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  • in reply to: I need some advice #17042

    Charlene, I’m so glad you decided to stay home with your hubby. I can imagine how John’s emotions are peaking about now. It’s not easy when battling your hidden emotions especially that one of (What If ?) keeps replaying. Just a thought— maybe setting up a web cam to see your grandchild until John is up to going. Even the birth maybe. It really works great. I see my nephew’s twins in England every week practically. They are old enough to respond to all the funny noises and faces I make at them. My wife sits down, with a cup of tea in hand and chats with her Mom and siblings 3-4 hours every week. It really does feel great to talk and see each other when so far away. And it’s free! if your on line with high speed internet and got a web cam. You can get one for about $30 at Best Buy or Wally Mart.
    God Bless You Both.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My husband just diagnosed with cc #16969

    Hi KimK, I am sorry of your husband’s situation. He has been through quite a rough time for sure. It sounds as though you are doing all that you can at the moment. It takes a while to rebound and gain weight back after all he has been through. Kim here is a web site with some good food and supplement ideas. I eat and use a lot of the stuff they mention. You can check this site as well for links with more information by clicking on( other web sites) , (alternative treatments),or (nutrition).
    I hope John’s tests prove to be the best news possible. I know it is a scary time for you right now, but try to stay as positive as possible. Kim you asked for prayers so mine is coming your way. He has to drink plenty of fluids. especially after all he has been through.
    God Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: David Cook is in the hospital #16927

    Celoi, Just to say a prayer is coming your way. I sincerely hope they get your Dad’s stents squared away and have him feeling better as soon as possible.
    Tell your Dad it’s time to down shift for some more power.
    Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I never wanted to post here #16986

    Jules, I’m lost for words. The first thing that came to me when I read your post of rememberance for your Dad, was A Psalm of David that I memorized in Sunday School back in June, 1965. The 23rd Psalm.

    God Bless and a prayer coming your way!

    Jeff G.

    in reply to: my dad #16795

    Jules…. Sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope the transfusion helps with the weakness. May you find the strength to continue.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Today is 4 years from my successful Klatskins surgery #16541

    Hey Peter ! Keep on trucking ! Let then 18 wheels keep on rolling.
    Jeff G.


    Hi Lisa Ann, So sorry to hear about your Dad. I’ll cut to eh chase and say it sounds as though your Dad is not doing so well. However, if they can place a stent and get his bile flowing half way normal he will feel better. I wish I could give you some words of advise but until they fully know the extent of your Dad’s condition it’s really hard. Stay positive as possible, plenty of love and support goes without saying. I am not as old as your dad and have CC in liver, both lungs, ribs, and tailbone. I’m still looking for a cure or some type of miracle from above. I would say my CC was found fairly early and have been battling for 8.6 years. Have hope and pray that they can do something for him. They may ask if you want to try Chemo. At your Dad’s age I would think twice about that. Weigh all your options before deciding wich way to go. Take time to read some of the Family Blogs on this site and it will give you a general idea of what you can expect. Just click on wiki above and when that page comes up look down bottom right and click on family blogs. I really think this will enlighten you of what many have and are doing to fight this disease. God Bless You and Your Dad and I hope they are able to give him some relief soon.

    in reply to: 3 year old with cholangiocarcinoma #16505

    Cindy….Ask about inherited diseaes Primarily excessive” copper build up” in the liver and other organs. There is an actual name for this but I cant remember.
    Jeff G. P.S. Wilsons disease or Copper toxcity Buildup

    in reply to: My husband has BDC and is going to die #16325

    Hi Charlene, I’m so sorry to hear what John is going through. I can’t express enough how close to home this hits. Yes, knowing or thinking your dying is a lonely place to be and is very depressing. I to am 51 with cancer on my remaining right lobe of liver, mets to both lungs and now mets to my ribs and tailbone. I just finished 3 years of different chemo regimens and radiation and decided to take a break. Those 3 years have been full of misery and pain to say the least. Thank God and my loving family for being there for me. My fate is in God’s hands and there comes a point where reality appears to become completely unfair. The last Regimen I started was called Taxotere it knocked me for a loop. However I know it attacked the cancer cells in my liver and lungs as I could feel the pain and saw the blood cells clearing from my lungs. The chemo actually caused my lungs to loosen and clear as I have never been a cougher. But it will knock out your white blood cells within 5 days and you will need to take filgrastim injections and antibiotic for five days to bounce back. I was pretty low physically feeling and just decided to take a break. Mean while I’m trying herbs and spices a concoction I put together myself until I gain back weight and strentgh. Charlene if John’s colon cancer is stable then depending on the tumor sizes he still can fight for more time but it really has to be his decision unfortunately. I say I know one day I will succumb to this disease but then on the other hand I say I’m living today and maybe the cure will be tomorrow. I know I am a realist, I believe in hope, and I also have come to terms with the fact if God’s plan is for me to leave this mortal world tomorrow so be it. Charlene your entering scary and unknown territory. Your sense of urgency and saddness shows your afraid of John leaving and your love is so strong you would do anything to help him survive. I really apologize if I’m being to blunt but you really need to reflect on what you have accomplished so far with God’s help and think of the big picture. You have been a caregiver,advocator, and a loving and supportive wife, you have nothing to feel guilty about. What you have been doing is so admirable but, We all are in our creators hand’s from birth til death. There is a point where you may not be able to help John anymore. When that happens all that will be left is love, support, and comfort with a few prayers. Charlene, I share your heart ache and frustration and to am fighting, praying and hoping for a miracle as I really don’t want to leave my wife ,children and 2 grandchildren. God has been gracious just to allow me to see the birth of my Grandchildren. My Grandson started kindergarten a couple of weeks ago and today he brought home an order form for a school fund raiser. In the brochure was a 2008 prayer a day booklet. I agreed to order it if he will read the daily prayers with me and he said sure Papa. I hurt but I refuse to let it fog up my hope of another day. whether it arrives or not.
    God Bless You and John!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 3 year old with cholangiocarcinoma #16503

