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  • in reply to: My wee dad #88082

    Dear Carol,

    So sorry to hear this most recent update about your dad and I so know what you are going through right now. I do think that now you have made the right choice about your holiday and I know that even if you were to go then you would not enjoy it at all for obvious reasons.

    I so know that you do and will have the strength that is needed for you to get through this and at the same time be there for your parents. It s hard but I know how strong you are. We are here for you always. Thinking of you and your dad right now.



    in reply to: The International Cholangiocarcinoma Research Network #88993

    This is excellent news Marion, thanks for this. Will put some links and stuff to it on the FB page this weekend when I can.


    in reply to: Cisplatin plus Gemcitabine significant advantange #88990

    Thanks for these Marion. Will put all 3 on te FB page as soon as I can.



    in reply to: Are there ways to manage pain better? #88959

    Hi Andy,

    Glad that we were all able to help and glad as well to hear that your dad is doing a bit better as well. Hoping that your dad continues to do better and please remember that we are all here for you.

    My best to you and your dad,


    in reply to: My wee dad #88076

    I agree with Marion on this Carol that the pain in your dads stomach needs to be brought under control. Has your dads med team or hospice team said what this can be? Have they offered pain injections as maybe a way of dealing with this?

    I thought that may be the case with regards to the holiday that Ian and the kids would not want to go without you. And I think that if you went as planned for a few days with them to get them sorted then I guess they would not want you to go back home? As I said Carol, this is a tough one with no right or wrong answer I would say. What ever you choose though I know it will be the right decision for you and your family.



    in reply to: My wee dad #88071

    Hi Carol,

    Tough call as to whether you should all go on holiday or not right now. I know your dad says you should and I can so picture him saying that, he sounds just like my dad and my dad would have said the exact same thing to me. I am sure that everyone will have a different opinion on this and I would say it really has to be down to you all and what you all want to do. I know that you could so all do with the break. What about postponing it through your holiday insurance, would that be an option? HOw long is the holiday for and do you think you would be able to enjoy it if you went?

    The driver should help your dad now and hope that the change of pain meds will help with the kidney issues etc. Am keeping my fingers crossed for your dad and so hoping that he does feel better very very soon and that things stabilise as well.

    Big hug for you,


    in reply to: Introduction #88970

    Hi Kathy!

    Glad to have you aboard and so looking forward to working with you as well! And thanks for coming on here and introducing yourself to everyone too! I so know that you will get a ton of replies and can’t wait to hear all about your ideas and everything!

    Things are getting very busy now arn’t they!! :)


    in reply to: My wee dad #88072

    Sorry to hear about the kidneys Carol. My dad was on the syringe driver as well for a while and that helped him quite a bit. Meant that he could keep his meds down so that they worked for him and he felt a lot more comfortable with it. It was also easier for his hospice team to administer new meds if dad needed them and the driver runs on a 24 hour cycle which will be changed daily by the hospice team.

    So hoping that this and the saline will help your dad and getting him comfortable right now is so important. My thoughts are with you right now.



    in reply to: Are there ways to manage pain better? #88955

    Hi Andy,

    So agree with getting in touch with the onc or your dads med team to get more help for him with regards to the pain issue. Keeping your dad as comfortable as possible is right now the most important thing that you can do for him. When my dad was going through this he got his meds through a syringe driver so that he was getting a constant stream of his meds along with extra pain shots as and when he needed them.

    Please get in touch with your dads medical team Andy to see what they can do for him with this. We are all here for you.

    My best to you Andy,


    in reply to: Satoru Iwata, CEO and President of Nintendo #88961

    That would certainly be more globally rather than the USA Catherine but even then not sure how accurate these figures would be. The latest figures that came out in the UK alone show rates of 1965 for 2013 and these were just released this summer. Sadly as well, incidence rates are rising worldwide.

    More info on UK figures from AMMF in the UK –



    in reply to: Nintendo CEO Passes away at 55 today #88936

    Very sad indeed. Saw this on my nightly googling –


    in reply to: My wee dad #88067

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry to hear that dad has had a rough few days and like you I am keeping my finger crossed that he bounces back and feels much better very, very soon. How is he feeling today? Better I hope. And a happy birthday to your mum as well. Your birthday tea sounds good and I am sure that it brought some smiles to your mum and dads faces with the kids being there and everything.

    Have you thought about getting the GP out to see your dad if he is looking more jaundiced as you say? Or failing that, have you spoken with his Marie Curie team about this? Perhaps see how things go tomorrow and see how he is and then see if the gp is needed. The sleeping more is so very common with this cancer and my dad went through that as well.

    And like you, I so hate this cancer loads as well.



    in reply to: One Year and Four months No sign of Disease #88932

    Hi Julie,

    Brilliant news, well chuffed for you!! Lainy happy dance news time I would argue!! I know that you had big anxiety leading up to these sets of tests, results etc, very understandable, but hope now that you can relax even just a bit. Onward to more living as you say!

    And great that you and Matt were able to meet up and I loved the pic that Matt posted of you both!

    Cuppa to celebrate time!



    in reply to: My Introduction #80371

    Superb! What a great pic of you and Julie, so glad that the 2 of you were able to meet up!! :)

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