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  • in reply to: 2 1/2 year scan – clean!! #62122

    I am so happy for you! Enjoy your health!

    in reply to: New Cancer Drug Uses Body’s Own Defense #61798

    I am so grateful that they are discovering new treatments! It gives me great hope for our future!

    in reply to: Trial Drug is working! #61380

    Eileen, at this point it is simply identified by a string of letters and numbers: ABC294640. It is based on sphingolipids, taken orally in tablet form. There had been studies done on a similar IV drug that had promising results. They are still in phase one – this is a dose escalation study to determine the maximum dose. My husband was the second person enrolled- he takes one pill a day. The two pill a day cohort is full, and they are beginning to enroll the third cohort- two pills in the morning, two pills at night. The only side effect so far seems to be nausea.

    in reply to: Tumors are shirnking! #57851

    Congratulations! I love coming here and reading success stories!

    in reply to: Hello from a frustrated wife #57769

    Diana, welcome to a great place to share victories and have many people ready to comfort you on the rough days.

    My husband (now 52) was diagnosed in May 2010. The GI barely worked in his smallest stent. We have been through two cycles of chemo, with oral/chemo radiation in the middle of them. We are not candidates for surgery, and his tumors (one of which appeared during the 2nd chemo cycle) refuse to shrink.

    However, we are currently on a brand new trial drug…so far the tumors are stable after 4 months. No new growth. We have had to get the original stent replaced, but otherwise, right now, he feels very good. His bloodwork is looking awesome, and the doctors are very happy with the way things are going. If this drug keeps the cancer from progressing with no side effects, then we have great hope for our future.

    Don’t give up— you will have your ups and downs, but there are getting to be more and more survivors of this cancer. It sounds like you are in a center that understands CC. Keep us informed!


    in reply to: What next? #53961

    Bkat, my heart goes out to you. I hope your dad can be kept comfortable, and that you have some good quality time together in the coming weeks. Much love to you.


    in reply to: Doing well after 2 years! #56790

    Well, I don’t know if we will ever be cancer-free…but if we keep going in the stable category, I feel that we are surviving…we have survived one year…and in a few months we’ll be two year survivors. I pray that one day we can say that he has been cured.

    in reply to: Preliminary reading of my 2 year scan #57491

    Congratulations!! We are at a year and a half…it feels good to keep getting good reports! May the good news keep coming.

    in reply to: Last Entry #57447

    I am so sorry to hear of his passing. This is such a cruel disease, and often it is not understood by many doctors. I hope that you have loved ones around you to help you in your time of grief.

    in reply to: Make sure you are sitting down. #57387

    Congratulations, Grover! I haven’t been on the board in a long time. I am very glad to hear your good news.

    in reply to: Met with CC / LT survivor #52691

    I have a question…we were told that my husband was not eligible for a translplant for the same reason that he isn’t a candidate for a liver resection.. is this true, or is this just the opinion of our doctor?

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47926

    Thank you for sharing good news…it helps my husband to know that surviving is a very real option…that he can live more than the one to two years he was given a year ago. He now talks about what we will do when I retire in 12 years– a major change over his attitude only a couple of months ago. Keep healthy!

    in reply to: Unexpectedly wonderful news! #50548

    from what I have read, for red blood cells, red meat and green leafy veggies. For white blood cells, they recommend that you eat foods high in vitamin C, zinc, and beta carotene. Specifically, they recommended orange veggies. Also, moderate exercise can raise white blood cell count.

    in reply to: Our life with cancer #49006

    Welcome — I haven’t been on the board very long, and haven’t made very many posts at all…the attitudes of all the members have really helped me change the way I am viewing my husband’s cancer — I’m beginning to truly understand the term “living with cancer.” You can’t let it defeat you; you must live the best life you possibly can.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42219

    The hard part is figuring out where to start? Who do I complain to?

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