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  • in reply to: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma #74365

    Ms. Daisy-What a great way to start my day, to wake up to kind words. I am alive because of the kindness of two complete strangers, so for me to able to repay and pay it forward is probably the most humbling expierence. To be able to pass on life saving/changing info is the most amazing feeling. Once again “until you walk a mile in there shoes” applies and you will fully understand cause you will do the same!! I have had the best of best times with Carmen and Rose! Thanks for sharing your family !!!
    Lots of prayers for all to keep getting better!!-Cathy

    in reply to: Hey I’m back in the Good News category #74381

    Mark, So excited to see you in the good news column!! Keep posting and inspiring!!
    Lots prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma #74360

    Daisy-Everyone knows I love seeing my hero’s” name on the CC site as the “go to guy”, but being the humble person you are, you left out the part where you saved your mom’s life. Your mom’s journey is less than a month in the making and you never took any negative opinion as an option, you didn’t take a try and see approach, you found HOPE and answers in such a short time. Daisy you and your family are amazing!!
    Lots and lots of prayers for mom and all of you-Cathy

    in reply to: Liver resection Dr. Chapman Barnes Jewish Hospital #74029

    Brenda and Daisy Welcome and sorry you had to find us!! I am Dr. Chapman’s success story!! Tomorrow July 31, 2013 will be 5 years since I was diagnosed with CC and given 6-8 months to live! I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. Chapman!! I can’t type fast enough as my thoughts flow about that man. Dr. Chapman is a “Hero”. The best way to describe him is like having an angel in your room!! I have so many names and stories to share about when Dr. Chapman said “yes” while other said “no”!
    Please call me I have so much information to share and an amazing story to tell full of HOPE. I just was the key note speaker for Relay for Life and have a you tube video posted on my facebook page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). I also keep my story posted on http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph. Please call if you need a ride or a place to stay. Part of my miracle is the place and man that saved my life is 20 mins away. I would love to pay it forward and help while you are in St. Louis.
    I will be at Barnes tomorrow July 31 for my 6 month scans so if either of you are in the area I would love to meet up. Please call or email 618-567-3247 or jrdunnagan@gmail.com.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE!-Cathy

    in reply to: Live liver donors could ease U.S. organ shortage #73892

    Great story!! Crazy to think so many people are waiting and losing there battles, when so many organs are not being recycled. Please be an organ donor, yes even those of us who have battled cancer can donate. Please make sure your loved ones know how you feel about saving a life.
    Thank you God, 2 strangers and Dr. Chapman for today!!


    So excited for Tiffany, praying, praying, praying! Praying for peace and comfort for her donor families.

    in reply to: My transplant story #46023

    Rach-I am doing great!! My meds are pretty easy/breezy now!! I take 6 prografs a day, nexium, calcium, multivitamin, vitaminD, and magnesium a day. So really only 2 prescriptions which is financially better, still pretty good financial strain, but they keep you alive so who cares!!
    Have you had a problem with CMV?? I had contracted CMV about 9 months after second transplant and I was sicker from that than any transplant, chemo or radiation!! I do blood draws every month and scans every 6 months. I also have a hernia the size of a grapefruit but surgery isn’t an option, the only surgery they ever want to do on me has to be life saving!!. I guess no facelift or tummy tuck LOL!!! The middle part of my torso is pretty crazy looking between my transplants scars and hernia but I am awfully proud of it!!!
    I did have my lung spot removed and it is was benign, but my 2 week recovery period was about 3 months!! I still don’t have the stamina I use to have but I do just fine. I am blessed that I can work at my own pace since my child is grown and life is pretty simple for me.
    I am so excited to meet another CC transplant member. Keep posting so people can be inspired and educated that transplant is a viable option that hopefully more will be included in!!
    I think I HOPE that your MELD score stays low (mine started at 29 and was 37 when I was transplanted first time).
    I HOPE Pam reads our post and it brings her inspiration and comfort as she waits for Lauren to get better. We are proof that miracles happen and bad times do end GREAT!!
    Lots of prayers and call (618-567-3247) anytime!

    in reply to: My transplant story #46021

    Rachael thanks for sharing!! I am a CC survivor due to transplants, like I mentioned before. My story is very similar, I ended up on life support a month after first transplant because my hepatic artery ruptured. So I am very interested in your story, the meds you take, etc… And very interested in that you said it returned?? I was 4 years cancer free on last Friday. I had a spot on my lung last year that my doctors wanted remove and there reason was “we have no data to compare this to because your success is new and we don’t want to take any chance” My miracle worker was Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO.
    Can’t wait to hear more.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy jrdunnagan@gmail.com

    in reply to: Do most CC patients have PSC #72561

    Rach883, I would love to know more about your story. I am a CC survivor due to 2 liver transplants. I am curious how you got a transplant 2 months after diagnose. Did you not have to do chemo, radiation…
    Thanks for sharing, we need more positive transplant stories on our site.
    Lots of prayers to stay healthy-Cathy

    in reply to: New member — Wife recently diagnosed with ICC #72290

    Jason-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor thanks to a liver transplant. I will be 4 years cancer free on Friday!! I have an amazing story to share and keep it posted at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link. There is HOPE.
    My miracle who saved my life twice is Dr. William Chapman at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. Dr. Chapman help develop the Mayo protocol and is the most kind, loving doctor. The one reason I am metionning his name is because last year I was honored to be invited to a lecture/ reception for him and what he talked about was getting more ICC patients into the transplant program and how they were making great strides and including some. I could fill books about this man and his heart. We have a gentleman who lives in Hawaii and flew his wife all over for treatment and believes if he had found Dr. Chapman sooner she would still be here. Dr. Chapman also is very phone friendly. We just had a young women have her life saved by a doctor who did his fellowship under Dr. Chapman and he calls him his HERO!!
    One of the miracles of my story is I grew up in California (Sunnyvale) and was very whiney about living in Midwest and it turns out the one place that could save my life was 20 mins away!! Boy did God shut me up!!
    Please call (618-567-3247) if you would like to talk or need anything
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72107

    Pam-I can hardly read your post because it way to dejavue.
    I am proof there is HOPE and MIRACLES, like you I carried my St. Peregrine medal and holy card through all this!!
    Pam you are an amazing mom and family and you surround Lauren with love and Hope and have one of the most gifted surgeons so it will be a positive outcome.
    Keep talking to Lauren because she does hear you!!
    Lots of prayers, love, hugs and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Lauren’s 2nd Surgery News #72006

    Allehuia!! Sooo excited for you and Lauren, what a great birthday gift Dr. Sonneday gave you!!! Happy happy belated birthday!!
    Lots of prayers for an easy and quick recovery-Cathy


    That article just reaffirms how lucky I was to be diagnosed by a doctor who I never met and knew exactly what he saw. I will always remember his words, “I know what I saw and I know it will come back a false negative but it is cholangiocarcinoma and her only hope is a liver transplant with Dr. Chapman”!! No fuss no mess, a diagnose and treatment plan in 2minutes!! I can’t even order McDonalds that fast and it be right too!!! LOL!!
    I am alive because of God, 2strangers, Dr. Aliperty and Dr. Chapman!


    WOW- so exciting!! Glad to see the east coast is catching up with the midwest!!

    in reply to: First Day of Chemo #71680

    Hi Carl, I hope your wife’s chemo went well. Starting chemo is scary but I felt like I was doing something to fight the cancer so I was sooo ready The actual chemo treatment is usually non-eventful, the after effects for me was very tired about 48 hours after chemo and really just lasted a day I also kept 3 different ant-nausea drugs in my system as a preventive.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 574 total)