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  • in reply to: My Best Friend My Mother Sanilee #16388

    I am so so very sorry for your loss. Another beautiful person lost to his horrible disease. Words are cold comfort, but we’re here for you in your sorrow.
    – Joyce

    in reply to: What are the signs of impending death? #16350

    Oh, I feel so terrible for you! It breaks my heart. I, too, had to do the death watch for my mother (age 64), and was frantically trying to get answers as to when the end was near. A week before my mother’s death, the swelling in her legs got much worse and worked up to her abdomen more, even to her behind and hips, and fluid started leaking through the pores in her legs. Hospice told me that was a sign of the end, but she seemed the same otherwise, so I didn’t believe them. Then, one night, she suddenly sat up and said, “Something’s wrong!” and started vomiting black bile. Then she had to go to the bathroom for the first time in days and had a bm. My mother’s dear friend told me to call the hospice nurse right then, saying she knew that your body will purge itself of all its fluids in preparation for death. The hospice nurse came and looked at my mother, who was sleeping but still conscious a few hours a day, and said my mother would definitely die within 48 hours. She was absolutely right. She based this on looking at my mother’s fingernails – she said they were turning blue underneath, but I couldn’t really see it – and on her shallow breathing and low blood pressure. She told us to watch for the “death rattle” – a terrible-sounding breathing that most people have at the end of life, sometimes only for a few minutes, sometimes for hours. My mother got that gurgly kind of rattling breathing shortly thereafter and she went on like that for 4-5 hours, but it got louder and then I knew it was soon. For the last few minutes of her life, her breathing suddenly got much quieter, so I knew a change was happening, then she just gasped her last few breaths and she was gone.

    The night before she died she also had confusion and tried to get up and got agitated, which we were told to expect, and hospice gave me some kind of pill to give her to calm her down. That may also be a sign of the end.

    I’m telling you this because I know how desperately I was looking for signs of the end, and I couldn’t find any answers. But everyone is different, even in the way they die, so I don’t know if this information is much help to you.

    I hope for a peaceful passing for your dear husband and I pray for peace for you and your grieving family. My heart goes out to you.
    – Joyce

    in reply to: My husband’s tumor has recurred #16376

    Dear Shellie,
    Best of luck to you and your husband – please keep us posted on his progress and ask some of the informative people here any questions you may have – someone is bound to know the answer, no matter what it is (though it probably won’t be me)! It’s a terrible thing to go through and there are lots of options out there, so don’t give up hope. Try go get him to eat a bit – there are numerous suggestions of how to do that on this board — and that may just be one small thing to help his spirits AND yours.

    Take care of yourself,

    in reply to: My husband has BDC and is going to die #16312

    Dear Charlene,
    I can understand all the heartbreak you’re going through now, and I know words can’t make it any better. We are all here if you need to vent and just have someone to listen to you who understands what you’re going through. I lost my mother to this horrendous disease in January and it still helps me so much to come to this site. My mother was too young to die at 64, and your husband is so much younger than that – my heart bleeds for you and for your family. It sounds like he is putting up a valiant fight – it’s just so unfair that this disease takes so many wonderful people away from us.

    Try to take care of yourself as well as your husband – you’re in our thoughts and prayers.
    – Joyce

    in reply to: Need Help #16337

    Hi – I’m just curious as to where the family blogs are located?? I looked through them months ago and now I don’t know where to find them. – Joyce

    in reply to: clincial trial/chemo options for my dad? #16016

    Great news! Congratulations!!! This should be moved to the “good news” section, as we all like to hear it when someone is doing so well. All the best to your father – so glad he’s feeling well and had such great test results.
    – Joyce

    in reply to: Gemzar #16307

    Oh Cherryle, I’m sorry it wasn’t better news – maybe those doctors will finally get their act together and help your poor mom feel better! As for the nausea meds, my mom tried about 3 of them and some worked sometimes then would stop working so she’d take the other one. I can’t remember their names except for Kytril, which is what the hospital used too. I know other people on this board have mentioned the other nausea meds, so can anyone help me remember the names? She also took Prilosec OTC every am to control any stomach upset before she ate anything.

    Best of luck to you – keep us updated!

    in reply to: Gemzar #16302

    Hi Cherryle,
    I hope your mother starts feeling better soon. My mother was on Gemzar and tolerated it pretty well the first time – with a few days of feeling extremely horrible, then feeling better. The second round of Gemzar just killed her — literally, I believe — because it broke down her immune system and weakened her so much that I believe it hastened her death. Please understand that everyone responds differently and most people seem to tolerate this chemo pretty well, so I was surprised that my mother had such an extreme reaction. I think that it’s just exhausting for the body to tolerate so many toxins so after a couple of treatments the symptoms seem to get worse. I think the lack of appetite is normal, and chemo can make it worse. The stomach pains, we were told, can be a good sign, that maybe the tumors are dying and that’s what is causing the pain.

