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  • in reply to: I’ll never get used to this #20412

    Lowes ! Did I hear someone say Lowes! I just got back. The wife won’t give me a break. She wants the laundry room partioned off with a cabinet and folding top. And something to hang the delicates on Ha! It’s going to be done as I feel is the agreement. I mean it is in the utility room with a door.But got to keep the Mrs. happy. I remember those xeloda pills. I did not like them either. Up and Down. This current treatment is giving me a little runs for the money. Did I say runs Ha! time for the immodium. Charlie did you get that shower all fixed up? I had to replace the mixture valve in one last month. My daughter and kids wore it out. One word of advice you have to remember shut the darn main water line off or you get wet! Ha! Glad to hear your feeling a bit better charlie. Time for some gatorade. Cherrio for now. Hi Carol!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any feedback are greatly appreciated. #20294

    Hi Barbara….. Sorry to hear of your husband Frank’s condition. Not to be nosey but what has been done for Frank? Has any stents been put in or a line to get his billibrium count down? Where is his tumors located? Also, the standard question, has he had more than one opinion of his condition? I have several tumors but that does’nt mean I’v’e only got two months. Has he been actually diagnosed with scans and biopsy. Has he been having pain and juandice? I’m sorry to ask so much about such an emotional subject, I’s just hard to suggest anything not knowing a little more. Barbara please scroll to the top of page and click on Newly Diagnosed or Cholangiocarcinoma. It will give you a lot of information you might want to know. If you have any specific questions, please do post and ask as someone will suggest what ever they may have is experienced.
    Again , I’m so sorry this disease has touched your life but if we can suggest something to help in some way we will.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemcitavine #20392

    Tanoland… Your thoughts and feelings are so real except for hope. Please find the strength to talk with someone. A best friend, a counselor who deals with processing thoughts of grief, a professional from any church you choose. You need to vent my friend and have someone help you through the process of answering some of those why questions. Feel free to express your self to Dr. Giles under the patient support section. Just bending his ear and hearing him out may shed some light of support in dealing with your rolling emotions. Give it a try my friend it can only help. I’ve been there and it has helped me.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Tammy Neumann – Wonderful Wife & Mother #20375

    Ron … My heart felt sympathy goes out to you and your family. I had just read the update on Tammy the other day and lit another candle. May she rest in peace and the lord give you strength.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Miracle Man Results Are In! #20381

    Lainy … great to hear about miracle man! I was just posting in another section basically saying the same thing about novel treatments popping up just lately. I’m glad someone else is seeing it as well. Stay strong and don’t loose hope I’ll do my best! I’m a realist as well but hope over-rides that many times over.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: BIBW 2992 #20373

    Hi Pauline… Wishing you and Anthony the best with this trial. Taxol also known as taxotere has been one of the chemos I just finished trying. I had some positive results with the liver tumor reducing in size but with my mets to lungs it was a toss up. Some slightly grew and some slightly shrunk. I had 8 cycles and over all felt it kept things at bay for some time. It’s so hard to tell some times. Like some one mentioned the other day it depends on the doctor deciefering the scans, the tumors could be a little smaller or larger. Hair loss was my biggest side effect from taxotere(Taxol). 3 times as I stoppped and started to do little trips I had planned. Avastin I don’t remember if I’ve tried before, I’d have to check the generic brand name. I also wanted to share that the mets to Anthony’s lungs is not considered lung cancer but CC mets to the lungs. My Onco had to re explain that to me again the other day when I was giving him a hard time about what I wanted to try next. Mets to any part of my body he said is still considered CC/bile duct cancer, not lung or bone,etc. So i replied we can keep on trying anything then right? He grinned and just said we’ll try what ever scientifically has merit. I said that’s all I wanted to hear. Then he reminded me that it is amazing and basically not heard of a cc patient surviving this long. I told him He needed to visit our web site as it is happening. He feels that combinational treatments have been showing promise. So, with all that said it sounds like the trial Anthony is going to have is combinational of different chemos which canbe of benefit as they work in unison with each other for better results. Lots of possibilities still exsist and seem to be popping up here and there in my opinion. I hope and pray for the best with Anthony’s trial and everyone else who is trying anything novel.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 4 years doing great #20240

    Thanks Margie… I have only been doing chemo and radiation just over three years. Before that I tried alternate methods and health food stores. and monitored every three months with scans until tumors and mets got to much and growing more rapidly. I would’nt wish nine years of chemo on no one.
    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom #20058