    Dear Cindy, Just a few thoughts….. Do you live in an area where spraying of pesticides has been done, or near any big chemical manufactoring plant, been surrounded by second hand smoking, Do you have a basement that may need to be tested for radon gases, do you have city or private well and had it checked for harmful mineral concentrates ? Just thinking of something that could be closely related and focused in on for treatment. I just have not heard of a precious 3 year old with CC before. I hope they based their DX on a biopsy and not just scans. One last thing is did she have any medical problems at birth or shortly after and recieved any particular medicines for treatments or any food group or drink that has always been her favorite ? I’m sorry Cindy for rambling, just questions and things I would be thinking of if it was I and hopefully the doctors. Cindy , I am praying hard for a false or misdiagnoses of your little girl. There has got to be a positive out come! Pray, get second opinion, advocate, ask alot of questions. Again I apologize for being so direct and out spoken, but this CC has been a personal battle of mine for a long time and when I heard this, it about tore my heart out. You tell the doctors you have prayed to God to give them the miracle wisdom and knowledge to help your little one.
    God Bless and Prayers of support headed your way!!! Faith and Hope go hand in hand.
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Cindy I mentioned all the above as through my research back through my life I have been exposed to all plus more during my military career.


    Father’s Daughter, I have experienced same type of pain and it wore me out before I told the doctor how much pain I was in. Both times was tumor enlargement creating pressure on nerves that would not otherwise be compressed. Once with my liver and once with with an unexpected mets to my rib tail bone area pressing against my spinal roots. I had 3-D conformal radiation both times and it shrunk the tumors to the point of no pain. He would probally need a MRI with and without contrast to verify what is happening. Wishing you the best and hope.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15685

    Thecdr…… You may be lactose intolerant. Jeff G.

    in reply to: 3 Years of Chemo and Finally Hair Falling Out!!! (Taxotere) #16431

    Hi All, You all are such caring, loving ,and supportive individuals! Thank You for all the best wishes. We don’t start our vaction until another week and a half as we are waiting for relatives from the UK to arrive first. I have recieved many comments on my shiny head. I had to work in the garden for short periods to get it tanned a little as someone started calling me whitey. Ha! It brought back a whole bunch of memories back to over 30 years ago when I went to basic training. My wife asked You are going to let it grow back aren’t you? Ha! I had to laugh the way she said it. I assured her it will grow back. I informed the oncology staff Yesterday I was putting things on hold for now and they were very supportive. In fact they rehydrated me and took my labs as the primary lab stuck me 7 times in my arms and couldn’t get nothing. Thank goodness for my porta cath or I would have looked like one of those tomatoe looking pin cushions. Ha! Labs back up to normal well close enough. Thanks a bunch and God bless ! to you all.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: In Rememberance of Woody Beckman #16444

    May Woody Rest in Peace! He tried so hard to find a common link that would benefit us all through his mathematics and spreadsheets. God Bless Him.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Have any of you experienced this? #16345

    Hi Abiail, Sorry to hear about your Mum’s troubles but they do sound pretty standard to the chemotherapy world. To answer some of your questions…. Yes it is normal for the hair to start falling out within a week. Gemcitabine and cisplatin is known for hair loss for alot of people. I had a thining out but did not loose all. Yes it is definitely the right thing to do with stopping or not giving chemo when blood counts are to low. I have had to delay a week a couple times two weeks because of low counts. I highly recommend having blood checked weekly while on chemo. Yes I have had to get rehydrated several times and have had to give my self injections of filgrastin due to being nuetropenic ( low white bloods cells in your bone marrow). Plus you need to keep an eye on your platelets as they can go low and danger of not being able to control your bleeding should you get cut or bruise real bad. Xeloda is a form of chemo but normally taking orally. Your oncologist should know exactlly what your taking and when. Especially if starting a new chemo regimen. To much toxicity from these drugs can cause alot of problems. CT Scans are recommend every 2-3 months to see if tumors are shrinking. Just because your CA 19 marker is showing good signs of going lower doesn’t always mean the tumor is shrinking as well that may come a little later or prove not to work. Get yourself a little calendar that has room for notes and carry with you just in case there is questions of when and what. I hope I’ve answered your questions. And I wish your Mom and you the best on this unfortunate roller coaster ride.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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