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  • in reply to: My Grandmother/A sad update #75939

    Elsy, I am so sorry to read this. Yes, cc is horrible! I pray for strength and comfort for your family.

    in reply to: Hello – I’m new to this board #75486

    Great news!! I will have everything crossed for a successful resection!! I am so glad for you that you were able to get in to UCSF!

    in reply to: Phone Consults with MD ANDERSON (or other cancer hospitals) #75933

    I had problems getting IN STATE coverage because Fox Chase, although covered by AETNA, is not in my network… But Mem Sloan Kettering was much less hassle. I hate dealing with insurance!

    in reply to: Somewhat new to the site #75465

    Hi, Rod,
    Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you! I’m hoping that you have many many cc-free years ahead.

    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75876

    Oceangirl, I am sorry you all had to join this little family, but as you can see, we are here for each other and try so hard to help with issues.
    I also had depression… Still do once in a while. I was on Ativan, then Xanax, but quit them in April when I felt I didn’t need them anymore (besides, the Xanax made me dizzy).
    When I lost weight, and didn’t care about eating, I drank ensure. It’s filled with nutrients and calories. Plus it tastes great. I still drink a little of it occasionally, for the nutrients. I definitely don’t need the calories, tho!
    If you can get him to drink, juicing or smoothies are a great way to get some nutrition without having to eat. You can make smoothies using spinach and fruits and get lots of good stuff in a shake form. Or juicing veggies is great (although I don’t like juicing).
    Good luck with options and I am praying the chemo works and your brothers treatment and therapy both go well.

    in reply to: New member — Wife recently diagnosed with ICC #72307

    I know you think no transplant is bad news… But think of the GOOd news! Shrinkage… Only visible cancer cells are dead cells… That scores very, very high in my book!
    Yes, I understand the frustration of not being operable… I wasn’t, then I was, then I wasn’t. That was harder than the first “wasn’t” because I had been given hope. But ask Lainy, en11, cawler, mcwgoat… Etc. and they will tell you I look healthy. Not operable, but not sick. Most of the cancer cells in my body are dead, too. I will take that every day over active cells!
    Keep on being a great advocate and you will find an outcome you both can LIVE with.

    in reply to: Pain in liver during chemo? #75851

    I had pain shoot through the liver area during chemo. It was sharp, but not very prolonged. The onc said it was probably from scarring and the tumor dying off. My next CT scan showed marked shrinkage so I always took the pains as a good sign.
    BTW, it kind of felt like I was being stabbed from within, but only lasted about 10 seconds. Not that I know what being stabbed feels like….

    in reply to: Financial assistance for family travel #73045

    Sanjay, what a wonderful thing!! Tell Miss Mira she is our hero!!

    in reply to: Depression #75787

    I know exactly how you feel! Cc was my main topic of conversation once I lst my job and didn’t work… I try not to let it be anymore, but it’s hard. And sometimes you feel so isolated!
    I allow myself a mini pity party, and then mentally kick myself in the @$$.

    in reply to: New to Site #75735

    Welcome WordmanWray.
    Sorry you had to find us. This is a wonderful place for support and information. I think it’s great that you are able to continue to work: I imagine the shoe is often on the other foot, with people wanting to help you! Keep up your positive attitude, as it works wonders.
    I returned to church just months before my diagnosis, and have since been rebaptized. It has been a source of comfort to me.
    What treatment have you had? Please keep us posted and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask! Many of our “family” have a wealth of information.

    in reply to: Update after silence (sorry) #75515

    Congratulations on a great benefit.
    As far as stress… Yes, I believe stress can aid the cancerous cells in forming/growing. Women who carry extra weight a certain way are said to have more stress. They call it “stress weight” I think.
    Anyway, I believe stress accounts for lots of maladies. As far as a cure for $199??? Sounds too good to be true, so it probably is. Too good to be true, that is. If it was true, I would think it would be the best thing since sliced bread and it would go viral.
    Just my opinion.

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed ICC 9 months ago #75668

    Hi, Marc,
    I’m sorry Vinnie didn’t get accepted at Fox Chase, but glad he found his new docs. I hope he told you I met him, your mom and sister(?). He didn’t look too hopeful, so I hope I helped. I’m a bundle of energy!!
    It’s great to hear of people getting better suited help because of this site! How wonderful that Vinnie is getting some therapy. I sure hope it works! Say hi to them for me. And feel free to call me again if you want to talk. I was hoping he would call me later that day or the next with his results.
    I do have to say that there’s nothing wrong with going along with your docs, if you are comfortable with them. I did it, because I thought it was best for me. When I made my decision to change therapies, I gave it a lot of thought. I KNEW it was right for me, but I still weighed the pros and cons.
    Good luck to Vinnie!

    in reply to: Scan scheduled for this Friday, September 20th #75692

    Always, always, always, dear Lisa!! But I will make them extra special!!
    Love and prayers sent!!

    in reply to: update on me #75612

    Holly, good news! Yes, there’s a good chance the cancer will return, but I would be so busy celebrating life to make it afraid of me!! :)
    Xeloda works on some cc mutations, but not all. One of the mutations in my body responded to it, another area did not care at all that it was supposed to shrink and/or die. Possibly you have had a biopsy and one of your oncs knows which family the Tumors formerly your body belong to. I would definitely ask! I wish I could be of more help.
    Congratulations on the clean scan again!

    Mary, sorry to hear your pain is increasing. I wish there was another alternative, but…

    in reply to: University of Chicago #75600

    Hi jz… Love the word stable!! I’m on an inhibitor also, but no chemo, and have been hearing that wonderful word for 6 months!!
    Congratulations, and I’m with you in the hoping for a cure department.

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