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  • in reply to: Drug boost in bile duct cancer battle #86891
    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86755

    Hi Donnie,

    That is brilliant news, you just made my night! Pure dead brilliant in fact as you say on your side of Scotland!! Hopefully that is the stent working now as it should and that these numbers will continue to fall. The yellowing will take time to clear up and hopefully it will as the numbers continue to fall. Is the referral to Edinburgh still on the cards?

    Yep for sure stay positive and enjoy this news! Tin of Irn Bru to celebrate tonight! :)

    My best to you,


    in reply to: My Brother’s Journey with CC!!! (Sorry so long) #86888

    Hi Jason,

    Welcome to the site and I am so very sorry to hear about your brothers passing. I so wish that you never had the need to find us all here. My thanks to you for sharing your brothers story and I know that would have been so hard to write. We are all here for you Jason and can so relate to the loss of a loved one to this cancer. Please keep coming back here and we will help if we can, you are most welcome here. My condolences to you Jason.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Positive energy requested #86863

    Hi Melinda,

    You got it, loads and loads of positive thoughts coming your way from over here! And of course I am keeping my fingers crossed for the best possible news from the scan as well. Please stay strong and you know that we are all here for you.



    in reply to: Update on Dad & Next Steps #84489

    Hi APK,

    Thanks for the update on your dad and I am sorry to hear this latest news. Has your dads med team say why they have ruled SIRT out for your dad? Has your dad thought about seeking further opinions from others as to possible treatments or is that something he would consider? Hoping that you get further answers to your questions and please let us know what is said.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: Ken Burns – PBS – The Emperor of of Maladies #86851

    Thanks for that Marion. Unfortunately I can’t view it, says I am in the wrong region and mentions viewing rights. Grrrr!

    in reply to: Itchy/ Tacky skin #86846

    Hi Paula,

    Glad that teh Sarna lotion works a bit. Even just working a bit is better than nothing and we don’t get that lotion over here so my dad couldn’t have it. I def think that your dad should be seen by an onc that has experience with CC, lots of experience preferrably. As you say, he is doing well and seeking further opinions is a good idea.

    That is nearly a year now that your dad last had the chemo but it could be the case that he is still feeling some of the effects of it. Here is a link that will be of interest to you.

    Good luck with finding a suitable onc and please keep us updated on everything.

    My best to you and your dad,


    in reply to: My mom’s new journey with cancer #85703

    Dear Theresa,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear mum. Please accept my sincere condolences. I know how much you will be hurting right now and I so wish that I could help. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86750

    Hi Donnie,

    Thanks for that. Got to say that I’m not really that impressed with the attitude of your GP. Does the GP fully understand the situation here that your stent might not be working as it should? Does this GP have much experience with biliary stenting I wonder. If it was me, I would be pushing this GP so that I got the referral back to Edinburgh but not just for your scans and medical file to be reviewed etc but for an actually appointment at Edinburgh so that you are seen by someone there.

    Don’t give up hope Donnie and do NOT take no for an answer with this GP! Keep pushing if you have to.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86745

    Hi Donnie,

    Great to hear from you and welcome to the site. Why don’t you create your own username so that both you and your sister can both post here? I know that both of you are so welcome here and we will all help the 2 of you. I hear how frustrated you are with how everything is going for you right now, I would be too if I was in your shoes. Yes the fact that your tumour hasn’t grown and seems stable is good news and that is a good thing. But, as you say, the stent does not seem to be working as it should and this should be looked into as a matter of great importance in my opinion.

    I hear as well what you say re farce and the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, so lets change tact here and go back to Edinburgh. Prof Wigmore has advised that you get that referral back to his team so let’s do that.He obviously feels that he can help as that is what I got from what he said to Helen. Contact your gp tomorrow Donnie, get the referral done and go from there. If they can get that stent working again and get the bili down then we can move on to other treatment options once that is done.

    Keep coming back here Donnie.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86743
    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86742

    Hi Lorraine,

    I just heard back from Helen tonight and this is what she had to say.

    “I’ve been in touch with Prof Wigmore at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on behalf of your patient.
    He suggests that this very much sounds like the stent isn’t working and the first thing the patient should do is ask their GP for a referral back to Edinburgh.
    Prof Wigmore is away next week so he suggests the GP refers the patient to Mr Ewen Harrison who will be on duty for HPB during his absence.

    Mr Harrison is Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, these are his various contact details.
    Work: +44 (0)131 242 3616 (Susan Keggie, Academic Secretary)
    Work: +44 (0)131 242 3661 (Valerie Georgiou, Clinical Secretary)
    Fax: +44 (0)131 242 3617 (Academic Office)
    Stent problems usual need prompt attention, so this patient should get on to this asap, and once that has been sorted then they can pursue the chemo or no chemo situation.”

    Prof Wigmore confirms what I was thinking and I would urge your brother to speak with his GP tomorrow to get the ball rolling with the referral to Ewen Harrison. The quicker all of this can be done the better I would argue. I have met Prof Wigmore before and he is very experienced in dealing with CC patients. I met him at the SHBPN conference that was run in Dundee last year and he gave 2 presentations there. I would say that your brother will be in very good hands if he is being treated by Prof Wigmore.

    Let me know how this goes etc then we can look at further options later.

    Hope all of that is of use to you and your brother.


    in reply to: CA19-9 numbers #86836

    Hi Kathy,

    Yes from what you say it sounds like you are doing everything right and as far as drilling your onc goes if your scan shows anything up, good plan! And of course we will help too if we can. I know you say you live alone, but, now you have all of us as well in your corner! Keep coming back here, we are here for you.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86741

    Hi Lorraine,

    You’re most welcome. Reason I ask about your brother travelling to Manchester as consulting with Prof Juan Valle at the Christie in Manchester may be an option. Here is a link –

    Juan is very experienced in dealing with patients with CC and I know that he has treated quite a few members here that are from the UK. He is also the vice chair of the Medical Advisory Board here at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and has also published much research about CC.

    Will let you know when I hear more.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: Itchy/ Tacky skin #86839

    Hi Paula,

    My dad had the itching that you talk of as well and that was due to the jaundice because of the bile duct being blocked. It calmed down enormously once he had his stent placed as that freed up the bile duct again and cleared up the jaundice. Agree with Lainy that your dad should inform his onc and med team about this.

    My best to you and your dad,


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