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  • in reply to: dendritic cell therapy #20106

    Hi Iris, Love your attitude and pray that Peter keeps the ball rolling for a long time. Can’t help with any infor about Dendritic cell. I’m thinking along the same lines as Kris. I also agree there are some novel treatments around the corner; only if they could push things forward a little faster or at least let volunteers try it under a compassionate request as a last resort effort to save there life. Best wishes to you and Peter.
    God bless,

    in reply to: Gem Cis Combo Working #20103

    Pearland… Great to hear. Pray it keeps on working. Also remember the fact that it is working with this type combination of chemo there is a good chance that other combinations may help if needed in the future. But as we all know it’s different for everyone. It is so trial and error with this disease.
    Take Care! And yes Good news is uplifting!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Platelets loooooow! #19939

    Hi Jliu168…. Thanks for the advice. I seem to be doing better this time around. I’ve been eating peanut butter, banana, and strawberry sandwiches and drinking gatorade. All other levels and markers are within normal last time we checked. CT on 29th , f/up with Doc 5th, and irregardless what he has to say I will hold off on ant chemo until I get back from visiting my Mom in Maine. Tootles!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Still can’t believe he’s gone #20088

    Mary and Destin, My sincere condolences on the lost of a loving and caring husband and Daddy. May God give you the strength.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20031

    Hi Pauline… That’s it in a nut shell. With priority on communications and encreased expertise with quicker national approval of novel treatments.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20029

    Alison… I think I understand what you are saying and as I said I agree that appropriate training of specialist. It’s the education and dissemination of world protocals and adopting them. As much as I think the specilized CC centers would be great I just believe the funding and building of centers would be short in coming versus designating and using more than likely already space at major hospitals. You know the biggest question will be ,you expect specific centers for this type cancer what about the other 400-500 (just a number) cancers and diseases. In my opinion they need to beef up each and every hospital with cancer departments/centers with appropriate equipment and trained speciaslist. That is what most of the major hospitals in the U.S. have done especially the teaching hospitals like Mayo. When I had my resection done it was through Mayo clinic in Rochecter but the operation was conducted at St. Mary’s Hospital 3 blocks away because they had the proper facility to do the operation. since then Mayo has did an addition and also opened another Mayo. Combine the two and walla a comphrehinsive on site cancer center for each hospital. Here in the U.S. most all your major hospitals have or are attaching specialized cancer centers and the specialist to go with them. Training ,information,specializing what we have and disseminating world renoun protocals and approval of them for use in the U.K. and current referral systems as needed for second and third opinons. I’m with you 100% betterment is needed now. But I think it should be approached with economics in mind as that is usually the brick wall you run in to . Money,Money,Money show them a way to do it but in them most economical as quickest way. I have been to five different major hospital in the last nine years and each one of them has built or just remodeled to exsisting space complete cancer centers. One to two years they were up and running. With brand new diagnostic equipment and specialist to go with it.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20028

    Carol … How did you guess? I just had chemo Friday morning so yes I’m pumped with steroids and benadryl but am starting to slow down today. Up and Down and all around,were I stop I hope my feet hit ground. (not my head). Ha! I,m having a Big Mac Attack!
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Changed my mind KFC original.

    in reply to: Faith #20086

    Lisa…. In simple terms I believe “You are never alone if god lives in your heart” God has said, ” Never will I leave You; never will I forsake you.”
    Heb. 13:5
    P.S. I dropped the philosophy this time.

    God’s Many Blessings,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20025

    Pauline… Additional Cancer Treatment Centers could easily be additions to other major hosptials throughout the United Kingdom as cost savings. It would not have to be cholangiocarcinoma specific centers but definitely be equpiped with the proper testing equipment for all cancers, staffed with well trained specialists, oncologist,surgeons, and nurses. I’m basically saying these centers need to be provided proper and updated current treatments available and NHS have all specialist educated enough to know when to refer and/or how to refer patients with cholangiocarcinoma for surgery and treatments to specialist. More specialist need to be educated specifically with this disease and stop thinkin in the ole brown shoe days/ lets get more modernized with with our approach and thinking as Professor Lodge is. One or two surgeons can’t provide proper care to all. Maybe have some surgeons do internships with Professor Lodge or other renowned surgeons to get up to speed. Knowledge and communications through the medical profeesion needs to step up and NHS or governing body needs to see this is done effective and quickly. They could start doing this tomorrow by way of electronic emailing / facsimiles/ typed and mailed directives highlightening the level of which NHS doctors are to respond to cholangiocarcinoma. Well I spoke my mind again. More equipment and more specialist with additions to some current major hospitals throughout the UK would be more effective and cost beneficial than cholangiocarnoma specific centers and allow expansion quicker throughout UK not just England. Interships with the specialist. There I ‘m done.
    Wish you a happy day!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Faith #20079