    My mother also had fatigue and fevers, but when her fever got higher and she had shortness of breath, we had to take her to the hospital because it turned out that she had an infection – cholangitis. So watch your mother carefully to make sure the fever isn’t a sign of infection – then she’ll need antibiotics right away. I would ask if your mother could take a short break from chemo — it seems like 4 treatments might be a little too much for her to handle right now. Just my opinion – I know it’s hard to make decisions based on the little information we have, so there is no right or wrong answer. I just know that my mother’s immune system was never good to begin with, so chemo just made it worse. Everyone is different – I hope your mother bounces back soon. Also, if she has nausea she may not want to eat or drink, so I hope they gave her some anti-nausea medications – they can really help.

    Best of luck to you and your family. Lot of love and hope going your way,

    – Joyce

    in reply to: Mums story… #16160

    Dear Andrea,
    I am so sorry for your loss, and I know how horrible you feel, as I lost my mother a little over 6 months ago (she was also 64), and I still cry over her every day. Less than 2 months after diagnosis, she was dead. And she always had regular blood tests every 3 months because she had autoimmune hepatitis, and they STILL didn’t detect it until the very end. This cruel cancer takes some of the best people in the world and it gives you no warning. It’s horrible to watch your loved one deteriorate before your eyes and feel so helpless to do anything to alleviate their suffering. I know you and your family are devastated right now, and I hope that you can find some relief in knowing how lucky you were to have such a wonderful mother. I know it’s not enough — I often think that the only thing that would make me happy is if I could just bring my mother back — but we have to keep going and keep their memories alive, as someone else just said.

    Please feel free to use this board to vent any of the feelings and thoughts you have, as I have often done — it helps to have contact with other people who know exactly what you’re going through – it makes you feel less alone at a very lonely time in your life.

    My heartfelt sympathy, and hope for better days. Those on this board who are fighting the disease are an inspiration because they may be able to prevent other beautiful human beings from succumbing to this horrible cancer.

    in reply to: Taxotere (8 day post check up) #16285

    Best of luck, Jeff – I hope all the side effects are signs that the stuff is working! Wouldn’t that be great? We’re all rooting for you-

    in reply to: My best friend, my husband #16267

    Dear Macks,
    I am so so very sorry and my heart goes out to you in your time of grief. I know words cannot express how devastated you are, so please know you have our sympathy and love and try to hang in there. Your husband was a beautiful man and all who knew him were blessed.
    Peace to you and your loved ones,

    in reply to: Chemo only option? #16249

    Hi Carol,
    I sympathize with how frustrated you feel right now! My mother was given chemo as her only option because of the “uncountable” tumors in both lobes of her liver. She tried Xeloda and Gemzar, but she was too far gone for it to make much of a difference. It works very well for some people, though. Also check out the people on this site who use a special diet and herbal supplements and mushroom extract – I think it’s under “Alternative Treatments.” Different things work for different people, so don’t give up hope!

    Much luck to you!

    – Joyce

    in reply to: Hello #14386

    Welcome, Joe!
    You sound like a very courageous and positive person – most people who come to this site are family and friends of those with cc (with lots of exceptions, of course!) – because it’s so overwhelming when you have this disease to absorb all the information about it and not be discouraged. My own mother never wanted to know what I found out in my research – it was too terrifying for her. She, too, loved her family and her only granddaughter more than anything in the world, so you remind me of her, and I’m rooting for you, as I know everyone on this board is also.

    Please tell your family that they can always get a sympathetic ear to listen to them here, and perhaps some answers to their questions. It is very sweet that you’re concerned about your family, but you must be a little anxious also, so I hope we can give you some support and hope if and when you need it. It helps so much to be in contact with people who are going through the same ordeals, especially with this rare cancer.

    Best of luck to you, Joe – your family sounds wonderful, and very lucky to have you.

    – Joyce

    in reply to: LONG TERM SUCCESS STORIES #16196

    Please be heartened – there are at least 2 long-term survivors on this board, I believe they are JeffG and darn, I can’t remember the other name but I recognize them when I see their posts and they are always uplifting! Go to the discussion thread about good news/what’s working and I’m sure you’ll find some hope there. Miracles DO happen!-Joyce

    in reply to: Bob has left us #16215

    Bob’s Wife,
    You have my sincere and heartfelt condolences, I have read your posts and felt your anguish – and Bob’s. May you both have some peace – even when you expect the end, it is still always devastating.

    Hugs and tears to you,

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