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  • in reply to: Help Please #74768

    Lainy, sending you loads and loads of positive thoughts!! I can’t help here, but I sure hope remicade works for you! Maybe you’ll get your hair back!! (See? Looking at the good side!)

    in reply to: Surgery Tuesday!!! #74742

    Heather, fingers and toes crossed. Plus a little word to the big guy! I’ll be watching for the great news!!!

    in reply to: New ICC Diagnosis — Looking for Advice #73251

    I can’t wait any longer! What’s the news??

    in reply to: Roller Coaster Ride – No kidding #74661

    Yummy!! I’m hungry now!! For CrackerJacks!!

    in reply to: Roller Coaster Ride – No kidding #74659

    And I call it a game of chutes and ladders at times… You climb and climb the ladder only to find yourself sliding down a chute.

    in reply to: Roller Coaster Ride – No kidding #74658

    I’m happy to hear you got your way! But sorry you had to fight so hard for that. I had a couple of blood infections, too. And spent a few days in the hospital with them. I believe they gave me Levaquin, also, and I was usually out within a few days.
    I hope it settles down for Mark. They threatened to remove both my port and my pump, but I wouldn’t let them! And I guess my body finally got used to them.
    Good luck and praying for good results from gem/ox. If he can handle the cocktail, great, because I don’t think many cc mutations can live through that combo.

    in reply to: New to the Site #73662

    Im sorry Dave had such a long day! That’s unbelievable… 4 hours waiting to start chemo? I would have been yelling! It doesn’t take THAT long! I can understand a couple of hours, but 4???
    I just hope that things will start going more smoothly.
    And I hope he starts feeling better.
    Call me if you need to.

    in reply to: New ICC Diagnosis — Looking for Advice #73248

    I hope you don’t have to wait TOO long! Bring lunch! Lol
    Typically, she ran 30 minutes late. Sometimes longer.
    All these people at Sloan now! Makes me wish I was still there… No, wait… Never mind! :). I like my 20 minute commute better.
    Good luck to all of you today at Sloan.

    in reply to: Scan today #74559

    11 hours and counting… I was really good this time, but the mind is starting to take over. (Gulp!)

    in reply to: Radiation/Xeloda #74625

    Hi Stan,
    I had stereotactic radiation, so can’t really compare that.
    But I was on Xeloda, and remember to moisturizer your hands and feet now! Most people get some hand and foot syndrome: some worse than others. But almost everyone has some reaction. Moisturizing with a good cream will keep them from peeling or cracking. I bought socks that hold the moisturizer in better, and suffered very little. I quit moisturizing heavily too early, tho, and so did have some peeling after treatment stopped.
    I can’t remember if there were any other side effects.
    Good luck with your treatment.

    in reply to: Frustrated with nursing home regarding blood tests #74608

    I know it takes longer for the CA 19-9 to come back from the labs. But 2 days is a LONG time! I thought it was about 4 hours! If that.
    Unfortunately, it looks like you will have to clear this up, as no one else will. I hope it gets straightened out fairly easily. It’s not something you should HAVE to worry about, that’s the tough part. Unfortunately it happens to a lot of us.
    Good luck with ALL you have on your plate tomorrow.

    in reply to: New ICC Diagnosis — Looking for Advice #73245

    Good luck tomorrow! I’m thinking of you! Tell Dr. Fong Kris Jacobson (really tall woman) says hi! Lol

    in reply to: Update on my mother (surgery done!) #74602

    Glad to hear of your moms successful surgery! Here’s hoping for good pathology results.

    in reply to: Scan today #74554

    Thank you.
    I pray Dr. Fong gives you wonderful options. Best of luck in NYC.

    in reply to: New ICC Diagnosis — Looking for Advice #73239

    Lisa Craine reached out to me, and thought I could be of help. She thought of me because Dr. Fong was my surgeon, and i may have some valuable information and insight for you. I LOVE Dr. Fong. I was being treated at MSKCC for 2 years, and have the liver infusion pump. See thread about this.

    My onc was Dr. Nancy Kemeny. There are many posts about her, too. Being nice, I will just say I hope you spoke to someone else. Although if you can handle her, she is one of the best.
    Anyway, please feel free to call or write with ANY questions about Sloan, Dr. Fong, Dr. Kemeny, the pump, this stinking journey we have to be on, or whatever. My last 2.5 years are pretty well documented here, or on my blog at
    My number is 267-625-9873. And my email is
    I am no longer being treated at Sloan, however. I have joined a clinical trial at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and so far, so good!
    I hope Dr. Fong is able to help you. Keep the faith, think positive thoughts, and know my thoughts are with you.

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