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  • in reply to: Mom back in hospital #68067

    Update on Mom…..

    More hydrated and feeling SO much better today! Giver her a transfusion….more plasma expander and an antibiotic for the sepsis….heart rate is still high….and the the thorasic surgeon came by to discuss the reason for the unequal BP…..blocked artey going to her left shoulder….”incidental ” find…he will do one more study, but because she is asyptomatic, will probably follow her unless efinds something else……

    The CT also showed that her mas which was 8.5 on Dec 12 is now 11.2 cm and the nodule in her right lung is also growing… chemo for now since she is so weak….Onc said today that, unless she improves dramatically, chemo will not be an option….

    So….For today….she s resting well….and peaceul….and thats a blessing and bonus after yesterday!

    Thanks for all of your kindness and encouragement….I feel lucky to have found you.


    in reply to: Mom back in hospital #68064

    Thanks, Gavin! Just told her that you are all right behind her on the computer screen – she grinned :)

    They are saying that the extreme diarrhea was a nasty side effect of the Xeloda…..who one earth knows about the weird BP….we shall see!

    I wish you could all know her….she is such a dear… and witty….and beautiful :)

    in reply to: Mom back in hospital #68062

    Thanks,Lainey! Will update as I know more….and yes….she is a real trooper! A Southern Steel Magnolia!

    in reply to: Need some advice #67978

    Hi Annie!

    Good luck to your brother this morning!

    My Mom also has intrahepatic and couldn’t receive her IV chemo last week due to low platelet counts….we made a choice/decision to count it as blessing so that her counts would improve and she could feel stronger for the next go-round! That one small choice made a great improvement in her outlook this last week :)

    We keep saying to each other…”it’s all about perspective!”

    in reply to: 3-year scan results!! #67836

    From a ‘newcomer” to you, “oldtimer”…YAY!

    You GO, girl :)

    in reply to: Hi! Mom newly diagnosed #67875

    And….Pam…I love my Mother with my whole heart….and cant imagine what it would feel like to have my daughter battling this….special prayers for you…

    GAVIN! Dundee , huh? My family is originally from Collieston in Aberdeenshire…Hi, Scottish cousin! (well, kinda)…

    And to my neighbor in Roanoke :) Thanks for the tip about Duke – will let you know!

    Love and prayers to you all….and many thanks.


    in reply to: Hi! Mom newly diagnosed #67874

    You GUYS! Thanks for such a warm welcome…I feel comforted, already, by this family :)

    Mother went for chemo yesterday…no luck…platelets had dropped to 34 ….so we try again next week AFETR her 76th brithday on Sunday – woo hoo!

    Home Health Care nurse came in today….said the left lobe of her lung sounded wonky….may try a course of antibiotics as flu is rampant and she just left the hospital….

    She is pretty tired, but eating well and happy to be surrounded by people who love her.

    My sibs and I were on a similar journey with my Dad 11 years ago….weird anaplastic thyroid cancer ….died six weeks after diagnosis…the blessing was that I was prompted to be tested….found cancer and had mine removed….so ….what a dear angel my Daddy was for giving and continuing to give me life.

    Mother is pretty determined….as are we all for her….will keep posting and let you know….and will continue to keep all of yo n my prayers.

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