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  • in reply to: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers #72867

    Ilias: I am sending out prayers of healing and strength for you and your mom. I am sorry to read this post.

    in reply to: Stable on trial drug #72936

    Lainy, don’t jump!! Just cheer!! Lol
    Thanks for the cheers, all!

    in reply to: Need advice on next course of treatment #72928

    Bridget: yes, in phase 1 trials we are doing this for science and others, as well as ourselves. I am stage IV but otherwise healthy, and am in a phase 1 trial that so far is keeping me stable. I like that word! It is an inhibitor trial.
    It’s scary to decide to do this, but has been worth it to me. Mainly because its doing what it’s supposed to do, with few side effects.
    Please get a second opinion! If you can, get to major hospitals where they deal with cc. Many oncs will allow you to work with a local onc for most treatment, and you will only have to travel for the “big” appointments.
    Our Tiff is on GTX which is gem/Xeloda and added Taxotere. I believe the addition of Taxotere made a big difference in her treatments.

    in reply to: First scan since trial started #72824

    2 hours and counting! The scanxiety is trying to get me, but I’m holding it off. Just keep saying its in Gods hands.

    in reply to: Question about cholangiocarcinoma & gallbladder issues #72893

    Katheryn: Gall bladder issues are what caused me to go to the dr in the first place. Which in turn led to the discovery of the tumor. My gall bladder was removed at the beginning of my treatment.
    I hope you can get answers, and treatment, to ease the pain. I remember those days! Not easy to deal with. Hopefully a second opinion will help. But it is a major surgery, so I can understand the hesitation when dealing with a cancer patient.
    Good luck,

    in reply to: Update on our son, Jeff #72783

    Hi Bob & Nancy,
    I, too, wish for some good news for Friday! What an amazing young man, to say a prayer for others whom he meets. That’s a wonderful gift he has.
    I will be waiting to hear about the great results!

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72262

    Pam: I wish I could make it for Lauren’s funeral. I will be thinking of you and the family. I pray God gives you strength to get through this. You are all in my prayers. I know Lauren will be there, and am sure she will visit you often. You had a wonderful relationship.

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72224

    I didn’t know if I should post either. I, too, am sending all my love and support to Pam, Mark, Gio and the rest of the family. I met Lauren, Pam and Lisa last year. They are all such strong, wonderful women.
    RIP Lauren. May you soar with the angels, now cancer free.
    Pam and family, may you find the strength to get through this terrible time.

    in reply to: Not sure what to think any more #72664

    Michele: I hate the waiting part, too! My old onc would let me wait a week, and wouldn’t discuss anything over the phone. Got me mad when I had bad results that she didn’t care!! UGH!
    I’m now at a new cancer center… I get my results in a couple of days now! And I feel like my onc cares!
    You can scream on this site if you want. (All caps). That’s what we’re here for! I’ve done it! And I’ve rambled. That’s what this is for: support. And information.
    Good luck.


    There are lots of new drugs coming out. Some of them work through immunotherapy. Others are also not chemo driven. Many are promising. I’m sure hoping there’s a breakthrough for more cancers soon. There have already been some breakthroughs for more mainstream cancers. If we can turn on the body’s cells to fight, wouldn’t this be wonderful??
    There are those natural remedy followers who say if we stop using processed sugars we will be starting our own form. Our cells take so much time processing sugars that we can’t fight cancer cells (says the chocoholic! ME!) I’m trying, but can’t get off the darned sugar!
    The trial I am in is using this theory of getting the body to oust the bad cells. I sure hope it works, for me and everyone else!

    in reply to: Not sure what to think any more #72661

    I’m sorry your husband is having problems with side effects. I was honest about my feet/hands and the neuropathy and the hand/foot syndrome (2diff chrmos). If I had known what was to happen, I might have changed my mind and tried to stay on the first chemo longer… It all depends on the patient, and all you can do is be supportive.

    in reply to: Chemo beginning #72668

    Good luck with your chemo on Thursday. Do you have an advocate through your insurance? Aetna has them. I sicced mine on the problem so I could transfer to Fox Chase Cancer Center. She got it through.
    I’m so glad you got to enjoy a vacation! I hope you could put that all-consuming word aside occasionally, and enjoy as much time as you could.

    in reply to: Update on Lauren #72199

    I’m praying for Lauren all the time. I keep telling God she has to wake up and start planning her wedding. She’s a beacon of hope for so many: going from inoperable to operable. I tell Him she HAS to pull through for all of us!

    in reply to: LY2801653 clinical trial #70382

    New side effect: my feet are HUGE by the end of the day! And BUZZY!! And the eruptions on my face and scalp are worse and itch like crazy! Still not bad enough for me to quit, and hopefully not enough to have them stop it. I find out Monday. Maybe they can lessen the dosage….

    in reply to: Update from NIH trial #72624

    I am so happy to read your news!! Yay for you!! And hopefully some cheers for some more cc patients soon!

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