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  • in reply to: Should we stick with stable? #84586

    Hi Catherine,

    Real glad to hear that your mum has the boxing gloves on again! Tell her from me to keep on punching and hit that CC with some large haymakers!!

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: New to the Board #85054

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have now delurked as it were and joined in with us now! Hope that you will keep coming back and join in with the conversations and please keep us updated on how everything goes for you.

    That’s great that you were able to have surgery and also great to hear that you are feeling really good right now. Long may that continue! My fingers are crossed that the gem/cis does it’s job and please let us all know how that goes.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you and please know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: younger sister diagnosed with advanced cc #85004

    And Jayne, agree with Kirsty that in Juan Valle your sister would be in very good hands with him. As I said before, he is very much experienced with treating patients with CC.

    Her also sits on our medical advisory board here at the CCF.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: younger sister diagnosed with advanced cc #85003

    Why the hell would an organisation that is there to help people with cancer not cover CC, that is outrageous!!!! Totally absurd to say the least ! If their funding sources dictate where and how their money must be spent then surely they should not be calling themselves what they are and call themselves something more specific to where their money is actually spent?


    in reply to: Memorial Service – Percy Leung – friend and moderator #85031

    Very heavy hearts all round Marion.

    in reply to: Memorial Service – Percy Leung – friend and moderator #85029

    Thanks for letting us know about this Marion.



    in reply to: Squamous cell cholangiocarcinoma #84933

    Good analogy and good advice as well Duke on the whole stats issue. Another way to look at stats Serena is that politicians and economists of both sides of a debate will try and use the same stats to prove their argument and why it is right! If the stats worry you then my advice would be to just not read them!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Introduction #81902

    Dear Olga,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dearest Norbert. Please accept my sincere condolences. I so wish that there were words that I could say that would help right now with the pain that you feel. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: younger sister diagnosed with advanced cc #84993

    Thanks for reposting here as well Jayne. I replied to your other thread in the hospital part of the site too. Here is a USA specific link that will be of interest to you and your sister should you wish to pursue treatment options in the USA, my apologies for forgetting to post it earlier. It has lots of contact info in it as well.

    As Melinda says, there are a lot of posts here on the site where members have talked about their treatment and where it was done etc.

    My best to you and your sister,


    in reply to: My Toughest Marathon: A Runner’s Perspective on Cancer #84984

    When I use that link and the other one I get the video of Bill’s story with the info about the date and time etc of the webchat. I was meaning the actual webchat. Don’t know if that was getting recorded or not so that others who couldn’t take part in it at the time could watch it afterwards.

    Hope that makes sense Marion!



    in reply to: treatment centre for inoperable cholangiocarcinoma #84990

    Hi Jayne,

    Thanks for that and for your post in the introductions section too. I am sure that you will get lots of repsonses over there. Very glad to hear that your sister will be seeking a second opinion at the Christie in Manchester and Juan Valle is very experienced as I said. Prof Lodge in Leeds is also very experienced with CC and I forgot to mention him so thanks Marion for that.

    There are many options in the USA as I said and I know that you will get more opinions etc from our USA members on that option. Mayo Clinic is very good but there are a lot of good options in the US. The link I gave you from AMMF also has many good hospitals on it as well that are in the UK and I hope you will check some of them out.

    Please let us know what they say at the meeting on Tuesday at Bradford and also what they say at the Christie also. Thanks as well for asking about my dad. My dad passed away back in 2009 but please do not feel bad at all for asking. I should have mentioned that in my earlier post to you when I mentioned him.

    How is your sister doing today?

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: DNA testing #85013

    Thanks for that John, much appreciated. I hope that everything goes well for your wife and please let us know how everything goes.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: My Toughest Marathon: A Runner’s Perspective on Cancer #84982

    Marion, I was meaning the video of the web conversation on the 29th, will that be going online as I can’t see it from the link on the LL Notebook. Maybe I need glasses though and just can’t see it!!



    in reply to: Need your expertise on chemo brain #84913

    Hi Melinda,

    A few links on chemo brain for you that I hope will be of interest.

    My dad never had chemo so can’t share any personal experiences on this issue. As to your husbands appetite, have you had a look at our nutrition board, loads of great info over there that will be of help to you.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,


    in reply to: Squamous cell cholangiocarcinoma #84931

    Hi Serena,

    Thanks for that. Fried chicken wings, yum! I would def take that your mum asking for those is a very good sign that her recovery at home is going well! Appetite seems good to me!!

    Yes getting a second opinion is a good thing, or even a third one or more as well if she wanted to. I hear what you are saying about not putting pressure on your mum to do treatment or not. I did the same with my dad. I said to him that I would support him all the way no matter what he wanted to do about treatment and said to him that he should do what he wanted to do or not do. It is indeed a very personal decision and I would say that the decision someone makes about treatment or not has to be right for them and them alone. Just my thoughts on this.

    Please try not o think too much about the stats as they are just that, stats. And many of them are very old and out of date anyway. My advice to you about stats and all of that, if they discourage you then just don’t read them!

    Hope that your mum continues to improve and remember that we are here for you and we care.



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