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  • in reply to: Was/is your response to treatment beyond expectations? #84862

    Thanks Marion.

    in reply to: New member — Wife recently diagnosed with ICC #72336

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for the update on Andrea and I am real sorry to hear that things are not going so well right now. From what you say, Yes Andrea has been on the down part of the rollercoaster ride fot too long now and I am so hoping that it is time for the ride to move upwards again! My fingers are crossed that the chemo is indeed causing shrinkage and that is why the shoulder pain is lessening for Andrea.

    It’s a tough spot that you both are in right now but do not give up hope. You know that we are all here for you and are cheering for Andrea too. Loads of positive thoughts heading you guys way from over the pond.

    My very best to you and Andrea,


    in reply to: Was/is your response to treatment beyond expectations? #84860

    Thanks for that Marion. Do you want this put on the FB page as well?

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84852

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you’ve joined in with us as this is the best place for support and help. Can you tell us a bit more about what is going on for you right now? We are here to help if we can, and if we can help then we will.

    Here is a link about curcummin and CC that I hope will be of interest to you –

    Also, along with the link to the board that Marion has given you I would have a look at the search forum function here on the site as that will be of use to you as well. Offhand I think there are a few links that are here on the site about curcummin.

    Please keep coming back Chris, we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you,



    Good link Marion, thanks for that.

    in reply to: 4th Recurrence #84833


    Real sorry to hear this news from you about your visit today with Dr Chapman. I know that this is so not the news that you wanted to hear, but please do not give up hope. Like Lainy says, we have had members who have went through chemo and that has led them to be able to undertake treatments that they had not been able to do previously. My fingers are crossed that the Gem/Cis does what it should for you and I so hope that this goes well. Please know also that we are here for you and keep us updated on how everything goes.

    My very best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Bile Duct Cancer and Myleoproliferative Disorder #84850

    Hi Chrissie,

    In addition to the the link that Marion gave you, here is another that may be of use and interest to you

    Please let us know how everything goes Chrissie, we are here for you.

    My best to you and your dad,



    Thanks for that marion, great link.

    in reply to: I am new to the site also #84844

    Hi Dave,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your wife as well. But glad that you’ve joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help, and I know that you will get a load of each from everyone here. Thanks for sharing what is happening right now with everything. Where in Florida was your wife diagnosed and where is she being treated right now? Reason I ask is that we have many members here who will be able to give you specific advice re hospitals etc especially so should you wish to seek further opinions about anything.

    Please do not worry about being up on the terms of everything etc and we all know that this is such a steep learning curve that we all go through. And as for you being a mess right now, we’ve all been there too so please don’t worry about that. I can still remember how I felt after hearing my dad’s diagnosis, like I’d been hit in the head with a bat. We have a good book that can be downloaded as an e-book should you want to and I am sure that this will help you with everything. It can be found here –

    The e-book is free to download and I highly recommend it for reading.

    I know that your head will be spinning right now with everything that is going on, but please know that you are not alone in this. We are here for you and we care. Please keep coming back and feel free to ask questions and we’ll do our best to help. I look forward to hearing from you more.

    My best wishes to you and your wife,


    in reply to: 4th Recurrence #84826

    Hi Sprinter,

    I’m with Lainy on liking hearing how your onc pushed you to seek further opinions from others and I am very glad to hear that you have an app with Dr Chapman. I so hope that you will get some good news out of this meeting and please let us know how this goes. Dr Chapman has treated many people and I know that you are in good hands. Remember as well that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Could this be a new lesion? #84242

    Dear Mary Beth,

    You got it! Tons of positive thoughts are coming yours and Rob’s way. My fingers are crossed for you guys and this new treatment and I so hope that it goes well for Rob. Please know that we are all here for you and are in your corner with you both. Please let us know as well how things go.




    Thanks for that Julie.

    in reply to: From Net to stage 4 Cc… Please help #84802

    Hi Supermum,

    Glad to see you posting here again and very glad to hear you say that you feel such calmness after making your first post here on the site! I so agree with what you say about anyone lurking around the boards. Please, if anyone is reading the boards and not posting, come join us lurkers, we don’t bite, honestly!!! When I first came here after my dad’s diagnosis it helped me enormously to be around people who know what I felt and what I was going through, and I think that that can be said for so many of us here. None of us have to go through this alone, we can all go through it together and I think that that makes it easier for us all no matter whether we are carers, patients, family or friends. We are in this together.

    That’s good that your husband is well today and the agitation is something that many get. I do hope that the dexamethasone helps him here, how has his recovery from the whipples been? We have many members here who either they or their loved ones have gone through the whipples and I am sure that they will be happy to share some experiences or tips with you on that.My dad’s cc was deemed inoperable from diagnosis so he never had surgery of any type so I can’t share any personal experiences on that.

    I would agree that your husband is in good hands and I too hope that the Gem/Cis does it’s magic. There is a very good chemo board here on the site and I know that you will find lots of posts there from the members on the site who either they or ther loved ones have went through that treatment. How is your husband dealing with that and any possible side affects? Fingers are crossed for the best possible results from the scan on the 7th and I hope to see you posting in the good news section of the site!

    A fellow Scot, Yay!!!! And from Fife too! For our American friends here, the great Kingdom of Fife is a 5 minute car journey away just over the Tay Bridge from Dundee! Made that journey many times myself as I used to go out with a lass years ago from Krikcaldy, the Lang Toun!

    Glad to hear that we’ve all helped Supermum, keep coming back and let us know how everything goes. We are here for you.



    in reply to: VERO the high tech specialized radiation treatment option #84374

    Thanks for that Reacher.

    in reply to: Lips going blue and shivering inside #84819

    Hi Nicole,

    Yep, thats the word I was looking for, balaclava! Not just for criminals and bank robbers they are I guess! For sure though in your part of the world in winter people do have to take extra care from the temps when going through treatment. I guess the Parisian look with scarf and beret may not just be enough to deal with the cold winters! When my dad got his PDT treatment he had to protect his eyes and skin from direct light for about 8 weeks. He had to wear the darkest glasses possible, gloves and a wide brimmed hat when he left the hospital and went outside as the light would burn him. He thought he looked like Michael Jackson though!!

    My best to you both,


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