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  • in reply to: New here; mom-in-law recently diagnosed with CC #17601

    HI gmjack2…… I echo Kris sorry you had to come to this site, but you have a whole array of information here if you need it. I just wanted to mention my sister lives in in Cary, NC and she completed her nursing degree about three years ago at UNC. She has given me great reviews of UNC, as I was going to go there at one point for another opinion and stay with her for a bit. She has mentioned many times how demanding and meticulous the doctors were. Coming from a student that’s a good sign for the patient in my book. wish you all the best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Patty is about the same #17645

    Ted and Patty……. Your in our hearts and prayers. Patty you are one super trooper. Hope your drain of ascites goes without complications.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: The waiting game #17629

    Good Morning Kris….. I truley understand what you are saying. Just a little secret for you. When your scans are done they are read by the radilologist within the hour if not minutes. The hospital I go to has evreything computorized so the report is typed in to the system initially and then the scans are reviewed again by usually by the same doctor and signed off as verified. If where you go is computorized record keeping and like in the same facility your doctor or nurse has access and can print you a copy, although legally I’m suppose to go the Admin section (release of Information) to obtain copies of my medical records or indvidual reports. I do that as well depending on who I see first. Federal Law allows them up to 30 days days to get you a copy here in the states but there is nothing saying they can’t release it earlier, so I get mine within 2 days by physically going and asking for a copy. I also go to a Veterans Hospital now, so it may be a little easier for me to do than your system. I’m like you and pace the floors or go bonkers just waiting a couple of days. It is nerve racking. So give it a try Kris and put on the orphan Anny look and go ask for a copy. If need be call your doctor and tell him your anxiety is causing sleeplessness. I don’t know how it is where your at but it is your medical information and you should be able to sign a release of Information form and get it sooner. I have run in to some grouchy people when I have been referred some where else who will say “well by law we have thirty days” and I usually come unglued and make quite a scene a tell them in front of all, I have the cancer and I don’t really want to wait thirty days when all you have to do is take 2 minutes and make a copy. And then I asked them would you want to wait. I don’t know I hate being rude but sometimes the system just doesn’t care about your pyshcological torment. Now calm down and take some deep breaths I just wanted to let you know I understand completely.
    Bless Your Heart Kris , I know that feeling of anticipation and need to know. Wish you luck!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: He’s given up… #17479

    Prayers coming your way Charlie and Carol!! Charlie they don’t let ya lay around after surgery anymore. Two days and they had me up walking the halls. Just don’t over due it.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Cured of CC #17550

    Neill and Cindy….. A great testimony of faith , belief, and prayer. Palsm 23 is a verse that I memorized in Sunday school 40 years or so ago. I still recommend today for people to read it to find comfort. God Bless and continued health for you both.
    Jeff G..
    P.S. As a sense of responsibility: All who reads information on this so caring site must understand the questions,general information, or links that others have kindly provided is information freely provided, for you to digest and to help you in making a more informed decision about your treatment. There are many Hospitals, Cancer Centers, and Surgeons with great credentials. Bottom line is: It’s the patient’s choice/decision of where and whom.
    Also, this particular discussion title is “Cured of CC” I pray that it is true; but taking another perspective I know personally that cholangiocarcinoma can be undetectable for a period of time and can recur to about any part of your body. Just one little seed can float around until it finds the enviornment it likes and attaches. I’m not trying to put a damper on any one’s miracle or hopes but only provide a friendly reminder on the nature of this disease. We all Pray and hope it reminds silent !!!
    God’s Speed to you all !


