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  • in reply to: Successful Surgery #90685

    I am to report to hospital admissions desk at 8:15 a.m… surgery will apparently be sometime in the morning…..guessing mid morning. My husband, Allen, is going to post after I am out of surgery and he knows more. I will post myself in a couple days.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Transplant donor approved #90669

    Wishing you the best news… early Christmas gift that all is go and you soon get that new liver.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80422

    Matt…..all I can say is “WOW”!!!!

    Congratuations……what a great way to go into the Christmas holidays. That chart is a “beautiful picture.”

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Hello all #90511

    Cait….Welcome to our family here at I can’t help you much regarding portal vein embolization, because I had surgery for my first tumor 21 months ago (5 cm intrahepatic tumor). After that, I had chemo. Unfortunately, I just had a recurrence with a 1.5 cm tumor and will be having surgery again Dec 7th.

    I’m so glad to hear that you were near Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. Their reputation regarding our cancer is pretty reknown. It isn’t unusual for CC to be far down on the list for diagnosis. After two CTs where they first saw my tumor, a series of blood tests, a PET scan and a biopsy, one local oncologist looking at everything and two Mayo oncologist, they still wouldn’t committ to a firm diagnosis. Only the surgeon at Mayo was positive as to what she was seeing. At one point a doctor was seriously considering that I had mesothelioma, a lung cancer caused by asbestos (since I had nodules in my lungs….which were really caused by previous ailments, pneumonia, etc ). Only the pathologist from surgery gave the final answer.

    Good luck with the portal vein procedure . I hope that works well for you and you can move on to whatever it takes to get rid of this thing.

    Love the name…..I wish I’d have named my first tumor, but our time together (at least that I knew about it) was only a month from finding it to surgery. So, we would have had a short, and not so sweet relationship. LOL I’d name the new one….maybe I should. I may be taking part in a study that will replicate my tumor in mice….so there would be quite a few of the tumor’s offspring, so to speak, waiting in test tubes to replicate. :)))) I don’t think I could name them all!!!! LOL

    The people you meet here will be, by and large, some of the sweetest and most caring people in the world. And…I do mean the world. This cancer doesn’t end at our borders. Everyone’s willingness to help or lend an ear will amaze and renew you.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80413

    Matt……..what a turn around from earlier in the year. You sound far more upbeat and for good reason. What a great gift for Christmas and the New Year. You have indeed been blessed.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: It worked! #90585

    Daisy, Wonderful news for your mom…for all of your family. Dead tumor…no new growth. That’s what we want to hear. Enjoy the holidays.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90559


    Yup….I’m looking for that video from Gavin. He’d better come through because it’s the ONLY thing that will cheer me up. Hear that Gavin?

    Okay…just kidding. Actually the little grandboys are my happiest moments. My daughter-in-law dropped of the baby this morning…and warned us….he’s gotten very “vocal” over the weekend. :))))) That’s putting it mildly. Now he hollars loudly about everything….and we don’t know what he wants again. Starting over with communication, I guess. LOL

    It’s funny…..the surgery isn’t simple at all..;interesting that I made it sound that way…LOL…….liver surgery is among the most difficult for surgeons…..more difficult than brain surgery, I’ve been told. My surgery, barring them finding some other “nodules” during the intra-abdominal ultrasound, should be just what I described, cutting off that corner of the one segment. However, when doing that, they are tying off a lot of bleeders and mini bile ducts as they cut their way through….and it will all be done laproscopically, assuming that he doesn’t run into any trouble that needs more operating room to move around inside the abdomen. It’s very tight up by the diaphram near the liver as it is….so that does make it more difficult. That said, I “think” (dang..I forgot to ask) that the surgery “should” be slightly less time than the 6-7 hours actual operating time for the first surgery because that cut away far more liver tissue,, involving resecting arteries, etc.

    Seems that the longer I’m home, the more questions I have.

    Major Christmas shoppping done today. I only need to pick up several gift cards for stocking stuffers and buy the stuff in my on-line shopping carts at Kohls and Amazon. And…..I need one gift for son and DIL to unwrap. The little boys are done…..the most important part. :) I’m usually not this close to being done this early….but I will rise the challenge. LOL

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90557

    Gavin, I will take you up on a cheerleading dance….esp if you wear your kilt. LOL

    No…..this isn’t what I wanted to hear from the scans, but it is what it i and now I must deal with it.

    I don’t know if we ever know if we’ve made the right decisions until after the fact, but they are ones that only we, as patients or family can make…good or bad.

