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  • in reply to: Terrified and looking for support and answers #62051

    Lisa I am a CC survivor, I have been cancer free 3 years and 3 weeks (who’s counting!) I have an amazing story to share, I keep my story and 2 other CC success stories on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan), please read they will give you HOPE. (You can also go to thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle to read mine).
    My miracle worker was Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Dr. Chapman and Dr. Gore worked together on the Mayo transplant trial. Dr. Chapman is the most amazing man, he is the kindest, most humble doctor you will meet, he is who you want your children to grow up to be like, he is a “HERO”. It also speaks volumes that a very up and coming Dr. Sonneday (who post on our site and takes care of several CC families calls him his HERO.)
    Dr. Chapman will take your phone call and has been known to say Yes when others have said no. (314-362-5376).
    I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman! (That is exactly how he would list it!)
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Having a hard time #62181

    Tiffany-Just because they have a great marketing team doesn’t make them the best cancer center. I was treated by the one of the worlds top doctor in the world and I doubt most people didn’t even realize Barnes-Jewish Hospital exsisted. Barnes is #9 in top 100 hospital and when was the last time you saw an add outside the St. Louis MO. area. MD Anderson and Dr. Javle are some of the most talked about hospital and doctor here becasue of there knowledge, trials and success in our cancer. Tiffany take comfort you are in good hands. (If you ever get to the point you need a second opinion, call Dr. Chapman!!).
    Lots of prayers-cathy

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58375

    Great news, stay off the ladder don’t tempt fate!!!
    Lots of prayers to stay healthy-Cathy

    in reply to: Younger people with CC! #61845

    Sooo funny, I was 52 when diagnosed and I thought “I am going to be one of the people you see in the obituaries that died so young, they were only in there 50’s” LOL!!!
    The one thing cancer has taught me, there is always a story more unfair than yours.
    Lots of prayers for all my CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: Mother has missed the window of chemo treatment??? #61540

    Lisa-I am very sorry about what your mom and family are having to go through. I have always felt that when in doubt a second opinion is the route to go, the worst scenario is that it will confirm what you have already been told. My mom had non-hodgkins lymphomia and after several chemo treatments she was to weak to continue and we were told to take her home and get her affairs in order. Thanks to the internet we found one of the best oncology doctors for her cancer at University of Nebraska Medical Center (how convient she lived in Omaha NE!!) who had a different treatment plan and my mom went on to live several more years, never succumbing to this cancer!!
    I would suggest you call my miracle worker Dr. William Chapman (1-314-362-5376), he will take your phone call and will probably be very upfront about whether your mom has more options, and she won’t even know that you are questioning her doctor.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Mr. Jim Wilde #61300

    Thanks Tiffany for starting the link. Jim and I were both very lucky to be treated by the two best doctors. We both posted names and numbers of our miracle workers and then last summer her called because he wanted help for not himself but his “very dear friend” and we all know that was Kim, he was looking for another great doctor for her. Jim always gave me the impression he would walk to the end of the world for a CC fighter. This winter when we both had lung spot surgery he was more concerened about mine, then his own and he didn’t have the best news.
    I have been blessed to have known Jim and can only imagine how lucky his family is to call him” DAD” and “Honey”.
    Lots of prayers for Janis and there children, thanks of sharing him.

    in reply to: 1 year ct scan clear—need advice #61919

    CONGRATS!! Sooo excited for your year birthday. I do blood draw every monh and scans every 6 months. I have my oncologist and liver doctors scheduled so someone sees me every 3 months.
    I think if you have to ask about time between appointments means you are not comfortable going 6 months between visits. I would stay on a 3 month schedule for your peace of mind and that is the key to good health, being proactive. I am sure your oncologist will understand. I remember my first week of no doctor appointments, then my first month…. very nerve racking. I actually missed my oncologist appointment this month (woops), hows that for making cancer an after thought!!!
    I am very superstious and would have kept my port, but I went septic after second transplant. I was so devasted for them to take it out!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Half Way There!!! #61206