    Hi Puggle, Thanks very much for sharing. I believe alternative treatments can help immensely.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sharing Our Story #17448

    Dear KD… Thank You for sharing your story as hard as it must have been. It really sadden’s my heart to hear of such a young man being grabbed by this horrible disease. KD if your Husband is able maybe he can write a letter to his little girl and put it in a time capsule for later. Some of Daddy’s words may be comforting when she is old enough to fully understand. This is sort of away for him to be a part of her life later on. It sounds like your husband has and still is putting up a couragous battle. Prayers coming your way. Please don’t hesitate to post anytime you wish. God Bless ! Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Aunt Babs just died Friday night of this horrible disease #17220

    Karen— Ducolax (stool softener) not laxative has worked very well with me. Especially being on pain medications where your bowel becomes so sluggish. As for myself I took 2 gel tablets for a couple days and then cut back to one daily then one every other day. Very gental and easy. Not as harsh as laxatives. You can get at any WalMart Store. Hope she feels better soon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: where we are in our fight #17504

    Hi Deanna… I admire your positive attitude. Prayers coming your way. I would like to ask a few questions… What type of radiation and chemo is or did your husband recieve? what size is his tumor? What Cancer Center is treating him as it sounds like they are on the ball? Has the transplant coordinator discussed all issuses on how to gain a positive transplant waiting list approval? I am just so curious as others have tried and run in to a brick wall for one reason or another. I surely wish you and yours only the best in your fight against this disease. Will look forward to your reply.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: hearing #17460

    Val … I can confirm without a doubt after three years of trying different chemos, That one of the side effects is diminished hearing or ringing in the ears. Also the deafness feeling like water in the ear and or dizziness at times. Your husband shoud mention it to the Oncologist. It may not effect everyone and with me it cleared up and my wife is amazed that I can hear the mail van coming two blocks away but I don’t hear her in the same room. Ha! I can hear her as well but when an exciting plot of a TV show is about to happen; can’t help myself. Your oncologist Nurse should be having you sign consent forms and providing you with a product informatiom sheet that includes all possible side effects. They are kinda scary to read, but there are so many possibilities of side effects it would take the doctor or nurse a half hour to read and explain. So they usually just mention the most common and then do a cover all statement for the rest. The Chemo it’s self can cause weight loss simple because it is messing with his metabolism and of cause a little change in eating habits and dehydration if not keeping up with the water and food. Hope he is handling the chemo as best as one can. Positive state of mind has to prevail almost all the time and it is not easy.
    Wish You both the best!!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: He’s given up… #17472

    Hi Carol, I have been where your husband is at. It is not a good place. It is lonley and very depressing. I just wanted to be left totally alone and have nothing but peace and quiet. I know my odds of beating this disease up front is not good in the long run. I’ve been at the point of feeling so guilty for being so irritable and snappy that I even at one time thought of ways to end the pain. Not my pain but the pain I was causing others, my loved ones! Carol he really doesn’t mean to be the way he is acting but that chemical imbalance of the mind working overtime takes control. It took Months for me to snap out of it. When he understands there is hope and when he can see his life is worth fighting for he’ll dig deep and give it another whirl if you continue to show the love and support. The one thing that brought me around is my wife inviting relatives to visit and getting me to laugh and come out of my shell. Yes I was frustrated at that as well. But I overcame that and started to remember the good times and laughter. It is hell not being in control of your own body and destiny. At least that is what I thought. The bottom line is you do have control over your body and destiny to more extent than you realize. Going back to the little train chugging up the big hill “I know I can Do it!” is the attitude to take and stop feeling useless. I get up and make my wife breakfast before work, doing the laundry and vacum the floors and do the errands she my nort have time to do, make dinner. You will see just how usefull you are charlie! Your to darn young to be throwing in the towel yet! Yes it’s hard but by God and with his help I’m going to do the best I can for as long as I can and if I leave this world I’m going to leave it happy. After all it was a gift to begin with and I want to show my gratitude and see smiling faces when the time comes and I emphasize “when” heck we don’t know. I say all this and make it sound so easy . It isn’t by a long short. I may fall back into that trap of isolation again but I pray not as it is to lonely and sad and creates to much heart ache for those who I love!!! Love!!! Love!!! This come from the heart Charlie with the Lords guidance as I’m not one who shares so opening as this. You can now make a choice and bark at this post or be happy!! I’ve got a 9 year anniversary coming up in March. Nine Years that I thought I would have never been around to see. I’m sorry Carol if this has gotten to heavy . If Charlie is receptive please let him read this . If you think he wouldn’t like it , Heck show him anyways. He is still a man with a heart full of love! Love in his name to you both!!!!!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    No , I’m not an every Sunday church going person, but I still read my Bible that I got in my fifth year of Sunday School. Yes I do believe in spite of more obstacles that will probally come my way.