    I think I understand or guess what the surgeon’s reasoning is for only taking a small wedge of the liver where the tumor is located…it’s actually touching the outside rim of that segment of liver on two side….so it would be the simplest and easiest way to do it. And. if the cancer returns again, it might be in a different segment, so this does spare liver. That is weighed against taking more segments of liver (the oncologist thought that would be the route the surgeon would do) including the whole segment at the very least, where the tumor is located and possibly or or two other segments…..which would effectively get rid of any current cells or tiny tumors that would be on that side of the liver IF there were any. This surgeon apparently is more conservative…at least in this scenario…..and it appears that he feels that is reason to think that there aren’t more tumors. This is what drives me crazy. Should I agree to this conservative surgery….or ask my oncologist to get an opiinion from another surgeon there at Mayo to see if he/she concurs?

    But…..that aside….I”m waiting for my cheerleading video with kilt. Love you, Gavin.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90555

    Genevieve, Thank you for that post about your husband’s scans. They keep telling me that even the MRI can only see something 1 cm or bigger, but obviously that isn’t the case, since your husband has proof of that in his own scans. They have remarked that the MRI is better for liver than the CT, but that they generally do CT because of cost. And…yes, it is significantly more costly. But, I’m also getting a CT of my lungs because for that, the CT is sufficient without contrast, which I’m allergic to.

    My question was….this surgeon made that comment that the MRI was more sensitive than an intra-abdominal ultrasound (during surgery) of the liver in seeing additional, but smaller (in the mm size ) growths. At the time of my first surgery, I had not had an MRI….only two CTs and a PET scan, neither of which showed ANYthing other than the 5 cm tumor. (there turned out to be one half inch size tumor which was seen doing intra-abdominal ultrasound). But, if the MRI can pick up these little buggers better than intra-operative ultrasound….why bother with that during surgery? Then again….we’re waiting three weeks for that surgical date… maybe it does make sense to to the ultrasound in case anything more pops up. They won’t be doing another MRI before surgery. I suspect the insurance company would really balk at that one. :)))

    If the MRI can pick up those really small mm range tumors like 3 and 5 mm……then I should be good because there was absolutely nothing in that liver except good liver tissue and this one tumor. If there is something there smaller than 3 mm, it’s going to take a while to grow and give us more options. And…’s possible that this far out from my first surgery….and the otherwise decent looking MRI, this could be the only stray cell that developed. You have made me feel a lot better about this. Thank you. I think I’ll sleep some better tonight.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My 2nd dose tomorrow. #90499

    I have to say that I have enjoyed this strand….male pregnancy?….bacon?……cat pee? Only on these boards do those subjects come up along side a cancer. Gotta love it somehow. It sure lightened my day.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90553

    Lainy….thank you as usual for being my cheerleader. :)

    Marion,….thanks for the scan info link.

    At first, I only got a CT with contrast of chest through pelvis. Now, I have both a CT without contrast of my chest/lungs and an MRI with contrast of my abdomen/pelvis because of a reaction to the CT contrast. Apparently the CT without contrast is good enough for the lungs, but the MRI with contrast does better for the pelvis. When I get an MRI, it lasts close to an hour with a lot of breath holding, over and over and over. That is to help stabilize the organs for the actual scan, which is done on the exhales. I actually got a little light headed for all the deep breaths and breath holding, and actuallly hallucinated a little toward the second half of the MRI. It just seemed to real…..and would happen between breath holding. VERY WEIRD! I was going to ask the oncologist about it….if he’d ever heard of that before. But, apparently, whatever I did, still gave a good picture and the radiologists were more than happy with how I did the scan. I’ve had other MRIs of body areas where I did just lie in the scanner, but when these particular areas are involved, you have to actively take part in the scan and listen for breathing instructions.

    Also, I had forgotten about it, but saw on your link about the lesser known combination scan. That hasn’t been mentioned at Mayo that I remember, so I don’t know if it would even be appropriate in my case. If anybody has it…surely Mayo does though. Will ask about that when I go up there or maybe before.

    Just another tidbit that I now am remembering from my consult with the Mayo oncologist. I asked about this new small tumor… to when it would be large enough or when it would start shedding cells to spread the cancer. (I am concerned about the 3 week wait for surgery). His response was, that he wished the surgery would be sooner, to get it out of there, but as far as when the shedding first occurs, it is something they just don’t know. It could feasibly start when it’s actually pretty small….OR….not until it’s much bigger…they “just don’t know”. Of course, I was hoping for a better answer…..that it wouldn’t be a worry until it was something like 3-4 cm…..but if they don’t know, they don’t know and any answer would be a guess.

    Emotionally, I’m doing a “little” better today…….unless someone asks me how I am (and they don’t know about this) and the whole thing washes over me again. I remember from the last time, that is how it was until the tumor came out of there.

    As for a recurrence….I guess it is my nature to want all my ducks in a row….and to find the best possible scenario for the best possible outcome. I know from a little reading that this surgeon is a world class surgeon and he has a more than passing interest in CC. In fact, I may be taking part in a study that he is doing with CC. More about that in another post later. I want to do more reading about that before I say too much.

    in reply to: New Scan Report #90544

    Now that I’m back home and have slept, my mind is a bit clearer. And….with that….more questions I should have brought up with the oncologist or surgeon.

