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  • in reply to: My Ailing Father #95543

    Glad to be of help Adithya and hope that you are able to get some help for your dad with everything.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: Platelet below normal #29329

    Hi Brigitte,

    Sorry to hear of this delay to everything. Have been watching everything that has been happening in Houston over here on the news and it looks terrible to say the least. Thoughts are with everyone affected by the flooding. Have you phoned MD or your Onc to see what they are saying about Friday being able to open or not? Very frustrating for you indeed to say the least.



    in reply to: New Wrinkle #94239

    Hi Kathy,

    Thanks for the update and wow, you sure have been through it all even more have you not with all of this new stuff, huge GRRRRR to brain mets. Yes they are quite rare with CC but do sometimes happen and here are what we have on the site regarding them if you want to have a read through.

    It does sound from what you have told us all that you have some sort of plan in place and I will keep everything crossed for you with the treatments. Please let us know how everything goes and no worries, this is the perfect place for you post your update!



    in reply to: My Ailing Father #95542

    Hi Adithya,

    I replied to your other posting on the other page.



    in reply to: Better days and chemo change! #95541

    Great news Hopeseeker, thanks loads for sharing that with us all! Fingers crossed now for the better times to keep coming too with everything. I know from my dads experiences how his mood and everything would be lifted when he was having a bit better time after going through a real roughpatch.



    in reply to: My Ailing Father #95549

    Hi Adithya,

    Welcome to the site. I am sorry to hear about your dad and all that you are going through right now and having been there with my dad also I know what you are going through right now. We will help if we can but please know that we are not doctors and can not as such give you medical advice etc. We will help with sharing our knowledge, support and experience etc but can not give specific medical advice as to do this, take this etc would be medical advice.

    As far as supplements in general goes, please be very very careful as to what your dad takes. And please do NOT believe all of the claims that are made about something on the internet as so many of them are fake and could be very dangerous. Quercetin which you mention I have no knowledge or experience of but I found this link for you –

    The only reason I post this link is that the source, MSKCC is highly reputable to say the least but once again, please be very wary of any and all internet claims regarding anything really. And please make sure that you discuss this fully with your dads medical team to see what they say or recommend.

    Please also take a look around this board here as that may be use to you as well –

    As to where supplements can be shipped from I have no ideas on that front. Please keep in touch and let us know how things go with your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: TACE Procedure today #95525

    Hi Brigitte,

    I hope that everything goes well today and that the TACE does the job! Will keep my fingers crossed for the best possible results and please let us know how it all goes for you. I know you say that you are feeling a bit down today so take a huge hug from me.




    And thanks for this link as well, loads of info there and a great resource for all.


    in reply to: Physical Symptoms of Advanced Cancer #95518

    Thanks for that Karen, great info.


    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95492

    Hi Catherine,

    That is great to hear that progress is being made with your mum and the surgeon and the upcoming PET next week also. Fingers, toes and everything else will be crossed for the best possible news here and remember to let us know how it all goes.

    And I agree with Melinda, rant was well warranted and welcomed!



    in reply to: Floating abdominal nodule? #95489

    Hi Catherine,

    Just seen this post by you, my apologies for missing it! Real sorry to hear that your mum is having to deal with all of this again and also, no apologies are ever needed for rambling, even on a Monday morning so you go ahead and ramble as much as you want to!! I know that rambling and letting off steam always helps so go ahead as much as you want to!

    Today is a great day for blaming everything on this totality stuff from the eclipse! At least that is my excuse and I am sticking to it! Watching it on tv here so hope you all enjoy it if you are in it’s path!

    Hugs to you Catherine,


    in reply to: Need advice #95504

    Hi Kasia,

    I did a quick search on HAI for you and came up with these threads –

    If you use the “search forum” function at the top of the page and enter the exact details of what you want to search for, postings, links, studies etc then that way they should be able to be found easily, I hope!

    A quick google search also throws up these links –

    I hope that some of that is useful to you and your brother. And please, keep us informed of everything if you can and we will all help as well if we can. A tip, if you see a link or something that you like then please bookmark it on your browser so you don’t lose it. And you can print off a hard copy for reference and to show to your onc or keep etc.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: Platelets ar up but 02 levels dropped during chemo #95498

    Hi Molly,

    Glad to be of help. What you could do as well is print out the CRUK and Macmillan stuff from the links I gave you and show them to the onc when you speak to him about this again. And as you say, your cough got better when you spent the 5 weeks off of Gemzar. Please let us know how this goes for you.



    in reply to: Platelets ar up but 02 levels dropped during chemo #95496

    Hi Hopeseeker,

    Thanks for that and glad the links were of help. Yes shortness of breath can be one of the side effects of Gemzar along with other ones as well. They can be found here –

    And some more info here as well –

    Glad to hear that your MIL will be having the chemo changed and hopefully that will help with the side effects, and also kick some CC butt as well! Fingers crossed for that. Please keep us updated on how things go and what the new chemo that she goes onto is.

    Molly, hope some of the links are of use to you as well regarding your Gemzar and your coughing. Perhaps this is something that you can pursue with your onc again?

    CRUK also list breathlessness as one of the possible side effects also.

    Hugs to you both,


    in reply to: Platelets ar up but 02 levels dropped during chemo #95493
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