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  • devoncat

    Hemorrhoids. ‘nough said.

    in reply to: Living with CC #38386

    Welcome. Like Marion said there are several here who have had enough shrinkage to have surgery. Suzanne comes to mind. Hopefully she will pop back in soon.

    Good luck on your treatments.


    in reply to: I gotta tattoo #38736

    that is hysterical kristin.


    in reply to: Tough news today #38776

    I dont know what to say. I am so sorry this has happened.


    in reply to: COBRA Extension Bill introduced in Congress #38727

    I am from SC so I know about backwards politicians. Anyone want to hike the Appalachan Trail? and THEN be so silly as to think you wouldnt get caught going to a foreign country? Half the time I laugh, half the time I shake me head, and half (yes I know that equals more than 100%) the time I cry at SC politicians. We are in general a somewhat backwards state (not that it is all bad, I really like how family centered we are and how we still treasure manners). My friend is a librarian and she said that one church in town has its members come in and check out books on reproduction and witches and other “inappropriate” topics and then they “loose” them and pay the fee. So she is always having to reorder certain books. That cracks me up. Sorry…way off topic!


    in reply to: Update on Lisa #38746

    This belongs in the Good News section! I am so happy for you. Lets hope the new regime works even better. I am at a little past 3 years too. Lets keep them scratching their heads.


    in reply to: I gotta tattoo #38734

    I know exactly what you mean. It HURT. I said that if I beat cancer I was going to get a tatoo of a ladybug crawing up my incision scar. No way I say. I hate pain. Hans is very pleased I have had a change of heart.

    After all you have been through, you think they would have been more accomodating. But then, I would not trust my doctor to be artistic. He is a little serious though sometimes I can make him laugh.

    in reply to: Mom diagnosed 10/09 #38718

    Welcome to the site. When I was in the states for a bit (my family is from SC but I now live in Sweden) I headed to UNC hospital and met with Dr. Sanoff. She was wonderful. I got her name on recommendation from Carol on this site.

    There are other treatments out there. I dont know anything about swelling since I have to had it yet. Our wonderful Sophie has been having her abdomen drained every week for over a year now. Use the search function and you can find several people who have had this problem and information on what the did about it.

    I see you are from Wake Forrest. I swear that there is a doctor in Wake Forrest doing Sir spheres or some other treatment for cc. So you might want to search the forum for wake forrest as well.

    My husband is 100% involved in my treatment and goes with me to all my appointments. It is amazing how we often hear the same conversation, but what I hear is completely different to what he hears. I guess sometimes I stick my head in the sand. He often communicates with my doctors without me. IT is needed and I would recommend getting it sorted out like that for you and your mom.


    in reply to: COBRA Extension Bill introduced in Congress #38724

    Lets hope this passes. I am just WAITING until you cant deny people with pre existing health conditions. Once that comes into effect, I may get to spend some time in the States while I am still healthy enough to enjoy it and make some more memories and have more laughter with my family (especially my older, but no more mature sister).


    in reply to: Overwhelmed! #37771

    Poor Emily. It must be very hard on her, Michele’s and your families. What a responsibility you have to help this little girl understand what has happened, but I am sure your compassion and love will guide you in this job.
    i will keep your family in my prayers.



    Thanks Marion. Now I dont have to drag out the notebook.

    Here are some abstracts on neuropathy and cancer from pubmed


    There is some vitamin or mineral supplement that is supposed to work. Is it magnesium? Someone help me remember.

    I talked about with my doctor but I cant remember her reasoning why we didnt use it for me when she had used it with other patients. This is going to bother me. If I remember, I will go through my notebook and look. Cant promise anything since my memory is going, going, gone.

    I do know that for me, the neuropathy increases if I am dehydrated. And that it clears up significantly after a couple of months off chemo (for me at least)


    in reply to: Success with radiation? #38184

    I am now in the middle of my second week with radiation and xeloda. Do you mind me asking what dosage of xeloda he is on and for how long he will have radiation? I will have 28 days of radiation and 2 xeloda pills (I think that is 1000mg) twice a day for 2 weeks on, one week off.

    I get all the time that I “look good” or “dont look like” I am having cancer treatment. I really think that is because I am smiling and acting “normal” most of the time. I have lost so much weight and my hair is thin and patchy so of course I look different but I think people expect you to crawl up in a ball and give up and when you dont it throws them for a loop.


    in reply to: My Year+ Story, so far #38679

    Welcome Adopst to the most wonderful group of people (if I do say so myself). As a group, we are a great resource for emotion and mental strength as well as a deep well of information on this cancer. Education and information along with a fighting spirit are the weapons needed for this particular battle.

    I am also looking into SIR spheres if my external beam radiation doesnt work. I am happy this treatment seems to have done you some good.

    I know that sometime soon, something is going to come around. Things are in the pipeline so they say. I think like you, I am not too concerned with living with the cancer now. We can try to co exist with it until the pipeline finally spits out “the” treatment we are waiting for. We all just need to hold on until then. I like to tell people that yes, I know I am terminal NOW but that doesnt mean I will be in 3 years. Who knows whats around the corner, but I am going to do my best to be there when it does.

    Anyway, let us know how things go.



    Betsy, I feel for the apple martini though my poison is margaritas. My best friend who is a pediatric oncologist has assured me that alcohol every once in awhile (though you need to check your medications) will not harm the liver anymore that the cancer already has. She only said once in awhile and moderation though. So I had a margarita on Cinco de Mayo and a very small glass of champagne last week to celebrate 1/4 of radiation done. Guilt takes away some of the pleasure, but not all :)


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