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  • in reply to: Hi I am Terry recently diagnosed with CC #23295

    Hi Terry, Welcome to the site. I’ve been moderating for this site for two years coming October 10th. This site has grown tremendously in respect to gaining knowledge on CC specifically. Knowledge is power. Don’t settle for the day to day routine hear say information. Members of Cholangiocarcinoma have fisrt hand experience and knowledge, who are more than willing to share. Also using the Google custom Search above you’ll be able to get infor previously shared about particular subjects in dealing with this CC. Use the links provided above and the websites forum to increase your knowledge. Again, welcome and i personally wish you the best outcome possible. I continually preach positive attitude and love will take you far. Also, you have to be your own best advocate. Your the patient ,your in control. Pleas don’t let them push you to far to fast and burn out your immune system. Try and keep your platelets,wbc’s and rbc’s above safety levels. Weekly labs while doing chemo and monitor yourself from a printout would be great. There is nothing wrong with holding off treatment aweek or two to preserve your immune system. Here I am, on my wagon again. Any questions or if you would like any suggestions or opinions just jump in.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CA19-9 levels #23306

    Suzanne—- 40 is usually looked at as a pretty resonable level. However you have to remember what is normal for one person is not the same as someone else. Usually your first round of test is used for your baseline for starting a regimen of chemo and they monitor it from there to get a feeling if chemo is . Some people run higher than that all the time. Other s run really low. but from my understanding 40 is normal range, but it will flucuate up and down. Also your Ca19-9 is not a gauranteed indicated that cc is progressing or not. it’s just one off the tools docs use, Scan to be the most popular.

    in reply to: Long overdue update #23230

    Hi Peter, Five procedures in a month! I definitely would say it’s time for a medical break. Enjoy the break and keep on shooting those pieces of artwork. I love the pumpkins and gourds. I can just feel the cool crisp air. So refreshing. In my case it sure does remind me of home sweet home.


    in reply to: About my username and that I’m new to this forum. #23289

    Hi Believe

    We are glad you found this site as well. I hope all is going okay for you at the moment. When you are up to it we would love to hear more about how what ,how ,and when. It sounds as though your CC was found early and things are rolling right along. The earlier the resection the better in my opinion. “I BELIEVE” is so positive. It’s obvious you and your sisters have a great bond of love. Love goes a long ways in this little battle for life. Along with positive thinking and lots of hope. “I BELIEVE” takes it the one step further. Any questions or thoughts ,please do jump right in. We are here to listen and suggest, and whatever. Again , glad you found this site. We are like one big family helping one another. Still sorry for your DX, but it sounds like you and your sister’s are right on top of it.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Prelims back from my latest scan #23256

    Super Kris, Enjoy the Carolina’s !

    in reply to: PLEASE any suggestions for gas #23270

    Is garlic considered acidic or is there something else in it that makes you pass the time?

    in reply to: Topics for web conferences #23237

    Radiologist Oncologist/Oncologist

    When and what type of radiation is appropriate for which areas, cyber, gamma, IMRT, 3-D conformal ? Can radition be used same area more than once if lower dosage ? Recommendation on radiaton to liver and lungs ? Combination radiation and chemo? Some oncologist say no. Most common complications of radiation? Is there some type of medicine that can be given via portacath to make radiation more effective? Does radiation actually kill cancer cells in other parts of the body/blood stream from absorbtion while working on a particular tumor. Why do or should oncologist wait or are so conservative with recommending some form of radiation? How many rounds of chemotherapy does it normally take to tell if effective? If using a chemo and tumors are remaining stable it could be the tumor is just being indolent/not progressing and chemo has nothing to do with it is there a way to determine so that chemo does not have to continue and depleting immune system. What’s the lowest and safest level for platlets, red cells and whites before chemo should be with held? Some push to the limit of no return; Is it considered if platlets and r&w cells are depleting chemo is possibally being effective? Simply, standard protocal for chemo to save on the bodies own immune system? Why aren’t genetic profiles completed prior to chemo? Wouldn’t that save time and money and give more specific on which chemo may benefit the patient more so than othe type chemos? What about immunology treatment? Especially for indolent progression? It just appears to be simply trial and error and push the chemo until the body can’t support itself. Why try to be so aggressive? Why when you CC most Oncologist explain all is pallitive treatment? If CC is systemic does it not make sense to keep removing tumors as they appear, especially if it is distant areas and slow progression; wouldn’t it prolong life considerabally for many? Why aren’t anabolic steriods use to help fight cancer? some types are bad for liver but other types aren’t any more dangerous than the chemos. Isn’t it true there is no antidotes for these chemo drugs,once in your system, all that can be done is treat be given pain killers and antacids?
    This is a few starters? Basically true or not, where is the common ground/protocal? We are idividuals but basics are basics.