    Derrin, don’t want to be “debbie downer” but radiation tends to knock you for a loop about a week after you are done. Patty just posted on FB how good she was and now very wiped. I will always remember the day it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I was doing pretty good, (usually took myself and was also having 5FU 24 hours a day) then WOW!! I know we all different but be carefull, you have a lot planned and your immune system is pretty compromised. My advice is don’t push yourself and let yourself be pampered!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: 80% Survival Rate at Mayo Clinic #23668

    Venkat-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor due to two liver transplants. I just did my 3 year cancer free birthday this month. I am alive because of Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis MO. My CC was stage4 and inoperable, I also could not have a resection because of the location of my tumor. Liver transplants are becoming a more viable option now, but some doctors and hopsitals still feel it is a waste of good organ to give it to some one with cancer.
    I suggest you consult with a doctor who believes it is an option and let them rule out if your friend is a candidate. I highly recommend Dr. Chapman, he is one of the top 100 doctors and has a heart. I am leaving his phone number because he will take your call, 1-314-362-5376. (transplant department)
    Please read my story at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle or on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). I also have another CC success story by Dr. Chapman on my FB page, and another CC success story of a 5 year survivor because of a transplant. Please feel free to contact me if I can help more. I am proof there is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Organ Transplantation at Barnes Jewish #60932

    THANKS for posting!! Thats my hospital and those are my heroes!!!!

    in reply to: Lauren and insurance. #60633

    Pam/Kris-I qualified for medicare after 24 months and is was not the answer to my prayer!! I was pretty blindsided by the expense. I have private BCBS insurance and believe it or not my premiums are less than medicare. I would have to pay $115.00 for PartB (doctors visit, out patient test…) PartA (hospital) free PartD (drugs) about $40-75 (and there is something called the donut hole which means there are major deductables) and then the supplement, which since we are under 80 and on disability is expensive. I was close to $500.00 a month with major out pocket expense and my private insurance is about $375.00 month. I don’t mean to be “debbie downer”, but I was disappointed because I thought some of my financial nightmare would get easier (I will always have major medical bills because of my transplant-but I am so happy to have them because I am here to complain about them!!).
    I suggest you start calling medicare and checking supplement policies. Kris if you qualify for food stamps you should also check medicaid, any more you don’t need stress -it’s not healthy!! LOL!
    Lots of prayers for both of you through this-Cathy

    in reply to: starting chemo on may 1 – any tips #60390

    Ash-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor I will be 3 years cancer free on May 24, 2012!! I have my story and another CC story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan), there is HOPE.
    I had chemo and radiation, both with very little side effects. I ALWAYS took 3 nausea drugs (compazine, lorazapam and zofran) so I had liitle if any nasuea. My chemo days meant lunch and shopping! I would become extremely tired abiut 48 hours later and would be wiped out for about 24 hours. I did miss a chemo due to low counts. Radiation was good till about a week after the 6 weeks were over and then I became extremely exhausted for several weeks. My oncologist also recommended a low dose antidepressant.
    Lots of prayers for your mom tomorrow-Cathy

    in reply to: Introduction #60421

    Dear THennesy-I also welcome you and also sorryyou had to find us. I am a CC survivor, there is HOPE. My CC was inoperable but had not spread, so I qualified for a trial involving chemo, radiation and a transplant. please read my story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan), there is alos another CC survivor story on it. There is HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Everything has changed #60329

    Donna-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, there is HOPE!! I will be 3 years cancer free on May 24, 2012!! I have an amazing story to share which you can find on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) or at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle.
    I wa diagnosed July 31, 2008 and was 52 years old and just itchy, that was the day my new “normal” began.
    I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Please make sure you have the best doctors, that is very important because our cancer is so rare that they are limited.
    I wouldn’t worry about eating the “right foods” so much as making sure you eat and keep your strength up. I look forward to hearing more of your story.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Stent “roto-rooter”? #60321

    Hi-sorry about your husbands stent problems. I had 10 ERCP’s in a 9 month period. I had 3 in 17 days. My hint (sounds like we are swapping recipes) is to make sure they give you zofran in your IV, that helped me so much. The procedure is pretty quick, I went home one time with in 4 hours.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

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