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  • in reply to: Scan today #74548

    Scan is done. Now to wait until Monday for results. But I’m not too anxious: big change from before April. I almost didn’t even post because I wasn’t dwelling on it!
    I will definitely post on Monday, tho!! In the good news section!!

    in reply to: New chemo #74566

    Sending out a planeload (it’s over land, after all!) of good thoughts, wishes and prayers!! And a huge cyber hug!
    Stock up on good moisturizer (check posts for brands… I used something “udder”). And be prepared to drink room temp beverages. Hoping your side effects are minimal. Good part of this: oxaliplatin worked GREAT on both of the mutations in my body. I hope it beats yours down just as well.
    There are so many trials that seem to be heading in the right direction… Keep us updated on what’s happening.
    Setbacks are a terrible thing, especially on the mind. But have faith that God has a reason. I’m glad to hear you are still feeling good: that’s a big part of the battle right there.

    in reply to: My Update #74436

    Dianne, how far away is Tyrone? I posted in the members cafe section about meeting in person some day next month around New Hope area.

    in reply to: My Update #74434

    Call me if you need to. 267-625-9873.

    in reply to: Hello. 2 people I know with bile duct cancer. #74509

    Hi, secretagent,
    Sorry you had to find us. Yes, I agree that there are a lot of environmental factors that can contribute to cancer. Someone recently posted that developer (for pictures/printing industry) is being considered and I worked in that industry since 1981. I have had my share of mishaps with developer, so I’m not too surprised to hear. And I believe all of our processed food is a big factor. Fast Food has got to be on the top of the list!
    It sounds like you like her team? I don’t know how many cc patients they see, so I hope there’s at least a few? But with all of her health issues, going somewhere else would probably be tough.
    I can also understand your dads feelings. You have to try to get him to understand that what’s done is done. There’s no going back, so focus on what to do now.
    Good luck,

    in reply to: 2 Doc Visits Done #74495

    Yay for cancer free! I hope the lesion turns out to be nothing…
    I cant believe the blood test is so expensive! I sure hope it’s covered.
    Feel better, Chicky!

    in reply to: new to site, looking for support #74262

    I will also chime in here. I receive my treatments at Fox Chase in Philadelphia., not far from U of P. I live in Willow Grove, about 1/2 hour or so from U of P.
    There are a few of us from PA and NJ. I posted once before about having a get together somewhere in the middle, but the thread died.
    My number is 267-625-9873. I don’t answer unknown phone numbers, tho, because too many of them are bill collectors (the joy of a cancer patient). But I will call you back.
    Maybe we can finally do something, possibly next month? My suggestion would be meeting at a diner/restaurant for lunch where they have a separate room so we can talk without “disturbing” other people with our cancer talk.

    in reply to: My Update #74432

    Mary, I write a blog on caringbridge. I have posted the link and emailed it to family and friends. It is my way of telling what is going on, my feelings, thoughts and fears. I don’t post often anymore: in fact, the last post was about Tiffany’s transplant. But when I feel the need to let it out, I come here or go there. It is cathartic, and people have the choice to read it or not.
    I have posted about my crying days, my fears, my hospital stays, my treatments, etc. I haven’t posted how I feel guilty for getting this. My parents aren’t supposed to have to worry about me. They are supposed to be enjoying their later years in Alabama. But that’s what it is.

    in reply to: Constipation during chemo…week 3 #74485

    Peg, usually we have the OTHER problem from chemo! At least, I sure did! I was prescribed Colace to take when taking oxycodone because that causes constipation. It worked well.

    in reply to: Cancer Centers of America #74479

    I won’t comment on CTCA except to say they don’t have a good rep with AETNA. AETNA doesn’t recognize them. BUT, I also say get as many opinions as you feel you need until you find a place you like. I also agree no one really knows how we will fight our own battles against this monster. Some of us have been going for over 2 years with no resection, transplant, or much initial hope. I myself was basically told no more than 2 years, and that was April 2011. And I still don’t feel sick. So you can’t believe them! And no more “widow” talk around Ken! PLEASE??? Believe me, he’s carrying his own guilt for getting this.
    Make plans for graduation, and whatever else you have coming up. Try not to dwell on the “what ifs”. There will be enough of them, but try to help him act “normal”, whatever that is.

    in reply to: My Update #74423

    I’m sorry to hear all of this. Hopefully the pain is related to the SBRT treatments.
    I know how you feel about not wanting others to know how you feel or worry: its tough. Losing hope is, unfortunately, a side effect (if I can say that). I think we have all been there. I can say the mind can be a terrible thing. My mind was causing all sorts of pain two years ago…. I couldn’t stand the pain and took loads of oxycodone. They did a bone scan and an MRI and found nothing! And miraculously, my pain went away (mostly).
    This forum is for all of us. Share good news, bad news, worries, information: anything you need! We are all here for each other.

    in reply to: Hey I’m back in the Good News category #74377

    Love hearing good news!! Yay to you, your family and your medical team!

    in reply to: Recurring fever makes Dad unfit for Chemo #74300

    I also had chills and a fever after Gem/Ox. It only went up to 101.5 most of the time, tho. And my blood counts were always low. And I visited the hospital a few times with blood infections. It’s a hard life, being a chemo patient. We have to balance cancer vs. poison.
    Unfortunately, it sounds as if gem/ox is just too toxic for your father. The good news? The doses he DID get will continue to work in his system.
    I would ask the doc about other treatment options, like 5fu, or the pill form, Xeloda. Maybe a clinical trial?


    Thank you Gavin!

    in reply to: Clear scan after 3 years….. #74129

    Kathy, great news! I’m so happy to read this! I’m sure you are thrilled!!!

    Elsyr, I am so sorry about your grandmother. I hope this new regimen works and you get some hopeful news.

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