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  • in reply to: Introduction/American expats in London #92249


    Welcome to our group. I’m sorry that you have reason to be here, but am also very impressed with how quickly you have gotten on top of understanding the scope of this
    Disease and moved on to appropriate treatment. Your husband is lucky to have you advocating for him. We are here for you both, to guide, support, encourage – whatever you need. Please keep us posted on your husband’s progress.


    in reply to: Back in the hospital #92210


    I’m sorry to read that you are in the hospital with an infection, but glad they have identified the culprit and are beginning treatment. I hope you bounce back quickly and get to go back home soon.

    in reply to: Sean’s intro #92200

    Tim and Julie,

    Wow, your son has been through a lot! I agree with Lainey – you did the right thing by staying calm and finding the best treatment (I’m sure not easy when your young son is involved). I am so thankful that he has been responding so well to the treatments! I’m praying for a full recovery for him!

    Please keep us posted on his progress.


    in reply to: Advice on what may be going on #92162

    Sharon and Phil,

    I am sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms, I’m sure this is difficult for you. I am not familiar with these symptoms, but it does sound as though Phil may be retaining fluid. The doctor/nurse in charge of his care may be able to prescribe/suggest something to alleviate the swelling. Is he continuing to produce urine and has the color changed? (I’m wondering if perhaps his kidney function may be deteriorating). You didn’t mention pain, so I’m hoping Phil is not experiencing much pain.

    My thoughts are with you.

    in reply to: REPEAT PERFORMANCE #92136

    Lainy, so glad it was quick and easy and you’re feeling well!

    in reply to: Uncharted territory #91818


    I second everything that Lainy said. You had good response last time and I hope you have a good response to treatment again this time. Many of our patients manage this as a chronic disease very successfully.

    I like your positive attitude!

    in reply to: Grandma’s CC and Bad Stent #92098

    Dear Alicea,

    Welcome to our group of knowledgeable and caring patients, caregivers and friends. I am so sorry that your grandmother is dealing with cc. I know that this is a very scary time for you, but you will get through it, one day at a time. Lainy is so right that this will be a long ordeal for you and you need to take care of yourself in order to be strong and a good advocate for your grandmother. And, despite all of the negative information and statistics you have undoubtedly read, you really can’t know what lies ahead for your grandmother. Every patient’s particular cancer biology is different and their responses to various treatments can be quite different as well. My husband’s bile duct cancer was quite advanced when diagnosed (hilar stage 3B). And he was told repeatedly that it was inoperable. His prognosis was grim and I truly didn’t think he would survive long. I was so sad and worried, for him, for myself and for our children. I joined this discussion board and began reading as much as I could about people’s similar experiences and it was so very helpful to have access to a wealth of information and support. I initially resisted the suggestions to get a second opinion from a Cholangiocarcinoma expert, because we were confident in our doctors medical experience. It took a while to realize how critical it is to be treated by a top medical center that handles many such cases. They are the folks that have their finger on the pulse of the latest treatment options/research. We eventually south several second opinions from such top centers and my husband had a resection and is now 15 months cancer free. (You can read my prior posts or I can email you a summary.). My point is, we can’t just assume the worst or spend our time worrying about “what ifs”.

    In your grandmother’s case, it sounds to me that she is very fortunate that it was found at an early stage and that she is feeling relatively well. You didn’t mention what about the tumor location makes it inoperable, but generally, at stage 2, there are more options than at later stages. I hope this is the case for your grandma. I would strongly advise you to seek out one or more second opinions. There are a number of great choices on the east coast. You want one that uses a multidisciplinary team approach, so that input is received from the medical oncologist, surgeon, radiologist etc.

    Regarding the stent issue, it sounds like the stent has been for approximately 6 months, which is really stretching it’s useful life. If an infection develops, she can very quickly become very ill and need to be hospitalized immediately. If you decide to take her on vacation this week, minimally, I would pack Tylenol, a thermometer, and the patient care card available on this website so that you can be alerted to an oncoming infection at the onset, and so that it can be explained to a community hospital admitting Doctor that may never have heard of cc. I would also set up an appointment for a stent exchange before you leave so that it can be done quickly upon her return.

    I hope this is helpful. So many of us have been in shoes similar you yours, and we u dears tank how difficult this is and we are here to provide comfort and guidance. Please keep us posted.


    in reply to: Mayo Test Results #92086

    So very happy to hear your good news, Julie!

    in reply to: CT scan Monday April 4 #92015

    Kris, I’m sorry you are so uncomfortable. Hopefully the symptoms will clear up quickly now that the new stent is in place.

    in reply to: Update on husband in ICCA #87464


    You are more than welcome. I am glad that your mom’ tumor responded positively to the chemo and showed shrinkage. I hope for continued shrinkage so that resection is possible. We obtained a remote second surgical opinion from Dr. Kato (an opinion on whether or not we should proceed with the resection offered by UCSF’s Dr. Corvera). We were very impressed with Dr. Kato’s level of knowledge and experience, and he couldn’t have been kinder or more compassionate and positive.

    Wishing your mom successful treatment. Please keep us posted on her progress.


    in reply to: Update on husband in ICCA #87462

    Hi Jennifer,

    Mike’ tumor was 10 cm in length and about 5 cm wide, and it was in the right side of the liver. He had nearly 70% of his liver removed. Perihilar cc . He also had bile duct involvement, so bile duct reconstruction and portal vein reconstruction. Surgery was at UCSF Medical center, Dr. Carlos Corvera.

    Hope this is helpful.


    in reply to: CT scan Monday April 4 #92007


    I’m praying for the best possible results from your scan, and for the most effective treatment to be identified and available for you.

    in reply to: First post past frustrated to desperate #91896

    Oops, my error on my comment above. I assumed current provider is a small community hospital, didn’t remember it was Vanderbilt. I should have taken a few more moments to read through prior comments to see where treatment was. Thanks, Marion for correcting that comment.

    in reply to: First post past frustrated to desperate #91892

    I’m sorry that the surgical attempt didn’t go the way you had hoped. I know how devastating an aborted surgery can be, as we experienced the same thing with my husband. Please don’t give up hope though. You are right to seek a second opinion and now is the perfect time to do so. You can use your husband’s recovery time to arrange for a second opinion. There are other good treatments out there and one of the major centers listed on this website will be in the best position to guide you to the best appropriate treatment at this juncture. Please don’t agree to any other treatment from your current medical provider until you get your second opinion, as certain treatments (radiation, for example) may preclude your husband for undergoing treatments or trials recommended by the cc experts. Keep fighting!


    in reply to: Question for patients who have undergone resection #91959


    Sleep deprivation can negatively impact immune function and can lower white blood count. Sleep is such an important component of good health. I would suggest you try to identify the cause of your mom’s lack of sleep and then remedy that.

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