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  • in reply to: new scan clean #20358

    Hey Ther Southern Gal! Happy as pig in S— on your scan results. You are doing just great. Just finished my new regimen. A little sweaty and loose in the head. (nothing new to my wife) Ha! Oh well don’t feel to bad at all. Wearing CAD pomp and make a funny nosie every little bit. Take off Wednesday.
    Bless Ya!

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20312

    Hi Commander, Read your blog. Hope you are home and feeling a bit better. Just getting back home perks me up. Praying for only the best results and come back.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CPE therapy #20350

    Hi Bosco—- Sounds like something to check in to. I’ll do the same and pass on anything I can dig up. Have you checked in with John Hopkins to see what protocol theey have applied to it? How is your sister doing besides the ascites? Is she maintaining weight? Sorry just asking to many questions.
    Wish her and you the best.
    Bless Ya Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pet Peeve #20149

    My pet peeve is people not understanding or mis-percieving the messages that a sender sends their way. Does their lack of knowledge and understanding and probally using the wrong choice of words or comments make them a bad person? Not really, it just rubs us the wrong way because we are vunerable, stressed out, flat broke, tired and depressed, with an uncertain future or a certain future that we have no controll over and don’t like it. We feel like we are being punished in some way but we are not and people are rubbing salt in our eyes but they are not. It would be nice if some wealthy friends our relatives could lesson the burden just a little for those who could use the help. But then again their wealth is their love and passion. Given a little up would lesson their own security. Wonder what would happen if we asked for a little help?
    God bless us all !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14690

    Hi Nancy….. Glad to hear all is going well Nancy. I have not had the need for procit as of yet. It has been on my mind for this upcoming week though. I’ll have to keep a close watch on those red cells. I think I’ll do just fine though. I’m feeling pretty positive today.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.


    Sarah D……Don’t let yourself get trapped inside that room of anxiety. Don’t let that internal negative anticipation of the worst, dwell over the reality that you are 3 years post. Most Oncologist will tell you that after two years your really in the safe zone from any reccurrence. Take a positive approach and stand up to this emotion. There is one thing in this world that you have absolutely no control over; I call it the unknown future. I was going to go on in lenght with my opinion but I won’t preach other than say you have the power within you to control your emotional fear and press on with life and be happy! Poise yourself for enjoyment and happiness not sadness and torment. In your case it is an unknown now. Let the trauma of the past go…….No I”m not a doctor just a Dad who has given this advice before.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: The Miracle Man Update #20287

    Hi Lainy…. Sorry to hear Teddy ran in to another obstacle. Hope the miracle man gets it taken care real soon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Worried in Wisconsin #20270

    Sue… You know it is common to develope a hernia after the type of surgery you had. When I had resction of liver and gallbladder, I had a big ole hernia as well and you know what the first thing I thought was happening without me saying . My eyes where watered with emotional worry. Half day, well 3/4 day visit and surgical repair with mesh as in had been developing for a while and was a little larger than normal. Bless Ya Girl! hope all goes well at your Gi appointment.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CPT-11 Combination Therapy #20347

    Lainy … Ha! you know I did that once and guess what ? It was posion Ivy leafs. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. Ha! ha! memories……….
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bone Mets – Pain Management #20254

    Collen…. I have bone mets to ribs, left shoulder, and spine bone. I ‘m living almost pain free by taking Morphine 30mg every 8 hours and 4mg of Hydromorphone every four hours as needed for break through pain. You have to take without skipping doses or the effect of relief is not maintained. I tried skipping and ended up in hospital for three days for pain management and was up to 60mg at one point. As you know we all respond differently but this is what works for me; and I still stay pretty active. Fred wish you relief real soon by trying something new. That patch some says works real well also.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    See Other Post: Trying Zometa for bone pain to my ribs appears to be working, although I’m doing EFT and getting results as well form overall pain , depression, I Just Don’t have that general come and go ucky can’t be bothered attitude. Eating and normal bowel every 1-2 days. Haven’t seen that in years.

    in reply to: Worried in Wisconsin #20264

    Jean… When I had my resection of half of my liver I was told there was a hemegioma on the other lobe and not to worry. Well that heme was cancer one year later and mets to my lungs. Take heed and listen to Barbara and go fish! I would want to be more prepared than not. If it is CC it has a tendency to pop up on the unresected part of the liver. Also when they say regenerate, that lobe does not grow back only the remaining liver regenerates the blood vessels and volume to function as a whole liver. I would also enure get ct scans every three months for at least a year to make sure nothing does recur. I’m sorry if I raised your anxiety level ,but you need to know more opinions are better than one every time. CC is unpredictable and you should be on watch so appropriate action can be taken. CC is a systemic disease and if any free radicals went off through your system you could have a recurrence. Now I’m not saying you will. Some people have had resection and have done just great! I’m sorry you have to go through this mental anguish of uncertainy. Trust your gut instincts. My surgeon considers 5 years out with no reocurrence no longer to worry. My Oncologist says 2 years out no problem. Be Happy and Live Happy Jean you can’t lets this DX and surgery eat you up. Just take some precuations.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20192

    Debrah…. Thanks! Had fun Chatting with you and everyone tonight or tomorrow wherever they may have been living in the world of mystery and hope!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20190

    Hi Mary…. Thanks for the encouragement. I’m not done beating the bushes yet. well, time for a nap. Just finished weed wacking, mowing, and redoing an area in the kitchen. Not happy with the way the texturing came out on the sheet rock that wasn’t cover by tile. Looks like I might have done it this time by george.
    Cheerio ,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 4 years doing great #20236

    Margie…. That’s what I like to hear! Keep on rolling.

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Lost the battle #20218

    Steve… My heart felt condolences. No longer she suffers and is restful at peace. The celebration of life without a doubt was a great tribute. May God give you and your family the strength needed at this time of loss.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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