    One particular one that comes to mind was that the surgeon said the MRI scan is more sensitive in seeing tumors of a small size than the intra-abdominal ultrasound. I had asked him if he would use that technique at the start of surgery to look for any additional tumors. When he said the MRI was more sensitive than the intra-abdominal ultrasound, I just let it fly past me. Then this morning, it dawned on me that an MRI supposedly can’t see anything smaller than 1 cm, yet when my other surgeon on the first resection used the intra-abdominal ultrasound, she found (besides the obvious 5 cm tumor) a tiny tumor in the mm size range…about half the size of a 1 cm . So, either he misunderstood my question or I grossly misunderstood his answer…or somewhere inbetween. Any info on this….anyone? He did say he’d look around….and the preop consent form indicated intra-abdominal ultrasound, so he does plan to use it. I just want to clarify. The one thing that was clear, was that the MRI scan is more sensitive to show these smaller tumors than the CT scan…..the downside being the much larger cost.

    And….I’m questioning just doing the small wedge (we’re talking very small….only the tumor and an inch margin). I understand that there isn’t anything more they can see, so they “might” be removing totally clean liver if they took out more, but it seems to me that since this segment was next to the one with the original tumor and it did jump to this segment, why not remove the entire segment? Thoughts? All this aside, I don’t think I would change his mind by anything I said……and right now, the idea is to get out the tumor, but I just don’t want something new to pop up at my next scans because we weren’t aggressive enough.

    Ablation: The surgeon or oncologist (can’t remember which now) did address the possibility of ablation, (I didn’t have to bring it up_ but there were two issues:
    1. This is very operable and removing it has a higher possibility of cure than ablation (in other words, if ablation isn’t 100%, it can still spread)
    2. In this particular case, the tumor is sitting right next to the outer edge of the liver segment and a such, makes it a relatively easy surgical procedure (not like if it was in the center of a segment or next to an artery, etc) but because it is so near the outer edge of the liver (literally bumping up to it), it would be difficult to get a good ablation of all of the tumor.
    So, the obvious is that since this is addressable through surgery, that is the most promising route to go. I’m good with this on this one.

    My husband asked about scans… they reset the clock, so to speak after a second surgery….so you go back to scans close together….every 3 months….or do they continue on and stretch them out as if nothing had happened. The answer was that they will not stretch them out based on the time period from the first surgery, ….but will stay at 3 months between scans to keep a very close watch for any more recurrence, in case there is a straggler cell that just was still too small to be seen. However, in my case, it sounded like there was a decent chance that this may be the only cell to grow to an observable tumor because I am far enough out from surgery……that is, if the chemo actually did kill off any stray cells, this one may have been one that was very resistant and managed to continue to grow…..OR maybe it was the only stray cell to begin with. In either scenario, the they sort of look at this as somewhere between restarting the clock and not. It all doesn’t really matter how they look at it, unless there is a recurrence after this surgery. For now, get this out!


    in reply to: New Scan Report #90549

    December 7, “the date to live in infamy” That is the current scheduled date for my resection of this new tumor…..the earliest surgical date that the surgeon had available. We met with him at 4 pm. today, and then again with the oncologist after that. The plan now is for the surgeon to go in and do a small wedge resection of the part of the liver with the tumor, getting about an inch margin. He saw no purpose in doing more than that. The tumor is actually 1.5 cm (not 1 cm as I previously stated) and was probably there microscopically at the time of my first resection in Feb 2014 , and has taken this long to grow. Trying to put a good spin on it, the doctors indicated that since this much time (1 year 8 months) has elapsed since my surgery, the tumor appears to be growing very slowly and it’ s “possible” that it may be the only tumor cell that had migrated before surgery….or possibly, the only one that hadn’t been killed off by adjuvant chemo. It’s just a guess. But, either way, that would be just fine by me. The proof will be the passage of more time after this new resection. If no more pop up then it may be a good guess. However, since the scans only show tumors of at least 1 cm size there could be more smaller ones just ready to make their presence known in the next 3-4 months. I alternate between handling this well and breaking out in tears. But, it is what it is. I will deal with it however I can. The surgery is a cake walk emotionally……..I just really don’t like the reason for the surgery one bit.


    Nancy….probably a good share of CC is caused by inflammation in the bile ducts. If a small gallstone got stuck in a bile duct and stayed there, I would think that would be sufficient irritation to set up inflammation and the process of developing cancer. Maybe someone else has some info on that. I think I must have read something somewhere, because gallstones ring a bells with my memory.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: CT scans: how long should we continue #90483

    Greg…..I also meant to extend a hearty “pat on the back” for the great news of a clean scan at 3 years. You have to be just really jumping up and down to have that report back and all still well. Congratulations!!!

    Julie T.

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