    Hi Lisa… Here is kinda a philosophical answer to your question about faith: I definitely believe my experience with cancer has strengthen my spirituality in believing that we were created and the course of our lives has a dependence on a higher power. I was raised to believe in God and that Jesus Christ is our Savoir. With that said this cancer has opened my thinking to look even further and beyond and to look at all religions, powers, and universal energy. It has brought me to ask for answers of the unknown. The How, why, when; I keep coming up with the same answer no matter what angle I look at it. What is meant to be will be, but we as individuals have the energy and power within ourselves to alter our life and destiny to a certain extent if we choose to do so. I’m at the point of acceptance of death if that is what we want to call it or to be born again. Whatever is the end may be the eternity. I’m in a challenge mode that wants me to support others, However I look at it and I see love for all and the only scary part is imagining the separation from others whether it is temporary or forever. So I make a choice in my mind for it to be temporary and press on for change and betterment of a new dawning when, how,and whatever that may be. We will not out power the greatest of all powers. Is this God or Universal Energy, My inner most thoughts will continue to turn until it is. Until then I will live together as a known person of the moment with God, Jesus, Friends, Loved ones and the whole world/universe/ and broader spectrum I choose to call it. How I currently express my emotions and share with others is mostly inherited in the ongoing spin of evolution. what we call life is a continuous learning experience. Do I have faith that I will be cured of this disease? Yes, but I’ll accept what is meant to be. Hope is in the air and miracles do happen. I feel I have experienced that to an extent to still be here in comparison to others who have been less unfortunate or am I really the unfortunate one. The motivation and drive to continue my journey comes purely from my heart with the unseen but sensed energy of some kind.

    God Bless/Power to all !
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Do you think I would have gotten at least a B with a curve in my philosophy class ? Ha! Surely I would have confused the professor.

    in reply to: Help for patients in the UK #20020

    Pauline .. Excellent input! My wife was born and raise in England and I lived there almost nine years. You did’t miss abeat in reference to your post to Professor Lodges. NHS has been running behind times in the past but have really been making some great strides in the pass few years with cancer and as well as other diseases. Now if they can keep moving in the direction Professor Lodge is pushing for would be a major accomplishment.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: “The Secret” #20077

    Patrice and Dave….. Great news. May all the positive energy keep flowing your way. Harness and channel it in all the directions you may need. I’m with you all the way!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed cholangiocarcinoma #20075

    Jean…I can only echo what Kristin, Lainy and the others who responded to your post. Positive attitude,advocate strongly, and don’t think twice about a second opinion or third. Also possibally some adjuvant chemo therapy might want to be thought about. I am very hopeful person and really feel the odds are better when found sooner for most people. I have passed the nine year mark but not without a battle mentally and physically. It has mets pretty much everywhere in my body. My attitude at the moment is the cancer can live within me but it has to do so peacefully without making things unmanageable. I have a chemo cocktail approximately every 6-8 weeks currently keeping things pretty much at bay. Luckly it has not caused bile duct blockage so far and I’m hoping to keep it that way if I can as this disease has a mind of it’s own and responds differently on everyone. The mind is very powerful, holds alot of energy that can be channeled in to. Wish you the best on your resection.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Exploratory lapaproscopy #19975

    G, Good lick with your lapaprocopy. I too have pain but in the left shoulder. I didn’t injure it but arthiritis. They would like to clean it out but I settled for a steriod injection in to the joint. About 70 % less pain and more mobility. Follow-up in 2 months. They don’t think it’s mets, just ole fashion arthiritis.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14684

    Way to go Nancy! keep on trucking! It can be a bit acummulative as you go so keep the nausea meds handy and you’ll do fine. I time when my nausea usually occured and took before time. I had hardly any nasuea or vomiting. Some but not that much or as bad as some.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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