    in reply to: Safety alert issued by FDA with the use of Tarceva #23150

    Violarob in Texas—- It goes along with what we have always said; different chemo works differently on different people. We are all so unique and individual.

    in reply to: COQ10 – Amazing or a Fraud #23249

    Hi Lainey, I have heard of it and have seen it. Never tried it as I have never seen any positive imput from anyone who has tried it. You can get it on line or at your health food stores like “Food for Thought”. Or the store can order it for you. Store always seems more expensive as thats where I get my IP-6 with inostol, which I don’t know if it does any good either,but seems to be more hype about it in the pass. I believe walmart sells it as well, in the section with all the other supplements. If she was cured from breast cancer just using COQ-10, It should be a major break through and on the news. But Miracles do happen you know? Have a lovely day! Finished radiation this AM. 4-6 weeks for full effect to be done. Man,this radiation treatment was a bugger! Bone pain, itchy, sunburn feeling and a little nausea and bloating. You would think someone just jumped up and down on my ribs and back. Shall pass I’m sure. Had Lot longer buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzes this time.

    in reply to: Side effects of Xeloda (capecitabine) #15845

    Hi Nancy, The above post brings back memories. That post of me on XL and OXY was back in May,07. If the Xeloda is working for you that is good. As long as you know how your body is reacting, and pay attention to side effects is kinda what we have all learned over the past year plus. In the long run it was not effective for me ,but others have posted fairly good results initially. Wish you the best on this regimen. I remember clearly this particular regimen was harsh on me . I’m glad you are able to take without the effects I recieved.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: Long overdue update #23225

    Hi Peter, In addition to what I posted on Pagehill. Last night I was thinking and said to myself, I love my Pasta’s as well. If It were I and I felt hungry well? I then began to think some more. It’s just not easy,( ifs,ands,buts). Life is beautiful and of course a man has got to eat! Sorry Peter, I couldn’t resist. I support you 100% with what ever you dicide my friend. If you really feel you can gain weight,strenght, and vigor? Then comes them what if’s again. I wish gaurantees came with surgeries. You and only you knows what your body is capable of doing. Your long over do for a miracle and I ‘ll leave it at that. Peace with in!

    Gods Love,

    in reply to: Just wanted to introduce myself……. #23202

    Cher— I love your motivation and advocacy for your Mom. She sounds like a marlvelous individual, just like her daughter. Wishing and praying only the bestest outcome. Glad to hear your at Duke. My Sister did her internship for nursing at Duke. I think that’s what you call it. Any hoot she’s a nurse now. Take good care of yourselves.

    God Bless,

    in reply to: methadone #22631

    Thanks Mary, I think this radiation is doing the trick, I’m back to sleeping during the night again, with only a little discomfort. Just two more days of radiation I hope. Wears you out just driving back an forth every day Ha! Glad it’s only a little ways done the road.

    Bless Ya!


    Gavin, Good one for your Dad as well. My Sister has done reikye on me years ago when I found out I had recurrence and put me to sleep as well. Now that you mentioned Your Dad already had a shake when drinking water I would think out loud again and say surely could be parkinsons and the medication and treatments have caused progression. Some would call this drug induced. Not sleeping at night is an issue for many with CC. Some reasons. change in habits, lack of exercise, your metabolism changes, pain, for some reason think they have to be awake sub-conciously speaking.

    I wish you all the best.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Just found this board #23211

    Hi Jan, Sorry to hear about your Dad. Has he been able to manage his pain okay? It seems like this disease just doesn’t want to stop for nothing. Your Dad’s progression sounds similar to mine, except I am still getting about and have no need for oxygen yet. Maybe hospice and a break from treatment is what he needs. I’ve taking several breaks, to allow my own immune system to build back to half way normal. Sometimes continuous aggressive treatments takes to much out of you to quickly. I wish we could welcome you to the site on a more positive note, but welcome anyway; and if there is any questions or concerns on your mine, please feel free to ask. We are quite forth right and tell it like it is. Jan have you been to any caregiver/patient support group meetings? They can be very supportive for you at a time like this. My wife and daughther started attending a few weeks ago and it has made a significant differennce for them emotionally. Jan any time you want to vent ,just go for it, as we all here understand completely and are here to support you the best we can. Ideas and suggestions will flow your way, just take them in slowly and one at a time.

    God Bless you and Your Dad,
    Jeff G

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