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  • in reply to: planning to start Gemzar,any advice? #50459

    Gemzar can sometimes sting a little when it first goes into the veins. If having it in your arm, ask for a heating pad to be wrapped around your arm a little while before they start chemo.

    in reply to: Hope Lodge – free accomodations #50377

    Jim, Thanks for posting the correct link. I changed mine to your correct link.

    Pam, the Hope Lodges are indeed a blessing to many.

    in reply to: update on Harmony #29549


    As a mom myself, my heart is breaking for you, but rejoicing in the promise we have that Harmony is in heaven with her Lord. In eternity’s time, it will be just a blink of an eye and we will be with her.

    Your message to all of us is beautiful. Thank you so much for posting it.

    With God’s love,

    in reply to: Financial assistance #36450

    Hope Lodge

    “Each Hope Lodge offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free, temporary place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment may be in another city. Not having to worry about where to stay or how to pay for lodging allows guests to focus on getting well.” “Currently, there are 31 Hope Lodge locations throughout the United States. Accommodations and eligibility requirements may vary by location.”

    We stayed there during my radiation and treatment at Mayo. Our doctor told us about it and had to submit the request. They did not ask for insurance or financial information.


    in reply to: extreme lower belly pain and gas pains #50314

    After my first chemo treatment I got very sick. Although I blamed the chemo, the problem was my stent had become clogged.

    Some chemos like gem/cis can cause unexplained fevers. Also happened to me.

    Are they sure she is not constipated? I have had lower belly pain and lower back pain. Went to the doctor thinking it was the cancer. Actually had a different doctor tell me it was “the cancer”, but an x-ray showed constipation. Morphine does/can cause constipation as it slows everything down.

    My prayers are with you, your daughter, and the doctors.


    Whoever decided to take your daughter to the doctor or admit her to the hospital for the fever did the right thing. I can’t stress enough on how important it is for people having chemo and developing fevers to call/see the doctor. A fever could be some minor reaction, but it could be life threatening. I was always to call if my fever went over 100.5. While on chemo you sometimes just don’t have the white blood cells to fight a simple infection. Good job!

    in reply to: Don’t know what to do #50161

    My dad died 8 months ago. My mom died 5 days ago. They were married 73 years. Mom has been very miserable since dad went to heaven before her.

    I can feel your grief in losing a parent. It’s been harder than I expected.

    We went through the anger and me not totally understanding what she was going through, maybe because of my own grief and dealing with my own cc.

    Take care of yourself, but please know she may not be able to go on the same. Be patient with her, even when she’s unreasonable, so you won’t have many regrets when she dies.

    I miss my parents so much.

    in reply to: Hello All #50068


    Loved looking at the pictures of your beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.

    Whenever the doubts and fears come to mind, reread Bob’s reply to you. Print it out so you can have it handy.

    I’m in a different place than you are as I was inoperable and given 3 -14 months max. It’s now been 21 months and I feel fine. My doctors are amazed I’m still around and doing great. Just goes to prove statistics maybe don’t apply to us.

    Take care.
    God bless


    in reply to: Weight gain, fatigue #49903

    I’ve walked the same path – gaining weight on gem/cis. At only 5’2″ and already 20 pounds more than I use to be when younger, 20 pounds is a lot for me.

    Since losing weight is one of the things that go along with bile duct cancer, my family was pleased with every pound I gained. My oncologist told me to blame it on him as he put me on steroids 4 days a week during my chemo weeks. I hope you have the same support. Doesn’t make it a whole lot easier, but it sure would be a whole lot harder if that support wasn’t there.

    God bless.
    Take care


    in reply to: “tubeless…” update #49742


    It’s so good to hear from you! Your news is wonderful!

    Like you, I have not posted much since our recent lost of so many friends with cc. Just not the same, yet. I guess it has all hit too close to home for me.

    God has been by your side through this whole journey.

    Thank you for posting!

    Take care.
    God bless.


    in reply to: Just made the decision to go with hospice #49823


    Read your post yesterday for the first time. I had just gotten home from the hospital and felt sort of down. Reread it again today and I need to tell you how much I admire you. Your statement strikes so close to home for me, “But I know where I am going. I know that my Heavenly Father is looking after me and will continue to look after my family when I am gone. It’s time to give up control and trust completely in God. It’s time to love and enjoy my family with the time I have left. It’s time to live as best as able one day at a time.”

    Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us. I don’t actually know you, but I love you.


    in reply to: Rick Kamp has gone home #49784

    To Rick Kamps dad and mom: You raised a strong Christian son. In God’s time it will only be in a blink of an eye that we will all be together. God bless.

    in reply to: My wife diagnosed 2/2011 #49758


    I have an inoperable tumor – diagnosed in July 2009. During my first treatment of radiation and 24/7 chemo I was sick and nauseated all the time. None of the meds helped. After treatment was over it was discovered during a stent replacement that I had developed a ulcer on my esophagus. It only took four days of 40mg/day twice a day of prilosec to end the nausea. I also burped and belched a lot – but never in my entire life before treatment.

    I’m glad you have local doctors who will work with bile duct cancer specialists. That’s a huge blessing.

    Take care.
    God bless.


    in reply to: Still Fighting & Hoping for that Liver Transplant #49713

    Houston Mom,

    You are right, God’s perfect timing will bring the best for you.

    Take Care.
    God bless.

    in reply to: Awareness T-shirts #49357

    Thanks, Nancy. Just sent you an email.


    Oh, yes. I think I forgot to tell you who I was in the email. :)



    I was diagnosed stage 4 inoperable July 09 and given 3 to a maximum of 14 months to live. It’s now been over 20 months. Still feeling good and no pain. Just got back from a cruise. My doctors are amazed. I don’t have the energy I use to, but I don’t need naps. I do have chemo brain, but it’s a great excuse for everything :)

    Take care. God bless.


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