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  • in reply to: Once again , so far so good… #15899

    Dear Marylloyd,

    Many thanks for detailing out the info. I will be sure to pass it onto my father. We are juicing him apples / lemons and I have heard carrots are very good so will start with that as well. Appreciate you taking time, and also wish you / your husband all the best and continued success.

    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: Once again , so far so good… #15896

    Excellent to hear that your husband is doing fantastic! I wish him continued success. I don’t mean to be of bother but could you let me know again the supplements that your husband is taking and exercises / what he does, as hopefully we could really use some good advice.

    Thanks and all the best!

    in reply to: Best Friend just diagnosed.. 34 year old male..stage 4 #15902

    Dear Stefanie,

    Very sory to hear about your BF’s diagnosis. To be honest, CC is really a terrible disease and the cure / treatment options is somewhat limited. I know the exact feeling and experience that you are going through right now and it is just a world of confusions. I should say you must be strong and positive throughout beginning now and this website is very useful and there we are all here with the same disease going through the same ordeal.

    You might want to get some second opinions to see if he is a candidate for any surgery. Chemo has worked in some cases but it really depends on the person to see if chemo has some response. My own father after his recurrence earlier this year started Chemo in which his first regimen was not successful. He is now on a second regimen and doing much better.

    My prayers are with you and your BF and wish you all the best.

    Best Wishes and stay strong!

    in reply to: Gemcitabine and Cetuximab #15280

    Dear Fellow Members,

    After completing three cycles of Erbitux / Gemzar my father’s CA 19-9 has dropped from 1450 to 134. Will follow up with MRI results in due course.

    Best Wishes to all.

    in reply to: Pain Medication in hospital #15767

    Dear Jean,

    Very sorry about your loss and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Please take good care of yourself and your family

    Take care.

    in reply to: GOOD NEWS #13941

    Great news Jeff, way to go! Really awesome news and please take more rest and not too much heavy work! My father just completed 3rd round of “new” course of chemo and off 2 weeks rest. Will see some blood work results in 2 weeks time.

    All the best wishes!

    in reply to: new member #15808

    Dear Pederat,

    Really understand your situation and wish you and Dave all the best. While CC is a very ugly disease, but I have found out that you need to remain very positive and give your husband the best possible support. My father is going through the same thing, he was diagnosed last June and underwent resection, however had recurrence about 5 months later. He is currently undergoing Chemo and we are hoping and praying for the best each day.

    I hope that your husband will pull through, and this is a good website to get any advice needed. I believe getting through the diagnosis nightmare and then starting treatment is a difficult process, but need to really hope for the best.

    in reply to: From Western Australia #15756

    Dear Liz,

    After reading your message I really understand your feelings and the difficult time that you are going through. My father also has CC and he had a resection last year and recurrence about 5 months later. He is now going through his 2nd regimen of chemotherapy (his first one the supression rate was not so good).

    At the moment all I can say to you is that you must remain strong in front of your mother and keep her and your father in good spirits. I find that you must keep a very positive attitude, and just enjoy the best time of your life with them as much as possible. Are the doctors not even going to offer her chemo?

    Even though chemo is very “gray” area when dealing with CC, but there have been some amazing results with some people. My father is currently on ERBITUX / GEMZAR and it has shown some results as his tumor marker is going downwards.

    Have faith in GOD and I wish you and your family all the best.

    Keep in there!

    in reply to: Gemcitabine and Cetuximab #15279

    My father yesterday met with his oncologist after running fever after his first treatment with GEMZAR. He showed us some reports from ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology), commenting on use of Cetuximab (Eritux) with Gemzar / Oxaliplatin. Response rate was increased with addition of Cetuximab, and we are now going to add it with Gemzar treatment. I hope that this regimen will prove to be useful and will let you know results in due course.

    in reply to: Sad to report #15701

    Dear Joyce,

    After reading your message, really feel sorry for you and your family and the difficult time that you are going through. I sincerely hope that you husband pulls through and I hope that his symptoms ease. I believe that your husband is a courageous man and I know he will have the strength to fight this all the way. Hang in there and you are in our prayers.

    Best Wishes.

    in reply to: Bone Scan Results #15626

    Hi Jeff,

    It is good to see you in good spirits and really admire your strong spirit. Re, your suspected bone mets, my father before his resection had a complete bone scan as well, and on right femur found one spot (at that time they did not know whether it was mets or not), but they said that they did not think so, thus they went ahead with the resection. Every 3 months he has had it monitored and the docs have now confirmed that it is not CC met, but rather he might have had an injury when he was younger.

    When doing the bone scan in the case of my dad they scanned him or magnified the imaging. Originally on his rib there was one small spot, but that disappeared during the second scan (which is good sign).

    Hope above helps and hang in there! My father is due to start new regiment of single infusion of GEMZAR on May 8.

    Best Wishes!

    in reply to: JITTERY AND RESTLESS??? #15609

    It might be the steroids if the docs are giving him any. Was speaking to an oncologist once and he says that sometimes steroids will cause a small number of people to be hyper / and in some severe cases will develop psychosis. Would defn, speak with the oncologist about it and let him know about this side effect.

    Take care and all the best!

    in reply to: Just diagnosed and afraid for my Dad. #15505

    Dear Father’s Daughter,

    I can totally understand your feelings and what you are going through this very moment. Like Missing U said it is very important that you give your father the best support and also to fully support his decisions.

    My dad is also going though a very difficult time right now, he has multiple tumors on both lobes of his liver, and his first regimen of chemo has failed. Now switching to Gemzar and we are in a very “gray” area right now. I have read about survival periods and nightmares keep popping in my head. One thing I have learned is that you need to be very strong in front of your dad, and also keep the family together and help him fight this disease. When I am in front of my dad, I dare not shed any tears but inside my heart is like bleeding when I see him going for treatments etc.

    Please keep in there and stay strong. God bless us all and take care.

    in reply to: Father Diagnosed June 2006, now doing Chemo #15581

    Thank you to all and really appreciate all the kind posts. It is a relief to know that we can get support from each other on this website, and I think that really helps us all. JeffG, you are really an inspiration to us all, and many thanks for the words of support.

    We are at the hospital later on today to do an MRI to see what the latest situation is, and will keep you all posted. Doctors have said they might change my father’s chemo regime to Gemzar / Xeloda, but that is still to be determined after the MRI.

    Currently my father does not have any jaundice and exercises on the treadmill, 4.5mph for 45 minutes at 2.5% incline. He eats well, sleeps well and in perfect shape as before his surgery. He is currently supplements such as Squalene oil (Shark), and Milk Thistle. He is off the mushrooms essence supplements.

    Its just so frustrating to think that all my life it seems like we can control the course of events of things, however when faced with something like CC it seems like this is one thing that is out of my control!

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