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  • in reply to: My chemo experience Gezmar/Cisplatin #38209

    Well, I restarted chemo last Thursday. All went well. Watched another movie. Have not been as tired as last time and not sick, but everyone says that was from the stent clogging. Hoping things stay this way. Next chemo is next Thursday.

    The reason I quite was that I was not going to live like that for 6 months – in bed and very nausiated.

    The reason I’ve restarted is that my oncologyst said he belives there would be “value” in chemo for me, and my GI doctor said, “If you are going to do chemo, why not do it now.” Also, f I restarted this month I would not have to have another MRI; but if I restarted in July, I would need another baseline MRI for chemo.

    in reply to: One step back, yet again! Chemo cancelled #39191

    Thanks Rick, for explaining this. I do remember that you are a man of science and a man of faith.


    Not really being a woman of math, is there a simple formal to convert micromoles per liter to the US lab standards of mg/dl? Maybe not.

    in reply to: One step back, yet again! Chemo cancelled #39187

    I looked at the above site. Under “blood levels” it lists the normal mg levels at low ranges such as 0.1-1.2. It does state, “Different sources provide reference ranges which are similar but not identical.” It gives the source for each of the 3 standards which are all low. I think this may be a US site.

    But I still do not understand. Do parts of the UK use a different measuring method than the US? This web site from the UK says about the same: http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_5499686_normal-liver-function-test-results.html

    in reply to: One step back, yet again! Chemo cancelled #39184

    I don’t understand the bilirubin levels, “Last week they were 45, and this week they are 75. So in one week they have increased by 30.”

    My lab sheet says Total Bilirubin reference range is 0.1-1.0, and Direct Bilirubin is 0.0-0.3. It does say mg/dl after these on my lab sheet, so perhaps a different measurement is being used?

    I hope someone can explain this to me, because I can’t get into context. I know we all experience things differently, but how could it not darken your urine? It’s got to get out somehow.



    When looking at the website for States That Require Health Plans to Cover Patient Care Costs in Clinical Trials, take note on when it was updated. Even if your state is not listed, there could be coverage.

    Although Iowa is not listed, the governor signed the Iowa Cancer Clinical Trail Insurance Mandate in February 10 requiring insurance companies to provide coverage for cancer clinical trials.

    in reply to: Insurance denies newest chemo treatment #39159


    That’s a great find! A clinical trial and a state that requires your insurance company to pay. The link to all the states is here: http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/ctlaws-home

    Iowa is not listed as mandating coverage, but the bill to mandate coverage in Iowa was passed in Jan 10.


    in reply to: To Chemo or Not #39129

    It’s so hard to make these decisions. I started chemo last month, ended up in the hospital for a blocked stent, called and altogether stopped chemo, and now it looks like I’m going to restart chemo again this week. I once told my oncologist I thought he was wishy warshy about chemo and now I appear to be the same way.

    I would definitely take quality over bad quantity, but just maybe there can be quantity and actually pretty good quality. A lot of people on this site say Gem/cis did not have a lot of bad side effects. I think it’s the citsplat that is suppose to be harder on one. All of us are different though. My oncologist says I can stop anytime. I’m assuming Teddy would have that choice, too?

    I’ll say a prayer for you you and Teddy that God may help you with this decision.


    in reply to: Insurance denies newest chemo treatment #39147


    I’ve been told they have social workers at Mayo who work on insurance approvals. Is it possible for you to contact Mayo and have them appeal the denial? It seems to me Mayo would have more information on this drug and could more aggressively appeal that decision.

    I was first denied by my insurance to go to Mayo (out of network), but an appeal worked.


    in reply to: Loosing that fighting feeling! #39033

    That’s a hard thing Rick, and people think about it so differently. I’ve read many survivor stories where people say they never once think about dying. I think that must be the way they need to do it to keep their joy, but I don’t think it’s the way for me. I can’t do it. I want to live but I’m not afraid to die. When I’m sicker than a dog (like two weeks ago when my stent clogged and needed to be cleaned out) my joyful attitude does change. You’ve been through a very rough few weeks. Give yourself a break, don’t beat yourself up for not being Mr. Pollyanna. I agree with Margaret, try to plan something for the future. “Sorrow my endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

    in reply to: Tough news today #38796


    You now have a plan. That’s good news. I usually pray for God to decide which treatment option He wants me to have, and that He will somehow block the ones that don’t fit into His plan. He is my main physician. I only tell you this because I know you are also a Christian with faith much like mine.

    I totally agree with your assessment of Mayo and I’ve heard wonderful things about Dr. Gores. I do know first hand about the stent doctors. They are the best. I was recently sent to the ER at St. Mary’s to be admitted with a clogged stent. By the way, my tumor is on the large size, too. 5×3.. since last Sept. I’m doing great.


    in reply to: I’m at the beginning of this frightening journey. #38882

    Mayo may recommend different combinations for different people. They put me on the GEM/Cis (only had one so far because of stent problems) first. Then again, I did have radiation and 24/7 5-FU chemo last fall, so I guess it wasn’t my first.
    Maybe I do have chemo brain. That’s what I call all my forgetfulness/mistakes now. Comes in handy.


    in reply to: Tough news today #38791

    Thanks for posting your update. I know your feeling before one of these appointments. Praying for you and your wife, too.

    Did they replace the stent or clean it out? Is it a metal stent?

    in reply to: Tough news today #38782

    Praying for you, Rick.

    in reply to: I gotta tattoo #38732


    I have the three tattoos you speak of! Even though they are little dots, I immediately vowed to never get a real tattoo. Hurts too much! Maybe I’m just a wimp, but I’m not asking for any pain I don’t have to have :o)


    in reply to: Anesthesia after chemotherapy #38557

    Journal Course 2: Anesthetic implications for cancer chemotherapy:


    Sounds like an anesthesiologist needs the records of your chemo treatment.

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