    Joyce… I feel your pain and heart ache. Please understand she will be with you as long as you want in spirit. I might suggest if you don’t mind, to get a personalized Diary just for your Mom and you can write and communicate to her everyday and in some little way you will occassionally feel her presence to let you know she is okay, I really do believe that. I have felt my Dad’s presence since he passed over. My wife has as well. We loved him dearly. He passed on Mothers day 2years ago and still feel his presence once and awhile. The day of his mortal death I walked out on the porch all emotional and it was like an experience like never before. a white dove landing in the tree out front just for a moment and then flew away and I heard a voice inside my head Say “Thank You” Everything is just fine” I promised my dad that I would keep him and Mom together until death take them apart. I fullfilled the promise and that was what the thank you was for. I just sensed it and felt it. I don’t really care if anyone thinks I’m nuts. I know what happened and told my wife immediately. Either that is what my mind and eyes that wanted to see and hear for validation or the lord made it possible. One day we’ll know for sure. Joyce you don’t have to let go, You never have to let go if you don’t want to. Just make peace with yourself and communicate your feelings in your Mom’s personal diary a gift from you to her. It will feel good I promise. Written expression is so beautiful and heavenley coming from the heart.
    God Bless You, Coco, and your Mom,
    Jeff G.
    P’S. The good thing about being in heaven is you don’t need computers to communicate.

    in reply to: Update on John #20095

    Hi Charlene…. I am sending prayers your way. I just started filfil treatment 2 days ago. Not folfox. It’s irrotencean, levorin(sp) and 5-fu push and 46 hours cad pump of 5-fu. Suppose to work from inside out and outside in and act as blocker to keep tumors from feeding at the same time. Time will tell.
    I surely hope cancer is not coming back. You know a bad jaw infection can cause weight lost as well. Especially with toothache and if you are having chemo draining your immune system at the same time. I believe in taking a break and have done so a few time already. Largest break was two months this month I’ll be a week and 1/2 late to start second cycle so I can go visit my Mom.
    Prayers, fingers crossed and toes!and lots of positive thoughts.
    God bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 4 years doing great #20238

    Hi Margie… 9 years and 2 months liver and gallbladder resection, many chemo regimens and a couple imrt radiation treatments. Not the person I use to be but functional enough to be happy and alive, driving and handy man work in spurts. If i can just get one of these chemo treatment to keep on working maybe a cure will pop up from nowhere! Would that be nice for all? Your doing really great Margie by the sounds of things. Good follow-up and maintenance and advocation. Listen to your body and know when to tell the docs to slow down and cut back. For some of us that are still battling the hard knock, I think the the docs have a tendency to push to much to fast and to the point of our bodies can’t withstand if you know what I mean. Welcome to the sight. Yeas there our others with long term survial and still battling, some in remmssion, some clear with great prognosis and unfortunately some to advanced before diagnosis and we have had to say our goodbyes; We miss them dearly thier loved ones more so. Different thing are being tried every day now. My doc says once it mets it gives him the room to offer an try other treatments; he dosen’t have to stick to CC protocol entirely. Which I think is good. That is definitely why I’m still hanging in there. Plus mediatation, Practice mind and body healing and eat like a pig even when I don’t feel like it. and exercixe to keep muscle and tisse from wasting. Dog Gone I’ve ramled away time to stop.
    Bless Ya! and again welcome. ask what ever question you may have on your mind the good members of this site are not bashful in passing on their experiences which are many in many countries and states; They have been to some of the best treatment centers in the world. Standard protocol to experimental like dentric cell, internal radiation beads and so on. Hope for survival exsist and long term surval as well. But < But< But< CC is quite an unpredictable cancer and acts differently on deferent people so at the moment treatments are what will work and what Insurance Companies will cover or who wants to morgage their home to keep the battle going. Second an thied opinions is preached loudly onthis site. We have seen turned downs from surgeons and others take on the task and with good results. I said I was going to stop . I'm on my first cycle of new regimen and I think they put a little extra steriods in my premeds Ha!
    Cheerio for Now!
    Jeff G.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Still can’t believe he’s gone #20094

