be on.

    Please let us know how things are progressing. We care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New to this Nasty Disease #78139

    Theresa, That all does sound encouraging. Hoping it will continue. :)

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Having a hard time #78944


    What a wonderful post. I am sure most of us can relate and feel much the same, but you have been able to express it so beautifully. Thank for that.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: GI ASCO 2012, San Francisco #56863


    Thanks for the update and all the information. It does seem that little by little we are making our cancer know. Seems there have been so many changes and more hope as time moves on.

    Congrats and thank you to Sara for accepting the position with the NCI. It sounds like she is a good fit. Also to Jason and Andrea who have already done so much and are willing to do even more.

    So glad you were all able to meet up and spend some time together. Yes, meeting in person and all the hugs, is a good feeling. :)

    And once again Marion, thank you so much for all you do for the foundation.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Question about taking pain medications (oxycodone) #77468

    Connie, I agree with Caroline that the pain you are experiencing could be from the tumor in the liver. I too hope you can get some relief for this soon. No one should have to deal with pain with all the things available to alleviate it.

    Caroline, Glad you got some answers and are now more comfortable with your mom’s pain meds scheduling. I feel like comfort and pain management is one of the most important things for her.


    in reply to: Hospice Care Today #78921

    Glad to hear you have gotten some help and that you and Frank are both comfortable with the decisions you are making. His comfort and keeping him pain free is what’s most important right now. Wishing you the best along this journey that none of us ever wanted to or thought we would be taking.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Having a hard time #78942

    Dear Michele,

    I agree with everything that has already been said and just want you to know that as hard as it is to believe right now, you will be OK. You will get through this. Just take things one day at a time or even one minute at a time when necessary. None of us wanted to be in this situation, but we had no choice. Being able to talk to and relate to people who truly understand is what will get you through this and the wonderful people on the site are the ones that can help you with that, so please keep posting and letting us know how things are going and how you are doing.

    My favorite saying is that you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. You are stronger than you think you are and you will make it. With a little help from your CC friends. :)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New to this Nasty Disease #78136

    Will do Theresa. Good thoughts and prayers for Alice coming your way. Will be waiting to hear about the results and hoping for the best.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Not an official member yet #78365

    Lisa, You have a great attitude. I like the way you think. :) I’m sure that, along with your healthy life style will definitely benefit you in fighting this disease.
    Hoping for the best for you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Not an official member yet #78362

    I have to agree with the others. In my case I’m the sugar addict and also got worse after Jim passed. He was a much healthier eater than I and he is the one who ends up with this cancer. At one point I tried to blame it on cholesterol meds. In my mind I felt that triggered and accelerated the cancer. Still really believe in the liver flukes theory, but many with this disease were never exposed to that either. At this point I think the verdict is still out on what causes CC. Sometimes I think it is just the luck of the draw and it is what it is.
    Please do not place blame on what you did or didn’t do. This was not your fault.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Chemo #78615

    Hi Pat,

    Just found this post and see you have already gotten lots of good advice. Don’t have much to add, but I too want to welcome you. Glad you found this site as it is the best place to be dealing with CC.

    I also admire your courage as you face this and am glad you can draw comfort and strength from your husband even tho’ he is no longer with you. I have often wondered how I would cope if I were in a similar situation now that I am alone and don’t have my husband here to help and support me. I hope I would be able to face things as courageously as you. I too have great respect and admiration for you and wish you the best on your journey.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Husband just diagnosed in November. #78908

    Hi Nancy,

    I too want to welcome you aboard. No one wanted to be here, but it is the best place to be when dealing with this disease. I can’t really add much to what Kris has said as she has done a good job with the information she has shared with you. You will find some of the kindest, most supportive and helpful people here as we all know and understand what you are dealing with and will be here to help in any way we can. I am sorry you need to be here, but so glad you found us. I am hoping for the best for both of you in dealing with this disease and all it involves. I’m sure hospice will guide you and help you with the choices you will need to make. To me, I think the most important thing is making sure that Frank is not in pain and kept comfortable. As Kris mentioned, at this time I think quality is more important than quantity.

    No post is ever too long. Any thing you need or want to say or ask is important. Take care and know that we are all here for you.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: 2 month checkup after IMRT #78894

    Patty , Good job! We know word is getting out, but this is the best I have heard yet. Keep on blogging. Good luck to you and yes, enjoy! :)


    Jason, Thanks for this. Good job of reporting. Well written and easy to understand.

    Cathy, Not sure, but I’m thinking that might have been in regard to ICC. Congrats on coming up on your 5 year cancer free anniversary.


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