Wow, Pam. So sorry to hear about Lauren’s bad reaction to the chemo. That is really scary. I am so glad that her skilled medical team was able to provide immediate help to assist her through the horrible reaction.
Our son, Jeff, is on the same regime – Oxaliplatin and Xeloda. He just finished his first round and tolerated it well, as did Lauren. Jeff starts round 2 this Friday.
We want to thank you for sharing Lauren’s experience because this information is helpful to us in knowing what to look for down the road. While Lauren’s episode is scarry, it is also encouraging because she was able to make it through the experience “with flying colors” with the help of her medical team. We are so glad to hear that Lauren is now doing well.
We hope Lauren won at least one BINGO jackpot. If not , hang on to that dauber, she’s bound to win next time.
Yeah Lauren! Hang in there you guys. You’re in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob & Nancy
(Jeff’s Mom & Dad)