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  • in reply to: Some newbie questions #58937

    Matt-You already know more than you think, different doctors have different opinions on chemo. My trial involved chemo and my doctor told me to expect little or no results. I suggest you start asking about transplant option, that is what made me cancer free. Transplants are still controversial, so you need to have it ruled out by a doctor who believes it is an option, many still don’t think it is. I was inoperable and 6-8 months to live at my diagnose and I will be now 3 years cancer free May 24, 2012!!! You also might want to listen to the MD Anderson podcast, that was posted on here last week, very interesting and informative. I also have 2 great CC transplant stories posted on my FB (Catherine Sims Dunnagan) they will give you HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: medicare #59011

    Sallypa-Sorry about your sister, adding insurance pressures doesn’t help. I am on disability and after 2 years was eligable for medicare automatically. Part A is hospitalization and no charge, Part B is doctor visits, outpatient care… and is deducted from your disability check and I believe is $115.00 a month. You will also need Part D for drugs and then you need a supplement. I was so suprised by the expense, for me it was cheaper and better coverage to keep my personal insurance. The medicare office will help you understand this better, there is a thing called “the donut hole” which involves paying for your drugs and it is not in our favor. I know it took me several calls to medicare and insurance brokers to figure it out.I also found out that I will be penalized for not accepting it when it was first offered!! I wish I could share better news, you have so much on your plate already.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Scan #58903

    Lots of prayers tomorrow, we will be checking Good News Section!!

    in reply to: Hello #58869

    Matt-welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 21/2 years cancer free! There is HOPE! Your sister is in one of the best places for CC, so take some peace from that. Please keep us posted on your sister and you will find this site is a well of information, collectively we probably know more than the best doctors!! Feel free to aks any questions or concerns here
    My sisters were 500 miles away and even though they were not always physically with me they were always by my side!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    My heart breaks for you and I can only offer you lots a prayers and a hug.

    in reply to: Nice PET ;) Updated 3-13, please read. #32767

    Tiffany-Congrats, sounds like you are heading in the right direction. I suggest you start throwing Dr. Kato or Dr. Chapman name around to your doctors. These 2 doctors are probably the top in treating CC patients and have had SUCCESS in treating our cancer, and have said yes when others said no. I would get your doctors opinion on there work, I am sure they know of them. Dr. Chapman of course in my “hero” so if you need another opinion please contact me for info/number. I pray Dr. Kato has great plans for you.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Heading to Michigan for scans. #58717

    Praying for miracles for Lauren!

    in reply to: Curing cancer by replacing livers! #58643

    WOW-and thank you Marion! This article is one of the most precise and easy to read and understand articles out there.More proof of my miracle,I am and always will be eternally grateful for Dr. Chapman.
    Dr. Suresh my oncologist, said the exact same thing about reoccurence,”there could be a microcell”. The reason for my lung surgery last week was because as my doctor told me “we have no data”!!
    Lots of prayers for our CC family-Cathy

    in reply to: Daughter not ready to lose her mother #58425

    Lisa/Lorraine- “Welcome and sorry you had to find us”, you will find that is
    a very popular post on this site. I am a CC survivor, I will be cancer free 3 years on May 24,2012.! There are CC survivors, there is HOPE, I am sure you will be heaing from more.
    I am alive because of God, 2 strangers, and Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I having an amazing story to share and you can read it at thetelegraph.com under christmas miracle, it will give you HOPE.
    My CC was inoperable and involved my portal vein.
    The best advice I can give you is after prayers and more prayers, is to make sure you are in the care of doctors who are knowledgable (they are limited)about CC and know all the options, clinical trials… and they believe transplant is an option before ruling it out. You will hear from our family about some GREAT doctors.
    Just keep psoting because the one thing this site is great for besides so much knowledge is amazing COMFORT!
    There is HOPE and lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Front row tickets to hell #58432

    SugarPlumFairy-My heart just breaks for you and your family. You put into words what we all have felt and are feeling. Please know that this site will be a big comfort during this battle, you will recieve so much comfort, prayers, HOPE and inspiration in our CC family.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58009

    Derin-Glad chemo isn’t wiping your butt!!! I can’t even do a blood draw with out a minium of 2 sticks. I am amazed at you having portless chemo. I got a blood infection during my second transplant stay and all foriegn objects were removed from my body, so there went my port! I was more upset by that then being back in ICU! I have no veins, so my port was a gift from God. I could have all blood draws thru my port, it was toooo easy!
    Can’t let my husband Jeff see your fishing reports, he sleeps with the Brass Pro Store add under his pillow!! LOL! We have 2 weeks till our camper opens at Kentucky Lake and he is bass fishing!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer #58273

    Thanks Marion and Gavin for both post. I posted on FB this should be titled “Cholangio for Dummies”! It was so patient friendly, just kind of sad we all understood it to easily.

    in reply to: embolization on monday #58281

    Kris- good luck monday! I am so gald your recovery won’t be complicated with morning sickness!
    Interesting that we all just naturally hate liver and onions, but we cherish our livers!!!
    Lots of prayers for monday, for March to fly by, and summer to come so you can ride your bike!!

    in reply to: Ct scan #58401

    YAY!! I am in agreeance with the mumbo jumbo, why can’t they just say “good, better, best”!! Thank God for oncologist!
    Sorry about San Diego trip. I am a firm believer beach air heals all.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Grover’s updates #58310

    WOW-Marion, Lainy….. thank you for site, it is unbelievable we are all there in the “waiting room” with Grover’s family. Do you believe how far your vision has evolved. I have been just posting for just 3 years and it is so exciting to see how this site has become more than just a “fact and info” place. The CC site has always been a source of comfort, but for some reason with Grover’s daughter given “op udates” it seems like it has reached a whole new level. Thank-you!
    Congrats Grover, we are praying for you and your family!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

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