    in reply to: transplant,RFA,chemoembolizaion, what to do????? #17518

    Dear Lana……. I’m so sorry that your Dad has not seen any relief. Yes different hospitals use different chemos. That is usually the Doctor’s decision. However, even doctors have to follow the protocals of what ever hospital they work at. MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering are both good hospitals and I have read many post of patients going to either. As far as Surgeons, It seems that everyone has thier opinion on who is the best. The bottom line is your larger Cancer Centers see more patients therefore have more surgeries, therefore more experience. And when I say experience I’m not saying any individual doctor. I’m saying the team of doctors who discuss different patients and produres at tumor boards and come up with what is the best approach for different or similiar cases.
    Lana, I’m not sure if my post is helping you or not. The choice is an individual one. What does your Dad want and respect his choice. I will say I went to a larger Hospital that had more experience. The Mayo Clinic in Rochestor, Minnesota is where I went. Whatever Hospital you go or I should say what ever surgeon you choose will make their decision on if they feel they have the skill and experience to conduct the surgery and also weigh the risk against as to do or not to do. Mayo Clinic has a very good Oncology and Surgical Department. Why certain doctor’s are not sought out is basically because we usually don’t know they exsist. When I was diagnosised I did’nt know which way to go other than my GP doctor who was the wife of a heart surgeon recommended I go to a larger teaching hospital for the most experienced. Lana you don’t sound crazy, just get the second opinion if that is what your dad wants. You and Your brother need to understand it is what your Dad wants to do. I hope I have giving you enough information to make a decision.
    Prayers are coming your way!!!!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: transplant,RFA,chemoembolizaion, what to do????? #17516

    Lana … I agree with Maryanne. There is alot of information to digest. Don’t feel pressured by your family for starters, secondly we recommend to always get a second opinion; especially if your being given a bleak can’t do attitude by some doctor. Third, there is no right or wrong decision when it comes to this disease. You try your best and pray for the best. It is a bumpy road no matter which way you turn. Lana, don’t second guess yourself and discuss with your father what he would like to do. I’m sorry if I missed an earlier post and don’t know all the facts. The bottom line is if you trust the medical care and advice your now getting steer the course. The one thing to know for sure is there is no cure for this disease but with different treatments for different people it is possible to extend life for many years. Just take a positive approach and and never give up hope.
    God Bless You and your Father!!!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Aunt Babs just died Friday night of this horrible disease #17217

    Dear Karen ……. Sorry about your Mom. I wish you both the best. I would recommend scrolling down and clicking on the Alternative Treatments or further down is Supportive, Palliative and Hospice Care. Also Pain Management. You should find plenty of links and information. It sounds like she needs to have the fluid drained for starters. Also if she is contunuing to have fluid build up talk to your doctor about diuretic usage. It sounds like your Mom has been through quite the ordeal. Karen, wasting and fatigue are prevalent with the disease but also with Chemotherapy treatments as well. Chemo treatments are cumulative with side effects and could be wearing out your Mom’s body more so than the disease at this point. Maybe discontinue chemo for a while, it is her choice. Again I’m really sorry your Mom has to be going through this and you as a caregiver as well. Determine what your Mom wants to do and advocate strongly with her doctors what she feels she needs more help with. And don’t hesitate to use the emergency room to get attentention.
    God Bless you Both!!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Father, and My Best Friend #17505

    Jliu168….I’m so sorry for your lost. I’m happy that he awoke from his coma and was able to say goodbye. Like you said he can peacefully rest in Heaven now. May God give you the strength to lighten your heavy heart. Until the time comes for that great reunion may you have peace of mind that your Dad is okay now.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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