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  • in reply to: cyberknife and insurance coverage #24172

    My husband has had 3 rounds of Cyberknife treatments starting back in January 2008 and the insurance company (Ind. Blue Cross & Shield) has approved all 3. The doctor said we would probably have difficulty from the insurance company but we cannot complain at all. His office gets the precertifications. Wish I could tell you more about getting the approval. Best of luck.

    in reply to: A Good News Day #24159

    Fantasic News!!! So happy for Teddy and you.

    in reply to: confused husband #23940

    Dear Dave,
    So sorry to have to make your acquaintance here. I can totally relate to the turmoil you are feeling. As you have determined everybody with this dreadful disease reacts differently and there is no one treatment. My husband was also told he had months to live and we are now at a year anniversary from diagnosis. He has had two different treatments of Cyberknife and next week he is getting another round. We have had a year of constant rollercoaster rides with different symptoms. Yes, figure she is going to make it. A positive outlook means so much. Prayers coming your way.

    in reply to: rough week – just need someone who understands to know…. #23936

    Being in the medical profession you probably know this, but I was shocked how dehydration can make especially an older person delusional and kind of whacked out. My mother-in-law was in the hospital for tests and had become dehydrated (claims she does not like to drink water) and she started saying and doing some pretty off the wall things. Once we got some fluids into her she was her old self. Happened again at home during a summer. Since that happened I am constantly making sure she is well hydated (I can be such a nag!). Just thought I would share. Hope today is much better for your Mom. And boy can I empathize with the pre wedding events.

    in reply to: THE MAIL CAME! #23770

    The brochures have arrived and look fantastic! We have to go back to Boston this weekend so I will bring them along to place wherever it seems beneficial at Beth Isreal Deaconess. Thanks so much!

    in reply to: CA19-9 levels #23323

    Lulu….how sad that we have to awake everyday with pain in our hearts for our loved ones. The reason for the letter writing was Rob refused to take chemo for palliative purposes only. We could not find a doctor willing to operate…Rob had indicated he would rather die on the table trying to rid his body of this cancer. I sought alternative methods to operating. The Cyberknife doctors did indicate that their method was only palliative also and obviously they are right. How I wish somebody would use the word curative!
    Carol…Thanks so much for the words of support. Please let us know how the SIR-spheres works. I know waiting on insurance approval is nerve wracking. Prayers to Charlie and you.
    Prayers to each and everyone.

    in reply to: CA19-9 levels #23320

    Hi Lulu,
    Sorry you have had to look and find this site. We are a bit discouraged at present. After intensive research and letter writting to different doctors Rob had Cyberknife treatment in Boston as Beth Isreal Deaconess Hospital in January 2008 treating 3 tumors in the liver. In July of 2008 he was again treated for a new small liver in the tumor and a mets tumor in the spine. We just came back from a follow up scan in Boston and the good news is all treated tumors appear “dead”, no cancer cells showing. The bad news there is a new tumor in the liver. Our doctor has decided to have a tumor conference with other doctors to see what the best course of action is. So I do not have any “positive” news to offer. How I pray that I did. It seems no matter how hard we try to zap off these tumors they just keep developing. I pray for all devastated with cancer. It is such a waste of wonderful people.

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23731

    Chin up! Sounds like you have a plan to follow and we will be anxious to hear how the Tarceva works for you. Prayers for you.

    in reply to: Caregiver’s Bill of Rights #23526

    Thank you. This disease beats up the patient and caregiver so much. It is good to know that some of the feelings and emotions are “normal”


    Dear Rachel and Family,
    So very sorry on the loss you are experiencing. I pray your pain lessens everyday as you remember all the joy your Dad brought thoughout his lifetime. Prayers of comfort….

    in reply to: CA19-9 levels #23317

    Sorry you have had to make our acquaintance at this site. My husband was diagnosed a year ago and was told he had only months to live, but thankfully he is still here – so please do not be discouraged. You will find many different stories and suggestions on this wonderful site. Prayers for your Dad and family.

    in reply to: Just wanted to introduce myself #23434

    Praise the Lord! How blessed that the operation was a success even if the month of recoup and month prior to the operation were torture.

    in reply to: PLEASE any suggestions for gas #23268

    Sorry I do not have any suggestions on the gas. My husband was prescribed Nexium (one pill a day) for the heartburn he suffered with and it has done wonders. For years he was bothered terribly, always taking Tums and Rolaids. I had to watch cooking Italian or Mexican. But since he has been taking the Nexium I don’t have to ask what he’s “up to” eating…nothing seems to bother him. I personally started drinking alot of water instead of taking medication (Tums, Rolaids). I had read an article how medication defeats the purpose of the acid in our stomaches and we become totally dependant on them. With time, treating my milder form of heartburn just with water worked. Hope something here may have been helpful. Safe trip back to the States!

    in reply to: Prelims back from my latest scan #23254

    Absolutely the best news…congratulations. Always like to read good news. Your mother will be so thrilled for so many reasons.


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this horrible time. Know that your Dad truly loves you all. Hopefully the “experts” will find a medication to help him have more peace and give you the time to verbally commuicate what he already knows…how much he is loved.

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