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  • in reply to: recently diagnosed #40450

    sallypa, congratulations on your sister’s successful surgery! Your sister has a recovery time for sure, but have her take it just one day at a time. I had my liver resection surgery 6+ years ago. The first several weeks were definitely the toughest. But each day I could see improvement, and knew I was getting better. Just continue to press forward, and never give up! My best to your sister in her continuing journey.


    in reply to: question about metastatic cc #40816

    sallypa, congratulations on your sister’s successful resection! Everytime we hear of a successful operation, that’s great news, and a time for thanks too. My best to your sister for her recovery and continuing journey.

    …. Dale

    in reply to: Size of tumor #40962

    minnie305, as others have posted here, I believe a lot has to do with the location of the tumor as well. I had a 4.5-to-5cm tumor for my CC. I had a successful liver resection surgery.

    Prior to surgery, the surgeon told me that only after they first open me up, and physically saw the tumor and its location, would they be able to know if surgery was possible. That being said, the size (and location) of my tumor allowed for my surgery.

    My best to your and your husband.

    – Dale

    in reply to: Diet/nutrition during hospice #40984

    Kim, my mom was put in hospice in 2005, from stage 4 cancer. She was placed in a nursing home, and the staff pretty much allowed her to eat whatever she wanted. But like Lainy mentioned about Teddy, my mom did not eat much either. And as time progressed, her appetite was less as well. The main thing the staff and hospice mentioned was for my mom to be as comfortable as possible.


    in reply to: Full steam ahead with hospice #40931

    Kim, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Reading your post brought back memories of my own mom, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. She was also put in hospice care, and we were so grateful for the care and support they offered mom and our family during that time. I’m sure it must be hard for you as well. My continued prayers for you all.


    in reply to: Had enough #40008

    My thoughts and prayers for Barbara and her family.


    in reply to: Long term survivor with cc #23908

    This is a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading everybody’s comments. My congratulations to all the long-term survivors! I’m a 6+ year survivor of CC. I hope to make 10 years someday, and more! Yes there is always hope … we should never give up hope!


    in reply to: How to gain weight #40625

    Theresa, I had surgery plus chemo & radiation for my CC, at MD Anderson. During that time, I had lost 25 lbs (from 145 to 120). I saw a dietician and they advised me for a diet high on protein, but also Ensure & Boost drinks. They did not specifically say to stay away from sugar. I drank lots of milk shakes and ate ice cream and cheeses, too.

    Here is a link to the NCI on weight loss during your treatments. Just scroll down to the

    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40269


    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40264

    Minh & Maggie

    in reply to: liver surgery #40471

    Charley – I had a liver resection with 75% of my liver removed. I’m not exactly sure, but I believe mine involved both lobes. Basically my entire right lobe was removed, and part of my left.

    I’m looking at a picture/diagram now of a liver, with the 8 sections pictured, and just going from that. From the picture, I feel they removed 75% of sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. And the approx 25% remaining were sections 2, 3, and parts of 4.

    Also when my liver regenerated, it “grew back” on my left side. Which the doctors stated was ok, and not really abnormal.

    I found this site with a diagram:


    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40258

    Minh, thank you for the comments! Yes I am thankful for my surviving 6+ years.

    I’m not sure about my CA199 (or CA19?) numbers ever increasing. Or if they were ever an issue. At the time of my diagnosis, I remember my liver enzyme counts were all high (ALT, AST, ASP). After surgery and chemo/radiation, those began to drop, and have been in the “normal” range for years now. At times they would check my CA199 number, but not always. I’m guessing it wasn’t an issue (for me) and thus haven’t had the need to check for it all the time.

    That’s great news about your mom’s successful surgery. I hope her CA199 numbers begin to drop.

    Best to you – Dale

    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40253

    Maggie, I agree with Marion. There is nothing to lose but a phone call. The MD Anderson site is: There is a “Contact Us” link with info on how to contact them. It is an excellent cancer center.

    I know your mom already had surgery. But my surgeon there was Dr. Nicolas Vauthey. He, along with the others on my team, are with the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center department.


    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40249


    in reply to: Adjuvant chemo/radiation #40247


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