    Mary and Destin….. My heart felt sympathy. such a lost of a loved one so dear to your heart. Mary I’m sure Stephen is resting peacefully and I’m sure you’ll feel his presence from time to time. I lost my Dad a couple years ago to congestive heart failure and still find it hard to believe and now I’m off to see my Mom in Maine in a weekand 1/2. She is suffering from end stage parkinson’s and I get a call today her dementia is pretty severe and not to expect her to even know who I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I’m sure she’ll remember me if not only for a few moments. May your heart heal but the little twinge of pain will always be there in rememberance of what great love you shared.
    God Bless You both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any feedback are greatly appreciated. #20289

    Hi John.. So sorry to here about your dad. Did you get a second opinion ? Did any doctors think placement of a stent would not give him comfort and extend his life? or put in a billary Drain? Maybe that has already been done, to reduce the juandice and get he bile flowing? What age is your dad? Maybe it is gone to far but if extending life without causing pain and suffering is what is seek , may a second opinion be something to consider. It sounds as though he has had a rough time health wise though and maybe he is ready to let go if he’s really eldery. It’s so tuff and painful at any age as you said. My heart felt feelings go out to you and your Family.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Wondering in New Jersey #20282

    Hi Sarah d … Three years of about 7-8 different chemo regimens and a couple courses of radiation I can atest that nueropathy is one culprit to consider. I have the same situation with hot and cold but no headaches. I keep my security blanket and hospital socks handy. ( which was for sure added to my hospital bill.) My feet can get ice cold at times. My wife screams out when I do a touch test to hear feet. Ha! ain’t I cruel ? Since stoppping the platinum base chemos thing have gradually got better but still plenty of nerve damage. Anxiety is another one. Also, once I was having chills then fever thinking it was chemo and cc related and it turned out to be a sinus infection. If they continue I would ask for a cbc and metabolic blood test to see wear your wbc and hemoglobin levels are at. I like Marion’s suggestion especially about weakness. A heated blanket definitely of a long period will cause dehydration and weakness especially in the morning when you get up. You have like totally relaxed you muscles to like ah, I have no energy.
    Ride it out and relax and calmed the emotion for a few days. IF you actually start a temp then test for low grade infection maybe. If this is happening at night when try to go to sleep, I take clonezapam 1mg tablet 15 minutes before bed if I’m wide awake 1 hour later I take another and night night.
    Also a major surgery is quite a traumatic event. I was quite a case after mine. I felt very invaded and emotional drained. It took a good four months for me to turm things around. I started by just sitting in my truck and backing out to check the mail and back in again. Then listen to the radio. Weird hey. I’m saying all of us that have been through this have had a little post truamatic stress but works itself out pretty quickly if you keep focused on some short term goals. By the way I have relatives in Greewood lake NY/NJ. I’t’s in October another wedding, Might be a bit nippy for me. We’ll see? Cost of fuel, cost of hotel, cost of food my my! Probally will have to pass on this one.

    Bless Ya Sarah !
    P.S. I,m sorry I forgot your a nurse, Just watch your vitals You can take it from there. If you think the doc needs to check you out.

    in reply to: new scan clean #20364

    Hi Kris ..
    I got my list of herbs and spice from the list under the (websites). The list is provided by Memorial ,Sloan-Kettering. A-Z list I don’t remember exactly which ones I got and mixed but they were off the Walmart spices and herbs section. I did’nt go to a health food store .
    Bless You Guys!

    in reply to: CPE therapy #20353

    Hi Bosco… Just finished treatment for the day. Went okay . Just a little sweaty. Go back wednesday to take cad pump off. Then start in filgrastim injecion two days after to get ready for Maine to trip to visit my Mom. Will definutley take a walk at Old Orchard beach in Saco Just south of Portland. Sure miss my home we had out in the boondocks. Glad to hear some shrinkage . Every little bit helps. When it stops move on to something else. Get them CC genes so confused They don’t Know how to react except retreat. Hope the blood transfusion helped with tiredness. It’s so hard to keep those wbc and rbc up and running but I demand on injection if I see counts going down. I really believe staying ahead of the game if possible helps. Filgrastim and Procrit and potassium I really watch latley. 5 years is great! Wishing and prayer many more to come! Be strong push and keep moving as much as possible helps prevent wasting muscles and strength.
    Bless Ya!Cindy, Your doing the your best and with the help of big bro Bosco, Well it’s great he’s there to help you out.
    Bless Ya Both!

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