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  • in reply to: new member #69688

    Marion-I didn’t understand what bioposies and liver transplant had to do with each other. I had 2 bioposy the first one they knew would be negative and the second was sent to Mayo for correct diagnose. (It took 2 weeks)
    Shellina-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. Lainy and Marion are right about using a major hospital. I was diagnosed by the grace of God by a doctor who knew right away that the bioposy would be negative, that doctor started the chain of events that saved my life. I am starting my 5th year of life after being told I had 6-8 months to live!! There is HOPE!
    Lots of prayers_Cathy

    in reply to: Update on my dad! #67918

    Nikki-CONGRATS!! I am so excited for your dad and all of you!!
    Exciting about NY Med show, this will be the second time they will film Dr. Kato doing surgery on a CC patient . Tell your dad we will alway an autographed pic of him and Dr. Kato!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Long Term Survivors #69318

    Jackson-I am starting my 4th year cancer FREE!! I am also starting my 5th year of life after being told I had 6-8 months to live!!! I am so thankful doctors can be wrong!! LOL!! Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link, there is HOPE!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Clinical Trials #69393

    Laura, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am glad to tell you I was in a clinical trial involving a liver transpalnt, I am even more excited to tell you I am starting my 4th year of cancer free. I have an amazing story to share, there is HOPE! Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: New member #69189

    Dear Susan, I am sorry you had to find us and travel down this road. I agree with Lainy, it is time for an “intervention” some one needs to help you explain to your husband how much you need a great support system and how much people want to be here for him and his family. My husband comes from a very private midwest family and while I was battling CC it was very hard for him to let people help us, the moment that changed for him was when I was in a coma, he was so surrounded by so many people who loved him, his wife and child that they were never alone, he realized they need him as much as he needed there love and prayers.
    Lots of prayers -Cathy

    in reply to: Miraculous call from Dr. Kato for ex-vivo resection transplant #68663

    Nikki-Darla sending lots of prayers for both on March 1. I can’t help but believe our CC angels, Kim and Jim have something to do with this coincedence!!!
    Lots of prayers for miracles and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Odd question that no doctors have an answer for #68745

    Jayne, I didn’t take carboplatin so I can’t give advice. I can suggest that you stay on top of the the nasuea drugs. My doctors wanted me to always have nausea meds in my system and not to wait till I was nauseas, it worked. Ken, I am sorry about hair loss, that is never a good thing.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Scan Results… #63072

    YEA and CONGRATS!!! We have so many new members to our CC family in the last week your good news is sign of HOPE for them! Thanks for sharing.
    Lots of prayers for many more years of great scans-Cathy

    in reply to: Newest Member #62302

    Zanderini-What an amazing grandaughter Nana has, it just shows what an amazing women she is. I was also the long distant child, I took many costly last minute flights, driving in the middle of night…, the last few years of my moms life. I was very lucky I was there when she passed away unexpectly. My daughter was in school and always struggled with not knowing when she should come, but the one thing we did is when my mom slipped into a coma, we let her talk to her and say her goodbyes by cell phone. We did this with all her cousins and Cates (my daughter) was the last to talk to her and she passed with in moments of finishing her conversation to her.
    Don’t worry about your physical presence, your heart is always with her and you won’t remember her last moments but all her other moments in your life.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: New member introduction #64019

    Eric, I also want to welcome you to our CC family. This site is was one of the few blessings CC comes with!! I am starting my 5th year after being told I had 6-8 months to live!! I am also very LUCKY, because I did qualify for the clinical trial program involving a transplant. Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com (under the telegraph link)it will give you HOPE.
    Keep the positive attitude and keep making memories!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Surgery or Chemo #68998

    Jackson, I was listed under the care of my transplant surgeon, who coordinated with my oncologists when chemo and radiation was in my treatment plan. I think your doctors should be working together.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: New Member #68919

    Welcome Cathy and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor thanks to Barnes!! My doctors were Dr. William Chapman, (surgeon) Dr. Parik, Dr. Suresh and Dr. Aliperty. I have an amazing story to share please read it at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com there is HOPE.
    Please call or write if there is any thing I can do to help since we are neighbors ! I will be at CAM center wednsday for scans this week, so if you are there jusg let me know. I am alive today becasue of God, 2 strangers, Dr. Chapman and Barnes

    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy
    (love your name!!/618-567-3247)

    in reply to: Dad just diagnosed, feel like i’m having a nightmare #68798

    Dear Honeez1-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor! There is HOPE! I have an amazing story to share so please read it at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link.
    I know your world has suddenly spun out of control and you are so overwhelmed but you have come to the right place for understanding and knowledge. We all start our stories with “I was never sick”! I was 52 and perfectly healthy, (and getting healthier, diet excersice LOL!!), a daughter in college, a cruise in fall life was good… and I was just itchy. We own a small lawn care company so I just thought it was sun or allergies… I only went to the doctor because somebody asked me if I had been in a car accident because I has so many sores from itching!! I went in for an ERCP on a thursday, with weekend plans and came out of a simple surgical procedure to be told that I had 6-8 months to live, that was 4 years ago!! There is HOPE!!
    It has not been an easy 4 years, chemo radiation, 2 liver transplant, a ruptured hepatic artery, septic twice, CMV…. there is HOPE!! I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. William Chapman.
    My best advice and the one lesson cancer has taught me is “to keep making memories”
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy


    Congrats Darla-How overwhelmed you must feel right now! I would contact our Tiffany, she seems very versed in aid for out of state treatments, I think she will have lots of good advice and sites to use! I also agree about applying for SSDI, it is so easy. You start on line and then they do a phone interview and that is all. When I applied it was the first part of December and on December 28th I had my yes. My first check was in Febuary, because that woud been have 5 months from my diagnose date. I would think yours would start right away because you have been diagnosed longer than 5 months!! Get your app in before surgery so you can rest mentally and physically!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: 6 Years and Doing Great! #68709

    CONGRATS Sue!!! Thanks for setting the bar high!!! 6 years is amazing!!! I chuckled about your letters, I wrote mine before my surgery and have yet to destroy it, kinda of forgot about them!!!
    Thanks for being an inspiration!
    Lots of prayers for many many more years!!!-Cathy

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